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SD Pension 4th Best: Not Broke ’til 2035

The welcomely resurgent Displaced Plainsman finds this flyer from California Congressman Devin Nunes (who blogs! the Congressman blogs!) promoting public pension reform. The good news? The South Dakota Retirement System (in which my wife and I both have some chips) is the fourth-healthiest in the nation.

The bad news: without changes (luck, gold strikes, the I-29 corridor turning into Silicon Valley II), SDRS goes broke in 2035... when I turn 64.

But why worry? By then, I'll have finally figured out how to make a living blogging.

p.s.: Congressman Nunes is the same guy who said the passage of health care reform last year constituted "the total destruction of our constitutional republic." I assume his re-election was thus the product of... what, tyranny?

One Comment

  1. Stan Gibilisco 2011.01.11

    "The bad news: without changes (luck, gold strikes, the I-29 corridor turning into Silicon Valley II), SDRS goes broke in 2035… when I turn 64."

    Some people get dealt a bad deck! Ouch!

    "But why worry? By then, I’ll have finally figured out how to make a living blogging."

    Some people win despite their bad hands! Or maybe because of them ...

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