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Larson: Executive Orders? Impeach Daugaard the Usurper!

The South Dakota Republican Party predicates its formal call for President Barack Obama's impeachment on allegations that the President is "by passing [sic] Congress" and "usurping his authority". (One does not usurp one's own authority, but as usual with South Dakota Republicans, we have to skip what they say and listen to what they mean.)

Fellow blogger Michael Larson goes to town on those words and Governor Dennis Daugaard's record and predicts that South Dakota Republicans will soon call for the impeachment of their own Legislature-bypassing, authority-usurping governor:

Three times in 2012, Daugaard waived the law to allow the transportation of over-width livestock feed on our roads. In 2013 he lifted the rules over propane haulers. In 2012 he also issued an executive order to expand his economic council. In 2011 he created a task force to lure trust companies to South Dakota by helping them hide money. In 2011 he also created a task force to form a Department of Tourism. In 2014 he signed an executive order to release of some state financial information. Most recently he has done another executive order in the face of GOP animosity asking his Bureau of Finance and Management to speculate the economic forecast an additional two years in the future [Michael Larson, "The SD GOP Will Be Impeaching Daugaard Soon," Taking a Left Turn in South Dakota, 2014.07.13].

Larson says Daugaard's executive orders are of far less concern than his much greater blunders on Northern Beef Packers, Manpower Inc., and education. But when Republicans' own logic leads to the impeachment of their own governor, it's clear their message doesn't make sense for South Dakota.


  1. Rorschach 2014.07.14

    And who could forget the governor allowing gas stations to sell 85 octane gas upon determining that it was illegal?

  2. Loren 2014.07.14

    Do NOT apply "logic" to Republican thinking! One must apply either fear or hate, or so it appears from what we see daily!

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