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ObamaCare Can Counter States’ Mental Health Care Cuts

Numerous sensible observers are pointing to public investment in mental health care as an important and useful response to school violence.

Enter the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act:

Beginning in 2014, the Affordable Care Act, known as Obamacare, will require that all health insurance plans for small employers and individuals include coverage for mental health and addiction. (Large employers will still be exempt.)

Also, states that agree to expand Medicaid under Obamacare will make the federal health insurance program's mental health coverage available to more low-income people. The Affordable Care Act also includes money to increase the number of mental health care professionals [Karen Datko, "What's Wrong with Mental Health Care?" MSN:Money, 2012.12.20].

The states cut at least $4.35 billion from mental health funding from fiscal year 2009 to FY2012. During that period, South Dakota's mental health spending has gone "up" about $100K, from $45.4 million to $45.5 million. But that's the net following the $1.7 million, 3.6% cut Governor Daugaard and the Legislature imposed from FY2011 to FY2012.

If Governor Daugaard would like to respond to calls for more mental health services to reduce gun violence, one of the best investments he could make would be to reverse his opposition to the ACA's Medicaid expansion and embrace the huge influx of federal dollars that element of ObamaCare would bring.

p.s.: In FY2010, South Dakota ranked 33rd in per-capita mental health agency spending. Connecticut ranked 9th.

One Comment

  1. Dana P. 2012.12.21

    can't vouch for the accuracy of this interactive map - but, me thinks that there is something to it based on the group that is backing this whole thing. (Mayors Against Illegal Guns) While South Dakota isn't the only state that has big ole gaps in the system, it doesn't make me sleep any better at night in that respect. (and as expected, there are no South Dakota mayors participating)

    Our gun "problem" is very complex and needs several approaches. Mental health care is one of those approaches. That Gov D (and others before him) want to ignore, even that aspect? Makes me shake my head.

    Oh and the irony. Gov D thinks women should have a waiting period before going through with the decision to have an abortion. Passed a law, by gosh, because women don't know how to make up their own minds and they can't be trusted to make a decision.. A waiting period will help them "think about things" so they don't make the wrong decision (cough) Gosh, how 'bout the same "logic" apply to folks when they want to buy a gun? A waiting, or cooling off period, seems very reasonable, before purchasing a weapon. Some folks may not qualify for long term mental health treatment, but there are others that might be temporarily incensed (got fired from job, caught wife in bed with neighbor, etc) that a waiting period could prevent yet another death/injury with a gun.

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