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DCCC Invests in South Dakota House Race, Sees Noem Vulnerable to Varilek on Medicare

In more from the Wishful Thinking department, some of my Republican friends like to pretend loudly that Kristi Noem has a lock on re-election next year.

The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee does not appear to agree. The national Dems could easily abandon South Dakota as a hopeless conservative bastion. Instead, they've included Kristi Noem as one of 41 House Republicans they are targeting with the Millionaires over Medicare" billboards. Kristi keeps flogging the false dilemma (it's a theme!) that opposing the Ryan budget means letting Medicare go bankrupt. But DCCC chairman Steve Israel says there's got to be a better solution than making old folks pay thousands more for their health care while handing rich folks and average $394,000 tax cut.

Noem challenger Matt Varilek says the same thing (and does so in a nicely updated and substantive website! Good Issues page, Matt!). And if the DCCC is willing to invest in the South Dakota market, that suggests they agree that Varilek has a winning message and a good shot at unseating our clueless rookie Congresswoman.


  1. Tim Higgins 2012.04.16

    The Ryan budget does not end Medicare. For those receiving it and those at least 55 years will not loose their Medicare benefit. It does phase it out for those under 55. Why not the outrage for Obama care? This cuts 500 Billion from Medicare for all reciepients. For all you libs out there not to worry, you will always have Obama care.

  2. Bill Fleming 2012.04.16

    Fox... sorry. Typo, not snark.

  3. Tim Higgins 2012.04.16

    Not referring to Fox talking points, I am commenting on what I have read in the bill. As far as your link, it offers no conclusive proof that Medicare will go away.

    Did I mention that Obama care cuts 500 Billion from Medicare? Where is the outrage?

  4. Bill Fleming 2012.04.16

    It goes away the minute you take away the guarantee, Tim.

  5. caheidelberger Post author | 2012.04.16

    Wait, Tim: you just said Ryan phases out Medicare. That sounds like an end to me. It's just like HB 1234: letting teachers who have continuing contract rights keep them does not change the fact that HB 1234 ends continuing contract down the road. Abandoning the Medicare promise is not about fiscal responsibility; it's about pushing an ideological agenda that somehow believes senior citizens can afford their own medical care and that private insurers will want to take them on as customers.

  6. caheidelberger Post author | 2012.04.17

    Tell me how Varilek is the same as previous candidates. Tell me how Barth is different. And tell me how those differences have anything to do with the weakness of Noem on Medicare? Let either candidate swing the Medicare stick hard, and either could take Noem down.

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