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SDEA Wimps Out of Opportunity to Endorse Kathy Tyler in District 4

Fred Deutsch, former Watertown school board member and current Republican candidate for District 4 House, drops by the Madville Times to offer a bad news/good news update on his campaign. Deutsch says the South Dakota Education Association has not endorsed him. But, says, Deutsch, SDEA didn't endorse anyone else for District 4 House, either. Why no SDEA endorsement for the obvious choices for shaking up the anti-education Republcian majority, Democrats Kathy Tyler and Jim Peterson, or the other Republican, Jim Gilkerson?

The good news was the interviews were so good they couldn't decide who to endorse and opted not to endorse anyone. Maybe an easy way out of a tough choice for SDEA, but as I was told "consider it a feather in your cap as a Republican." I am hopeful I can work both within the caucus and across the aisle to develop well-supported and meaningful education legislation [Fred Deutsch, comment at 18:17, Madville Times, October 5, 2012].

One reason Deutsch was able to stave off an SDEA endorsement of his Democratic challengers was his willingness to oppose Referred Law 16, the Governor's really bad education "reform" plan. I asked Deutsch to clarify his position on the bill, and he graciously replied:

...frankly, some aspects of the bill I liked; others, however, I thought were counter-productive for our state. Taken as a whole, the negatives of the bill out-weight the benefits, IMO. I believe we can do better and I plan to vote no on RL 16. If elected, I'll work to pass a better, more meaningful and common-sense education improvement bill [Fred Deutsch, comment at 18:07, Madville Times, October 5, 2012].

There you go: at least three Republicans (also Rep. Jim Bolin, Rep. Stace Nelson... any others*?) on the November ballot telling you to vote No on Referred Law 16. Russ Olson, care to catch the wave and abandon a policy doomed to fail?

Of course, Kathy Tyler is even more frank in her rejection of Referred Law 16 (a.k.a. House Bill 1234):

This year the governor told schools they were spending too much money and not doing a good enough job. And then came HB1234—a bill to fix lagging test scores. The bill created a scholarship program; gave $2500 to math and science teachers; established merit pay criteria for teachers; established uniform staff evaluation procedures; and removed continuing contract. It does sound like a pretty good deal, except there is very little local control; research shows merit pay does not work; math and science teachers aren't the only teachers deserving bonus pay; teachers really don't want to have to worry about if they've hurt someone's feelings and are going to lose their jobs; and many schools have already excellent evaluation systems.

But in all of that, not one cent was allocated to restore funding cuts to education. State law requires educational funding to be increased by 3% per year or the rate of inflation,whichever is less. South Dakota has not followed that mandate for the past three years.

Here's what I see should be done by the Legislature:

  1. Put education first. Restore all monies to the education funding formula so we can get our counselors, teachers, and programs back.
  2. Remove one time funding—categorical aid as it's known. Districts need a consistent funding source so budgeting can be done adequately. Fund the formula; don't give us leftovers.
  3. The Charlotte Danielson evaluation model that the state is requiring demands more time from administrators; be sure it's funded properly.
  4. Evaluate teacher preparation programs at state colleges to be sure they are adequately preparing students for the classroom.
  5. Establish a teacher mentoring program to be sure that first and second year teachers succeed in their new profession.
  6. Create a bipartisan educational task force to look at South Dakota's educational system, including funding. If we want good schools and teachers, we must be willing to pay for them [Kathy Tyler, "Thoughts on Education in South Dakota," campaign website, July 16, 2012].

Elsewhere on the same page, Tyler says she's "I'm totally against HB1234 and the way schools and teachers have been treated the past three legislative sessions is horrendous."

Tyler rejects RL16, which SDEA put on the ballot, without qualification. Tyler proposes clear policy alternatives that align with what SDEA fought for during the 2012 Legislative session. Tyler makes clear her disgust with Pierre's ill treatment of teachers and schools and promises to fight for SDEA's constituents. If SDEA is hearing anything of comparable passion from Deutsch, Peterson, or Gilkerson, I'd like to see it. Absent that, Tyler clearly deserves SDEA's endorsement. She has mine!

