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Kristi Noem for Governor 2018—Yes, Please, Say We Democrats!

Like Best Darn Guns' customers, Pat Powers appears to be blinded by appearances. Powers imagines checked-bloused Rep. Kristi Noem galloping across a pasture on her trusty steed and declares Rep. Kristi Noem "tremendous on the stump." He also posits that voters rewarded her for all of her hard work on human trafficking (a falling-off-a-log issue) and the Farm Bill (which she failed to deliver until sixteen months after its 2012 due date).

Bob Mercer more objectively assesses Noem's electoral fortunes, noting that she has indeed increased her November vote total through the last three elections but pointing out that Stephanie Herseth Sandlin looked similarly pinnacled after her 2008 drubbing of a feckless opponent.

Mercer and Powers both remind us of the frightening prospect Todd Epp first floated on November 3: Rep. Noem may be planning to skip running for another term in Congress and instead launch her 2018 gubernatorial campaign in 2016.

Wait—did I say frightening? Sure, the idea of Kristi Noem trying to run a state should give us pause: what executive experience does Noem have? She may be getting better at reciting the talking points her handlers hand her with a twinkle in her beguiling ice-blue eyes, but does anyone really believe she has developed the intellectual curiosity and rigor necessaary not just to govern a state but to form a vision for leading the state into the future?

But frightening? Democrats, we should all urge Kristi Noem to make real this gubernatorial rumor. Noem's leaving Congress in 2016 would boost our chances of retaking the House by 50%. (Go ahead, GOP jokers: "50% times zero is still zero! Bwaa-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!") Noem's running for Governor in 2018 would also boost our gubernatorial chances. Noem would draw a primary, no matter how much she brags about her money. Marty Jackley, Dusty Johnson... some one of the usual suspects would not let her jump in line ahead of them. Noem would spend big money, her opponents would spend big money, and whoever won, the Democratic nominee (Joe Lowe? Jason Frerichs? Rick Weiland?) would have the pleasure of challenging a burised and financially drained Republican opponent.

So yes, Kristi, think big! Think Pierre! Fix those gleaming eyes on Gubernatrix! We Dems cheer your aspirations... and our crushing thereof.


  1. Bill Fleming 2014.11.13

    Surely mine's not the only mind that instantly pictured a Noem/Herseth-Sandlin gov grudge match?

  2. Steve Sibson 2014.11.13

    "what executive experience does Noem have?"

    And Wismer's experience is?

  3. larry kurtz 2014.11.13

    Shorter, Cory: Mercer Imagines Last Fortunes.

  4. Steve Hickey 2014.11.13

    Executive experience? You mean like our community organizer President? He had zero.

    There is a deep bench and much experience in Republican 2018 potential candidates.

  5. larry kurtz 2014.11.13

    Thanks to the Hickeys of christendom, South Sudan is a failed christianist state.

  6. mike from iowa 2014.11.13

    and Obama has done a good job of straightening out the cluster @#$# Bush and his merry band of mass murderers and pillagers and money grubbing special interests left behind. The economy was near bankruptcy,more debt than ever,Obama's still paying Bushwhacks bills,people are still dying in dumbass dubya's foreign policy debacles,including Americans,the economy is better than it has been in a long while,while the party of no sits around and lies through their teeth to get re-elected and try to finish the job of destroying America from within.

  7. Steve Hickey 2014.11.13

    Mike- Obama straightened nothing out. America is broke and in far far deeper debt. It's about to implode.

  8. Greg 2014.11.13

    Let's just give Kristi Noem early retirement in 2016 and send her back to run a horse ranch by Castlewood.

  9. larry kurtz 2014.11.13

    Hickey being raptured can't happen soon enough.

  10. larry kurtz 2014.11.13

    Oil prices are plummeting, gold price falling, dollar strengthening, climate at risk to earth haters, Hickey's white supremacy erupts.

  11. Chuck Point 2014.11.13

    Steve Hickey, is everything Obama's fault? What is wrong with Universal Health Care? Did the Bush/Big Bank Recession have anything to do with the debt? Does our Never Ending War have anything to do with the debt? What happens when the USA implodes?

  12. jerry 2014.11.13

    Hickey, the reason the United States is ready to implode is because of the guy who looks at you in the mirror. Be proud, what the Axis powers could not do, you and yours have delivered.

  13. jerry 2014.11.13

    Great articles Larry, any one of them would have been a reason the Democrats could have run on if they would not been such a bunch of idiots. Whoever advised them to run from this president was a tea party republican as that is the only logic I can find for such malfeasance. They silenced the greatest communicator since Lincoln.

  14. jerry 2014.11.13

    So that is the reason, he wants to take us all down with him?

