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Florida Ad Company Produces Bosworth Video, Website

Annette Bosworth doesn't trust her campaign ledger to South Dakotans. She doesn't trust her video production to South Dakotans, either.

Remember that little YouTube ad (has it played on real TV yet?) in which Bosworth plagiarized Kristi Noem's 2010 farm-fence, plaid-shirt hokum? As with her campaign treasury, Bosworth turned away from local experts and went to Tampa, Florida, to make her ad.

SSC is a proud to be part of the Dr. Annette Bosworth for U.S. Senate team. Bosworth is a conservative medical doctor from South Dakota. She has a very compelling story, which you will hear more about in the coming weeks....

The SSC team also helped establish her public image at We helped with the messaging, photography, graphics, etc.

SSC can help you tell your story. Contact us today [SSC, "Dr. Annette Bosworth for U.S. Senate Launches Campaign," company blog, 2013.09.28].

Yes, storytelling. Bosworth and hubby Chad Haber love telling stories. I'll bet they saw "Storyteller" at the top of SSC boss Buzz Jacobs's résumé and shouted, "That's our guy!"

Team Bosworth-Haber evidently figures South Dakotans aren't smart enough to handle their checkbook or their advertising. Team Bosworth-Haber has to hope South Dakotans aren't smart enough to see through their medicine show.


  1. Tasi Livermont 2013.10.08

    Storytelling can be fiction, but usually the characters themselves are actually fictitious. Yikes.

    BTW, I'm going to boycott Facebook soon if I have to keep seeing her FB ads. What bozo actually buys Facebook advertising? Well, that HUGE a middle-of-newsfeed banner Facebook advertising. LAME.

    And expensive. Must be nice.

  2. DB 2013.10.08

    That's actually somewhat odd considering Democrats are the ones most known for using out-of-state union ran companies for their campaign supplies.

  3. caheidelberger Post author | 2013.10.08

    Really, DB? As Mr. Montgomery reminds us, both Varilek and Noem relied on out-state marketing in 2012. [And please: out-of-state-run, proper past participle.]

    Tasi, is it against to the rules next time you see that add to click the crap out of it? Every click costs Team Bosworth money, right?

  4. DB 2013.10.08

    Now, where did Varilek and Noem buy their signage, t-shirts, mailings, stickers, coffee mugs, office supplies, websites, and everything else other than tv ads? TV ads are a type of marketing that is pretty common for both parties to leave the area for, especially when it comes to US House and Senate races. Though, we are getting some pretty talented companies in this state who can offer such services.

    And for the record, facebook ads are cheap and you can't just keep clicking them. They can tell through cookies and ips if someone is doing that. And yes, facebook marketing works in certain areas and politics is one of those areas. Retail.....not so much.

  5. interested party 2013.10.08

    Drive by trolling from DeeBee: waste of electrons. Bosworth is a diversion: economic development in a thimble.

  6. jerry 2013.10.08

    "Economic development in a thimble", is just way too good. I would like very much to borrow that for the future IP

  7. grudznick 2013.10.08

    I think the young lady is starting to make a little bit more sense than before. We might all be surprised if she keeps gaining on Mr. Rhoden in the polls. Rhoden better kick it into second gear soon if he wants to stay in 2nd place.

  8. caheidelberger Post author | 2013.10.08

    "Keeps gaining" implies she's been gaining, and that there have been multiple polls to show such gains. Neither statement is true.

  9. Donald Pay 2013.10.08

    I think it was this blog that reported the Bosworth clan was living in a van down by the river. I'd love to be her opponents' ad guy.

  10. grundznick 2013.10.08

    I'm sure Mr. Rhoden would like to see these polls that show Dr. Bos not gaining on him. In the straw polls I have held she has been but they have a fairly large margin of error.

  11. caheidelberger Post author | 2013.10.08

    Gee, Donald, you don't think the RV trip is part of the "compelling" story that Buzz Jacobs and SSC are looking forward to telling? Bosworth already spins that tale of chosen poverty in her favor, saying it's the price she and her family had to pay for her to remain independent of the state and corporate medical system that have tried to hold her back ever since she returned to South Dakota from Utah.

  12. caheidelberger Post author | 2013.10.08

    Grudz, your straw polls bear no weight in the discussion. They are figments of a figment of imagination.

  13. Donald Pay 2013.10.08

    Too bad Chris Farley died. I'd love to see him do his Matt Foley character in an attack ad.

  14. caheidelberger Post author | 2013.10.08

    Does anyone have a photo of the RV down by the river?

  15. Douglas Wiken 2013.10.09

    One thing about out-of-state video makers, they don't have to answer questions about how they could put together such a collection of steaming crap from locals.

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