*Update 11:40 MDT: The three Republicans I named above—Deutsch, Bolin, and Nelson—have said on the record that they are voting against Referred Law 16 this fall. Other Republicans voted against HB 1234 last winter (see final Senate and House roll calls): how many of them are on the record saying they'll vote against it again on the November ballot? I welcome links to public statements to that effect below!


  1. Megan Dahle 2012.10.06

    I'm totally biased, of course. But Why won't Deutch tell us very specifically what parts he likes and doesn't like? Is he going to vote "yes" or "no" on the referendum?
    He sound like a typical politician saying that he likes some parts but not others, but refuses to take a strong stance.

  2. Megan Dahle 2012.10.06

    Also -- Did Deutch sign the petition?

  3. Pamela Merchant 2012.10.06

    Hopefully the truth will come out in regards to legislators and past legislators who have always put education (which means funding) first. Those of us that have consistently worked to not have funding slashed. We know who we are and I hope that teachers also know. It is the greatest issue at hand. I am running once again here in District 7 and we are in the same situation; SDEA is not able to come right out and endorse a given candidate for the senate race. I've visited extensively with our local education association reps as well as the SDEA; I do understand their situation as our teachers put an amazing amount of pressure on Senator Tidemann in order to get him to finally fully understand and oppose HB1234. There was no arm-twisting with me, though, as I have been fighting for what is our greatest asset: CHILDREN AND EDUCATION for over 10 years with my service on the Brookings School Board, constant PTA leadership, and as a state senator from 2008-10. At an education forum on Monday evening on campus, Senator Tidemann stated that he believes we have enough revenue to "do the state's business". Why do we have bridges falling apart? Why are we losing key staff and research opportunities though graduate students at SDSU? Why are we facing 30 students in kindergarten in just a couple years in Brookings? We are growing here in Brookings, which is a blessing, and we need to build a new K-3 building yesterday; we have the capital outlay (fortunately), but we cannot hire the teachers. The SD legislature has a terrible habit of throwing one-time money at education; this makes it challenging to plan ahead. We need fortitude in Pierre to make a long-lasting commitment to fully understanding the role education plays in all aspects of our society! More creativity in fully knowing our citizen's capabilities and making a consistent investment. We have opportunity here that is just not being fully assessed and implemented. Vote Kathy Tyler in District 4 and Pamela Merchant in District 7 if you believe our educational system needs more attention paid to it. Thanks for listening.

  4. LK 2012.10.06

    I pay SDEA dues. For that I get a $1 million liabilty insurance policy and not much else.

    I don't know if Fred Deutsch will be good for education if elected. I didn't sit in on his interview. I do know that SDEA has been an ineffective lobbying organization for most of the past decade. In many cases, they have refused to endorse candidates who would support teachers under the rationale that one should not needlessly offend the power structure.

    The logic seems to be the same at the national level. NEA endorsed Obama over a year ago even though his education policies should have every teacher voting for someone else.

  5. grudznick 2012.10.06

    The SDEA are almost half of the whiners that want to raise my taxes again and again and not be accountable for giving good teachers more money. They are a socialistic group that believes that the slackards should get the same as the great performers who teach our young people. Ms. Merchant DON'T YOU TAX ME!

  6. LK 2012.10.06


    If teaching is such a slack profession, I'm surprised that you don't find a job as a teacher and supplement your retirement income.

  7. grudznick 2012.10.06

    Mr. LK I am missing getting my primary point across to you. Let me try again as plain and short as I can.

    Some teachers are slackards and do not deserve bonuses.
    Some teachers are leaders and high performers and they deserve bonuses and raises.
    The SDEA insists that every teacher be treated the same. So no bonus for you until passes.

  8. Pamela Merchant 2012.10.06

    If Initiated Measure 15 (one cent sales tax increase) passes, it will be by the will of the people. The legislature has proven that they are unwilling (as a whole) to even look at revenue increases. They (and I) am off the hook, so to speak.

  9. LK 2012.10.06


    I know what your point is. It's wrong. School boards can get rid of low performing teachers now. They don't need HB 1234. The bonus scheme will not necessarily reward high performing teachers. It will reward teachers who have good test takers assigned their classrooms. Test taking and learning are not synonyms.

    I'll stand by mine. If there are as many slackards collecting pay as you seem to believe there are, then teaching should be a job that everyone would want in retirement, no work and easy pay. Now I have to get back to Hamlet papers unless you want to grade a few for me, just give me your email and I'll send them over.

