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Ron Paul Kicks out the Ad Jams; Conan Enhances Message

Ron Paul, who surprisingly has more of a shot at winning delegates than a majority of the GOP presidential candidates*, issues this ad for his young Red-Bull-slamming libertarian parroters:

Grist thinks the video "borders on self-parody." But Ron Paul and his followers crossed the parody line years ago. They are an ongoing yet unwitting parody based on Rand-inspired philosophizing fantasies of rugged individualism and misinterpretations of liberty and the social contract.

Paul does make work easy for Conan O'Brien, who issues this amped-up (and arguably truthier) version 2.0 of the same ad:

Both ads are better than Rick Perry's homophobia.

*Update: Check that! According to the entertaining InTrade Prediction Market, Ron Paul is in the middle of the GOP pack. InTrade's pickers find Paul with a better chance of winning the nomination that Bachmann, Perry, or Snatorum. Paul lags front-runner Romney, current surger Gingrich, and (just barely!) Huntsman.

One Comment

  1. geo meyer 2011.12.09

    The GOP primary is putting joke writers out of business. Late night talk show hosts have a never ending supply of jokes that just write themselves with every Republican debate or campaign ad. Whats ironic is their not trying to be funny, except for maybe Ron Paul's ads. Whats not funny is their applying for the job of President of the USA at a time when we need someone with intelligence and leadership more than ever.

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