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HB 1202: Legislature All for Coasting

Cory's Red Bug
Cory's Red Bug: Don't ride that clutch!

I just learned I've been breaking the law... and the South Dakota State Legislature wants to legalize my bad behavior.

In the past year, I have derived great pleasure from getting back into manual transmission in my little red Beetle. I've experimented with hypermiling by dropping the car into neutral and coasting down hills and into speed zones. I haven't pinned down major mileage differences: if there has been any advantage, it's been totally outweighed by temperature differences (like me, the Bug runs better in the heat!) and speed (keep it under 60!).

But surprise! SDCL 32-34-2 says coasting downhill is reckless and unsafe driving. Popular Mechanics agrees... and says coasting doesn't save gasoline, either!

So what does our Legislature do? Repeal SDCL 32-34-2. The full Senate yesterday joined the House in unanimously passing HB 1202, which repeals this statute. Heaven forbid the nanny state tell us what to do with our clutches.


  1. Joseph Nelson 2012.02.22

    It makes sense to me that they repealed this statue. The questions that pop into my mind are "How do they enforce it?" and "How many times was it enforced last year?". I am not sure how to recognize when a car is coasting down a hill in neutral as opposed to in drive (or reverse!!! No coasting down driveways backwards!) Perhaps the sheer fact that this statute was unenforceable makes it ripe for repeal?

  2. Tim Higgins 2012.02.22

    Took the words right out of my mouth Joseph. The legislature did not pass the texting while driving bill, one of the arguments was how do you enforce it. At least there might be a little consistancy here

  3. D. Bice 2012.02.22

    Cory, you are just one bad motorscooter... That's why we get along so well!!!

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