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Madville Times Readers to South Dakota Legislature: You Stink!

The latest Madville Times poll finds significant dissatisfaction with the performance of our South Dakota Legislature in the just completed 2011 session. I asked, "Overall, how would you rate the performance of the 2011 South Dakota Legislature?" 186 of you responded thus:

  • Worst I've seen: 51% (94 Votes)
  • Worse than usual: 29% (54)
  • About normal: 9% (16)
  • Better than usual: 8% (14)
  • Best I've seen: 3% (8)

Thank you for voting... and uff da! Even given the renowned Madville Times poll margin of error just slightly smaller than the checks Heartland pays Senator Russell Olson to hand out, this five-option poll still draws a majority agreeing with Rep. Gene Abdallah (R-10/Sioux Falls): this Legislative session was not just bad, but the worst!

Now maybe people are still recovering from the heat of the emotion of the debates. Maybe after the schools have cut their budgets and laid off staff, when we all get ued to the new norm of less services and local tax hikes, once we all get the chance to spend a nice afternoon at Valhalla, we'll have forgotten all about the unpleasantness, the failed political stunts, the war on women, the abuse of political philosophy, and the sheer idiocy (double dip of Rep. Brian C. Liss). At least that's what legislators thinking of running for re-election in 2012 are hoping.

But hey, if you're like the Madison Central School Board, you'll think a mere 51% majority demands a do-over. Feel free: the Vermillion Plain Talk is offering a similar online poll where you can grade the 2011 Legislature. Stay tuned for results!