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More South Dakota Programs Kristi Will Cut

In two press interviews within 24 hours, Congresswoman Kristi Noem (R-SD) was asked directly what specific programs she would cut to reduce the federal budget deficit. In both interviews, one with the Mitchell Daily Republic, and one with Fox News, the Noem-friendliest venue possible, Noem completely dodged the question.

Yesterday I listed a handful of the specific cuts Noem has supported but won't talk about. This document from Noem's colleagues on Appropriations shows all of the cuts Noem has voted for just in the continuing resolution for this year's federal spending. The next time she's in town, reporters and constituents should ask the Congresswoman about these South-Dakota-specific cuts:

Read the whole list of continuing resolution cuts happening right now, courtesy of Rep. Kristi Noem and her boss, Speaker John Boehner. Use the links above to see how these programs affect South Dakota. Then ask your Congresswoman whether these cuts are really in the best interest of our fair state... assuming she can remember she voted for them.


  1. Allison 2011.04.03

    I am very sad to have read this. All of these programs do a greater good for communities. Unless this is some sort of late April Fool's gag, I detest this woman for the programs she is cutting. I utterly dislike her.

  2. moses 2011.04.03

    C.H. knows what he is talking about when, the party of no doesn't know what to say.

  3. mike 2011.04.03

    I've met Josh Shields before and the guy is a boob. Regardless of Kristi's comments Shields comes across as a staffer who just through his boss under the bus. What a tool.

    That is pretty bad when Shields is her spokesman and he's making her look bad. The guy should have given her answers a long time ago. He screwed up big time!!!

  4. Eve Fisher 2011.04.04

    The prevailing theory seems to be that government is no longer to serve the people, but to serve the corporate bottom line. To do this, legislatures must (1) cut all programs that would actually help poor and middle-class individuals while (2) granting tax cuts to all wealthy individuals and corporations - otherwise we "punish success" as Rush Limbaugh says - and (3) telling anyone who objects that they must take it or leave it because (4) taxes are the ultimate evil. Have I left anything out? Oh, and for those of you who feel that you are already paying way too much in taxes, of course you are: you're paying for all the corporations and wealthy individuals who have had THEIR taxes cut for the last ten years. There's a reason the working class are called peons.

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