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Rounds Among Stingiest Education Spenders

A cranky reader sends a snapshot of this cute Mike Rounds for Senate sign:

Kids Like Mike Rounds campaign sign, 2014

Now why would kids like Mike Rounds?

Do they like seeing Rounds and his fellow grown-ups give their schools a smaller piece of the pie than schools in other states get? According to an Education Week Research Center study of school finance, in 2011, the last year for which Governor Rounds dictated a state budget, South Dakota spent 2.5% of its taxable resources on education. One state, North Carolina, spent the same percentage on education. One state, Delaware, spent less, 2.4%. Everybody else gave their schools a bigger piece of the pie. Minnesota spent the national average, 3.6%.

The kids I know are sticklers for fairness. If they see other kids getting bigger pieces of pie, they're going to say, "That's not fair!"

So, kids, what's to like about Mike Rounds, who gave you kids some of the smallest pieces of pie in the country?


  1. Steve Sibson 2014.07.15

    Cory, is there a correlation between money spend and academic achievement? Or is the primary purpose of education indoctrination and entertainment? And that is where all the extra monies go?

  2. Bill Dithmer 2014.07.15

    "Cory, is there a correlation between money spend and academic achievement?"

    Yes there is. Maybe not for those kids that have parents with enough money to live comfortably, but for the rest yes. If your not serious about education, spend less on teacher pay, force local districs to opt out, and never let schools hold money in accounts for rainy day constrution on new projects. Does that sound familiar?

    Steve, any time you get more then ten people together on a regular basis, and it doesn't matter if it is school or the workplace, ther is going to be a certain amount of indoctrination, and entertainment going on. That's just the nature of the beast andwill never change no matter what formula you want to use to educate.

    If what you are saying was true less money would produce a better education. Now that's just like drinking whiskey by the gallen and expecting the outcome to be different each time. Drunk is drunk.

    Children like Mike Rounds simply because kids like clowns.

    The Blindman

  3. mike from iowa 2014.07.15

    We demand these children be brought into this world where we do our damndest to not feed or care for or educate these little entitlement loving brats. But,when they reach the age of majority and many times long before,we decide they are eligible to be put to death because they can't get along in society even though in America they have every advantage at their disposal(as long as Mom and Dad are wealthy). Liberal policies have failed miserably,we see to that. Damn straight I'm gonna run on my record of kids liking me. The gift of life-what more can a fetus ask for?

  4. Deb Geelsdottir 2014.07.15

    "Children like Mike Rounds simply because kids like clowns."

    Catching up with Madville today has been very entertaining. Thank you Blindman, and all Madizens.

  5. Joan Brown 2014.07.15

    Actually I would be willing to bet the parents of one or more kids put them up to making the sign, if kids really did make the sign.

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