  15. Steve Hickey 2014.11.13

    It looks like I've diverted the topic here far away from Noem. My apologies to Cory. Even so, I'm glad you were each able to release your pent up constipations on me here this morning. Hope you feel better. Larry, loosen the belt a bit. I can tell you are all bound up.

  16. Steve Sibson 2014.11.13

    Larry, you are a victim of deception, as are most of the rest of those who commented on this thread thus far. The Presidents of the US and the Governors of South Dakota are puppets for those we really control this world. Us fighting among ourselves is distracting us from the truth, plus it is causing much emotional pain. I wished you all would wake up and stop with this partisan nonsense.

  17. Steve Hickey 2014.11.13

    Blessings to you, Larry.

  18. Taunia 2014.11.13

    Based on last week's elections, and a a weak SDDP, don't wish for what you don't really want.

    If elections were tomorrow, I agree w/ Cory that a Noem run would bring out the old f*ckers - Jackley and Johnson - and the Rounds-Dauggard regime continues.

    Supporting the lesser candidate and knowing the end result in this one keeps South Dakota in the Stone Age. Democrats should endorse Jackley (or the equivalent old f*cker) in the absence of, or in addition to, a great Democratic candidate THAT RUNS AS A DEMOCRAT,

  19. Roger Cornelius 2014.11.13

    Harvard educated constitutional President Obama may not have had executive experience when he took office, but he has it now and has demonstrated it quite well with his many successes including healing an economy bludgeoned by the Republican Party.
    Kristi Noem for governor? If elected governor Noem will actually have to work 365 days a year unlike in congress where she is on perpetual paid vacation, think she's game for that?

  20. Taunia 2014.11.13

    Definition of old f*cker: anyone - candidate or supporter - advocating, supporting or voting for regressive politics. ie: lack of advancement for the people and society. May also include holding on to status quo.

  21. Rorschach 2014.11.13

    The 2018 GOP governor primary could be a knock-down drag out event. Marty Jackley is in line, and Mark Mickelson is laying the groundwork for his inevitable run. There's no room for Kristi Noem in that mix. People don't think of her as governor material.

    Rep. Noem seems to like DC where you just need to spout talking points, you get paid much more than the Governor, and you can blame 534 other people and the President for a lack of accomplishments. Heck, she doesn't even have to show up for work! She's a typical Warshington politician who fits right in there, and will hold on to that US House gravy train until a senate run presents itself - possibly to replace Rounds in 6 years (or sooner). Meanwhile, Booker's share of the national debt goes up on her watch.

  22. Steve Sibson 2014.11.13

    Larry & Taunia, thanks for proving Cory is wrong on the thread where he argues the Republicans are solely responsible for the moral breakdown of America and not the Democrats.

  23. Taunia 2014.11.13

    Rorschach paints a good picture of Noem as Sarah Palin in reverse.

  24. Roger Cornelius 2014.11.13

    Quit spinning Sibson, Larry and Taunia proved no such thing, they reinforced Cory's opinion.

  25. mike from iowa 2014.11.13

    Rep Hickey,there is one anti-American party in this country that refuses to pay the gubmnint's obligations and you belong to that party.

  26. bearcreekbat 2014.11.13

    Rep. Hickey, I am a bit surprised that someone purporting to be a "man of the cloth" would resort to using a man's attempt to help his community prosper as a tool of attack and insult. Your use of the phrase "community organizer" when describing the President appears to be nothing more than a Fox type effort at insult. I doubt that you will respond to my inquiries, as you usually ignore them, but I wonder what you find so distasteful and malevolent about trying to organize a community for the better? You implicitly insult someone willing to work with the poor and the disenfranchised to help them better their lives and have input into their community. But isn't that exactly what the "community organizer" Jesus did?

  27. mike 2014.11.13

    Democrats don't have anyone to blame but themselves for their losses on election night.

    Corinna Robinson didn't show up and campaign. Democrats cannot afford to let a carpetbagger come in and run for an office and not be held accountable for the disastrous campaign she waged through the entire cycle.

    What about Angelia Schultz? Where was she? The Argus Leaders said she didn't ever return one of their phone calls. Is this the kind of candidates Democrats are recruiting to run for statewide office?

    Rick Weiland got 29% of the vote. 29% against a battered Mike Rounds. Weiland didn't offer South Dakotan's anything other than we don't want centrist Democrats (like Stephanie Herseth) or Mike Rounds. Too many of his positions were at odds with South Dakota voters and he ran a really bad campaign because he still got 29% of the vote.

    Don't even get me started on Wismer. She was the worst of the worst.

    Democrats have candidates in this state who can win but they are sitting on the sidelines because Barack Obama has tanked the party to the point of being toxic.

