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Pope Benedict XVI Bows to Fidel Castro

Dakota War College loves to dismiss any and all policy statements by George McGovern and anyone who shakes his hand by running this old photo of the former South Dakota Senator meeting with Cuban dictator Fidel Castro:

Fidel Castro and George McGovern, circa 1975
Fidel Castro and George McGovern, circa 1975

In running this photo, DWC continues a tradition of photographic ad hominem started by blog founder and owner, now Secretary of State's office flunky Pat Powers.

The good Catholic owner of Dakota War College might want to rethink this tactic, given this week's pic from Cuba:

Pope Benedict XVI and retired Cuban dictator Fidel Castro, March 28, 2012 (screen cap from BBC video)
Pope Benedict XVI and retired Cuban dictator Fidel Castro, March 28, 2012 (screen cap from BBC video)

Oh my. There's Pope Benedict XVI, not meeting with dissidents and religious freedom activists during his visit to Cuba. I assume Benedict's prayerful bow toward Fidel (and oh, the rich irony of the names here!) means that, if I accept DWC's propagandistic logic, I may now dismiss the Pope's statements on abortion, birth control, and any and all other policy pronouncements.


  1. LK 2012.03.30

    I think this politicians potographed next to people they would prefer not to be photographed with meme is important.

    For example, this
    Conor Friedersdorf post has a schocking photo of President Obama hugging and advocate of torture.

  2. LK 2012.03.30

    an advocate not and--sorry

  3. larry kurtz 2012.03.30

    Watching the Vatican's financial collapse unfold one might conclude that Fidel just lent the spiritual leader of organized crime some money to buy off the knee-cappers.

    Holy Roman Kiddie Diddlers: h/t Larry Kralj, Environmental Rangers.

  4. Michael Black 2012.03.30

    I wonder if bloggers realize that this battle of words doesn't matter to most South Dakotans.

  5. Douglas Wiken 2012.03.30

    I wonder if bloggers realize that this battle of words doesn’t matter to most South Dakotans.

    What a deep thought. Maybe that explains how ignorant,incompetent Republicans get elected.

  6. Michael Black 2012.03.30

    It explains that the politicians do not listen to the common man. The guy on the other side of the aisle is not the anti-christ. Just because someone is registered or voted for a republican or democrat does not make him an a-hole.

    The more partisan a politician becomes the less respect I have for them.

  7. grudznick 2012.03.30

    Young Mr. H. has an interesting point.

  8. D.E. Bishop 2012.03.30

    Wow! Did anyone hear this? Santorum called Obama a "nig..." Then he stumbled around a bit.

    I saw this on another blog and thought it was probably a story being pushed by some uber-Liberals, but I listened to it. I'll be damned!!! Santorum clearly says "nig..." and then moves onto a different word. Holy smoke!

    Here is the video:

    It's at about 34:20.

    Bullshit was really small potatoes compared to this.
    I didn't know he was a F**king racist.

  9. Bill Fleming 2012.03.30

    Hmm... D.E. I wonder what it was he meant to say.

    Whatever it was, he sure didn't waste any time trying to clarify, huh?

  10. D.E. Bishop 2012.03.30

    I was shocked! What was he thinking?!? Of course, he speaks off the cuff. I think it bit him in the butt, really hard, this time. I'm very interested to see how this plays out. Geez.
    (Santorum really needs a speechwriter and a teleprompter.)

  11. caheidelberger Post author | 2012.03.30

    Michael, I labor under no illusions as to the audience reach of the South Dakota blogosphere. But as long as I enjoy playing the game, I will keep playing. Those who want to play along are welcome to join. It's good fun.

    LK: Fun link and pic! I suspect almost all of us enter rooms and interact with people we'd rather not be associated with.

  12. Michael Black 2012.03.30

    Cory, look at it this way: every second you waste trying to one up each other is time you could've spent with your family. Politics for politics sake is a waste of time.

  13. caheidelberger Post author | 2012.03.30

    It doesn't feel like a waste. This is the same stuff my wife and I discuss at the dinner table.

    And the point is, DWC's logic demands that conservatives disown the Pope.

  14. grudznick 2012.03.30

    I'm conservative.
    And I've never liked any pope.
    Must I disown him too?

  15. caheidelberger Post author | 2012.03.31

    Sounds like you're already there, or close enough. And don't forget: Pope Benedict XVI has made statements against laissez-faire capitalism that, from the mouth of Democrats, would be classified as socialism.

  16. Winston 2012.04.01

    Republicans never produce the photos of Nixon and Mao,
    do they? Even though they were taken just one year before
    the classic Castro/McGovern photo.

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