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Russell Olson and Dennis Daugaard: Frat Brothers

Today's good-old-boy trivia: Senate Majority Leader Russell Olson and Governor Dennis Daugaard are frat brothers. From Senator Olson's new Facebook page:

Russell Olson, Dennis Daugaard, and other members of the Lambda Chi Alpha frat boy network at Governor Daugaard's inauguration, January 2011
Senator Olson (standing, 2nd from L), Governor Daugaard (seated, 2nd from R), and fellow Lambda Chi Alpha frat boys.

Among my visions of dystopia is a government run by frat boys.


  1. larry kurtz 2011.02.11

    Makes Skull and Bones look like child's play. The difference, of course, is that in South Dakota, one person's "change" is another's rape.

  2. Bob Mercer 2011.02.11

    Was Scott Heidepriem a member of this fraternity?

  3. Eric Stratton 2011.02.11

    correct me if I'm wrong but wasn't Scott Heidepriem a member of that frat? I guess membership has its privileges, but only so far.

  4. caheidelberger Post author | 2011.02.11

    See? We're surrounded! Arrgghh!

  5. mgmonklewis 2011.02.11

    First come the frat boys. Then it's only a matter of time until the zombies take over.

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