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No Takers Yet for Lake Herman Sewer Board Vacancies: July 6 Deadline Looms

The Lake Herman Sanitary District remains abjectly de-quorumized, and there appears to be little interest in changing that situation. Petitions for the two vacant seats on our three-person sewer board have been available since June 16. Interested candidates have until 5 p.m. tomorrow, July 6, to submit petitions with signatures from seven registered voters to the board president (that's me!).

With 31 hours to go, no petitions have come to my door. In my various conversations around the neighborhood, I heard one neighbor express an interest in taking out a petition. That neighbor has since declined.

If no one submits a petition by the end of the day tomorrow, the Lake Herman Sanitary District will remain in a legal limbo of near total ineffectuality. And if interest in the sewer board is that thin, and if I am left in charge of carrying out the board's few remaining executable functions, well, who knows what might happen....

Petitions are available at Jerome Lammers's law office in Madison, 108 N. Egan. You need signatures from seven voters living here at the lake. You need to bring your signed and notarized petitions to my house, 1883 Cottonwood Cove Trail, by 5 p.m. Wednesday.


  1. Joe Kahler 2011.07.05

    Do you have to live on Lake Herman to be on the board?

  2. caheidelberger Post author | 2011.07.05

    Yes: SDCL 34A-5-21.2 says, "A sanitary district trustee shall be a resident of the sanitary district the trustee represents."

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