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Visual Proof: Independent Howie Still Backing Nelson in Primary

I stopped by Gordon Howie's Community Thrift Store in Rapid City (hey, I believe in community, I'm thrifty... why not?).

Community Thrift Store, 640 E. St. Patrick St., Rapid City, South Dakota
Community Thrift Store, 640 E. St. Patrick St., Rapid City, South Dakota

I enjoy the metaphoric fun of seeing a wind turbine humming happily on the hill above the arch-conservative's headquarters. But check out the campaign sign in the lower right:

Nelson Sign at Howie Store 20140421
Nelson Sign at Howie Store, April 21, 2014

Howie is eagerly circulating petitions to run for U.S. Senate as an Independent, but he's still proudly flying the colors of his preferred candidate, Republican State Representative Stace Nelson. A similar sign graces another Howie property up the street, and the flyer display inside the front door of the store offers customers Nelson literature right alongside religious tracts.

I invite readers and voters to weigh in on the utility of a Howie endorsement for any Republican candidate.


  1. grudznick 2014.04.21

    It is good you are back from your libbie exile, Mr. H, but you would be wise to be careful in that old billiard lounge inhabited by Mr. Howie's minions.

  2. El Rayo X 2014.04.21

    Mr. Howie says his lease is up on April 30th. This support may be temporary. On May 1st, you might see that Nelson sign next to that van down by the river.

  3. caheidelberger Post author | 2014.04.22

    Moving that sign to a van down by the river could be a brilliant campaign move. It would capture Annette Bosworth's strongest demographic and deliver them to Nelson.

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