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Bosworth Gets Bloody, Says Taking Care of America Not Her Responsibility

Pip pip, cheerio! Here's more wholesome nutty goodness from Republican Senate candidate Annette Bosworth, responding to Todd Epp's question about health care:

We have a federal responsibility to take care of those who can't take care of themselves. We do not have a federal responsibility to take care of the whole bloody nation [Annette Bosworth, interview with Todd Epp, Northern Plains News, 2013.10.17].


  1. Doctors usually recognize a responsibility to take care of everybody.
  2. Senators swear an oath to support and defend the Constitution, which is all about the common defense, the general welfare, and securing the Blessings of Liberty for, yes, the whole darn nation.
  3. We ordained and established that Constitution after throwing tea off a boat and fighting a Revolution to free ourselves from having to bow to the British. Talking like the British makes any American but especially a Senate candidate sound silly. It also leaves the audience wondering what word you really wanted to say.


  1. nnas 2013.10.18

    Getting no press are the estimated 6,000+ working South Dakotans who make too little to join the exchange, and have been "judged" by the Governor and abandoned by the Democrats, unable to get insurance because they are "able bodied".
    My questions: If one does not claim a portion of their deductions to make their taxable income high enough to join the Exchange, can they at a later date get those deductions back?
    Can one do this, join an Exchange, pay for a year of coverage and then file a Revised Income Tax Return and get their Taxes back?

  2. Anne Beal 2013.10.18

    As a physician she knows the difference between people who can't take care of themselves and people who won't. Virtually any disease you can name is either caused or aggravated by lifestyle choices. People choose to make themselves unhealthy with poor diet, inadequate exercise, smoking, drinking etc. How people take care of themselves has a lot to do with how healthy they are. It's one thing to say we need to take care of the very old and very young. It's another thing to say we need to save people from their own bad habits.

  3. interested party 2013.10.18

    If there is a right to be obese, cannabis enjoys that same right.

  4. Roger Cornelius 2013.10.18

    Ah Ha! I nominate Bosworth to be the next Iron Lady, pack your bags dear.

  5. caheidelberger Post author | 2013.10.18

    Anne: Oh, so that's what she's saying. Thank goodness Bosworth has people to translate for her. It takes the burden off her own brain to string together truthful statements.

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