  10. Bill Fleming 2012.10.06

    Grudz, you sure have been being wrong about a lot of stuff lately. You must not be eating your spinach or something. Plus, don't forget, an asprin a day... I mean it, man... as much gravy as you eat...

  11. grudznick 2012.10.06

    You know I take my meds when I'm supposed to, my hooka-reeking friend!

  12. Bill Fleming 2012.10.06

    Yes Grudz. I know about your "meds." You even take the ones you're not supposed to, because you like looking at those pretty rainbow trails, and that "squiggly-all-over" body rush. Be sure to wear your Depends when you do that stuff.

  13. Fred Deutsch 2012.10.06

    Mr. H: Don't confuse rhetorical passion for effectiveness. Henry David Thoreau taught that "for every thousand people hacking at the leaves of evil, there is one striking at the roots." That is my MO. Stay tuned.

  14. Tim Begalka 2012.10.06

    I voted against HB 1234 in the Senate, and I plan to vote against RL 16. This issue is one of the main reasons I easily won my primary.

  15. Fred Deutsch 2012.10.07

    Cory, how many posts have you written about HB1234? By now I'll bet your readers have a pretty clear idea of your position! As a respectful suggestion, why not spend some time writing what you would like to see in new legislation to improve education in SD? The education task force meets again this Tuesday in Pierre, and if I had to boil down its mission in one word, I would say "vision." What's your vision for the future of our schools?

  16. Charlie Hoffman 2012.10.07

    Pam we increased license plate renewal fees two years ago when the County Sheriffis and Commissioners were telling us they were having a very hard time keeping their highways and protection services together. I get clobbered by a few individuals for doing that. I'd vote yes on it again for if we lose our advantage of a great transportation system in this country we lose the one thing we have over the rest of the world. And that is the fastest farm to market road system on the planet. WE also have the finest and fairest judicial system on the planet hence the local sheriffs were concerned they would be last on the totem pole for any revenue side help protecting the people.

    GOOD stuff here Fred Deutsch. Love the way your attitude shows in your writing. It will be an honor to serve with you in Pierre my friend.

  17. caheidelberger Post author | 2012.10.07

    Fred, I've hammered on HB 1234/RL 16 in well over a hundred posts. It's that bad a bill. Now, Fred, how many times have you spoken about the same issue in your campaign speeches? Repetition is the mother of learning.

    I've offered numerous counterplans, including expanding high school debate, requiring foreign language instruction, and implementing numerous other policies that evidence says actually work, unlike HB 1234.

    See also Finland, which does pretty well in education doing the exact opposite of HB 1234.

    But even if South Dakota won't implement any of my ideas systemwide (I still get to use them in my classroom! Whee!), I would still argue that a vision of South Dakota's KL-12 system operating exactly as it is right now is superior to Governor Daugaard's vision of K-12 operating under HB 1234.

  18. caheidelberger Post author | 2012.10.07

    Rep. Begalka, thanks for your support on this issue! I'm particularly heartened by your mention of the impact of HB 1234 on your primary race. Not that I want to encourage Republican victories, but if they want to win, your Republican colleagues should realize that RL 16 is a losing issue for them. They need to get on the right side of policy!

    Pam, voters should pay attention to your point. I'm happy to recognize Republicans like Sen. Tidemann who eventually recognized that RL16 is bad policy. But we shouldn't have to work so hard to get them to listen to the professionals who know best.

  19. Fred Deutsch 2012.10.07

    LK, I encourage you to contact the teachers that interviewed me. We had a wonderful conversation & I felt like I could have spent many hours with them (I was saddened our time was limited to just 1 hour). I imagine you can get their names through your organization. I also encourage you to contact and DEMOCRAT educators you may know from Watertown. Inquire and REPUBLICAN Fred Deutsch. You'll then know that I'll not only be good for education, but I'll also be effective. Heck, you might even consider me a friend some day . . .

  20. Curtis Price 2012.10.08

    Rep Deutch:

    Not my friend if you keep using the disrespectful, sneering, Luntzist adjective "democrat". And you people wonder why we sometimes want to hit you back. (Frankly, don't do it enough.)

    If you really got it you'd understand why HB 1234 is truly that bad.

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