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Gordon Howie Video Features Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf

Gordon Howie produces another comedy video for his Potemkin blog village. He drafts Brad Morgan to put on Mrs. Howie's black dress and issue his "judgment" on the anonymous PAC postcard sent out attacking South Dakota's GOP House leadership.

The full video is at the bottom of this post... but first, I'd like you to help me figure out the opening image:

Gordon Howie pal Brad Morgan displays Mein Kampf, without disclaimer or explanation, on Liberty TV podcast, August 18, 2012
Gordon Howie pal Brad Morgan displays Mein Kampf, without disclaimer or explanation, on Liberty TV podcast, August 18, 2012

Morgan speaks with a copy of Adolf Hitler's Mein Kampf displayed at his right hand. I was expecting Morgan to proceed with his satirical skewing of the GOP leaders, based on a selective and superficial reading of their voting record, and declare that Reps. Lust, Cronin, and Gosch are as bad as Hitler. Maybe Morgan would contend that the GOP bosses are guilty of a "Big Lie" about being conservatives when in fact they are fascists. Maybe Morgan would go big and accuse the Republicans-In-Name-Only of using Hitler's propaganda tactics of aesthetics over intellect to manipulate the masses.

But Morgan and Howie leave me hanging. Morgan says nothing about the text and image of Hitler at his right hand. It simply sits there in the frame for the first 40 seconds.

Now you tell me: when someone produces propaganda and includes an image of Adolf Hitler and his famous book, what message does that send?


  1. Dougal 2012.08.20

    No words can describe what I just saw, except the dude with the dress reminds me of Super Dave Osborne. Google it and compare appearance and speaking style. Hmmm.

  2. Bryce Rausch 2012.08.20

    Any blog post which requires an "Adoph Hitler" and "Propaganda" tag probably means the content was batsh*t crazy or about World War II. Gordon's video was not about World War II.

  3. Mark 2012.08.20

    The message that is sent is any yutz with a modem can spew anything they want and Floyd R. Turbo lives.

  4. Barry Smith 2012.08.20

    One word-- Idiotic
    As South Dakotans we are lucky that a national audience would not have a clue about the subject of this video, otherwise it would end up on Colbert or The Daily Show and we would be the laughing stock of the nation once again.

  5. Owen Reitzel 2012.08.20

    wow. what can I say. Is the book their favorite reading???

  6. caheidelberger Post author | 2012.08.20

    Barry, you just helped me put that video in perspective. What would any outsider or newcomer think of seeing this video? We know Gordon and friends, so we may just give them a pass and think they are stupid. But Jon Stewart looking at this video would be stunned. Any outsider looking at this video would immediately think, "Wow: Nazis in South Dakota!"

    Owen, indeed: what other conclusion could an outside observer draw? I don't hold up a book while I speak and say nothing about it unless I'm trying to send the message that I like that book or that it somehow represents my views.

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