    Democrats need new leadership that embraces the idea of being a South Dakota Democrat FIRST and a national Democrat second.

    The only Republican who had a campaign organization this cycle was Mike Rounds. Dennis Daugaard got 71% of the vote because he is genuinely loved across the board but also because he didn't have to campaign.

    Kristi Noem didn't have a campaign this year. They didn't have to spend money. They didn't build a campaign team. They didn't put out hwy signs and they didn't lift a finger because Democrats didn't make them. (By the way Matt Varilek made her campaign and caught her by surprise.) Kristi Noem didn't get 67% of the vote because she is doing a great job but because the Democrats didn't offer a legitimate centrist alternative to her.

    Marty Jackley didn't have a democrat opponent.

    Steve Barnett didn't have a democrat opponent.

    Ryan Brunner didn't have a democrat opponent.

    Most of the dems who did run statewide didn't campaign.

    Candidates like Stephanie Herseth Sandlin, Brendan Johnson, Jason Frerichs, Billy Sutton and Mike Huether are the future of the Democrat Party in SD not Weiland, Robinson or Wismer. Until Democrats realize that 90% of their success is about the kind of candidate they recruit. Right now they are recruiting candidates who don't show up for work and are much farther to the left than the SD electorate.

    The South Dakota Democrat Party has become an unabashedly leftist party and voters don't want that.

  28. Jim 2014.11.13

    Those who voted for Noem can apparently tolerate her flitting about in D.C., where she can't really do much one way or the other. I doubt all of those same people want her running Pierre, including most R-legislators.

  29. mike from iowa 2014.11.13

    Here we go with blaming the black guy in the White House again> Watchout! That black guy in de White House gonna cook you up in a big back pot. He gonna do voodoo on you,too.

  30. Lynn 2014.11.13

    Hickey who is out for Hickey and the rest of the concern trolls have been out in force lately.

  31. larry kurtz 2014.11.13

    Dems, one more time: end the primary season and nominate candidates who will adhere to a party-adopted platform at convention.

  32. JeniW 2014.11.13

    Sounds like a lot of anger directed at the Democrats.

    What are you getting out of it? Money, ego-trip, what?

  33. Jenny 2014.11.13

    Mike, we just can not hate on candidates if we think they're too leftist or too moderate. Dem party needs to include everyone whether we like them personally or not, or don't agree with their every position.
    Blaming Obama is the easy way out. We are a conservative state that has elected liberals before with McGovern and Daschle, and I believe we can do it again. Young people and minorities are the future to build ourselves out of the hole. Robin Page, Cornelius, Joe Lowe, Fleming, Robinson, and Sutton are leaders to begin building West River. The rest are the college towns and Sioux Falls. Like I say, you guys have more power than you think. Go out and find the Dems!

  34. Jenny 2014.11.13

    Hickey wants a Jeb.

  35. Steve Hickey 2014.11.13

    No comments from me on anyones race. Why is that important to you Mike from Iowa?

    BKB - a man of the cloth. Zzzzz. You're view of a man of the cloth is so miserably stereotyped by misperceptions and misinterpretations of the calling and the Bible. Isaiah threw a number of prophetic punches and even spoke of a nation being judged by God giving the nation a child-king, no experience, etc. We are living in those days. It's no insult to anyone to state a fact... a guy two years out of the state senate who only voted "present," with no real executive or any kind of experience for that matter, having nothing written in law journals unlike every other professor, etc.... is suddenly sitting in the White House. It's remarkable actually. Here's another fact... the bizarre Messianic frenzy that surrounded him in 2008 has worn off. In this last election he wasn't messiah, he was pariah as even Democrats were distancing themselves from him.

    Back to Noem. Like it or not she is strong in SD and there are a handful of others who are equally as strong. Instead of bashing them, time for Dems in SD to produce some leaders.

  36. mike from iowa 2014.11.13

    The stench of skunk is strong in South Dakota,too. I said nothing to you,Rep,as far as anyone's race is concerned. My post was to someone named Mike.

  37. Jenny 2014.11.13

    Really, Hickey, really? Kind of like all of that experience W had. I know 'Pubs hate their president and plenty of Dems are disappointed as well, including me, and we can keep on playing this game of who's worse W or O. It really doesn't matter, since the elections are rigged with who has the most money.
    As a Dem I have to keep smilin' at the future with all those minorities coming in and becoming citizens and leaning left! :)). And young people who believe in gay rights, a living wage, education investment! Ahh, the future!

  38. Jenny 2014.11.13

    And coming from a staunch progressive, I have to say that I have admired Noem a lot more since she's taken on human trafficking. Don't knock me on this my fellow Madvillers, I can admire whoever I want!

  39. Moses 2014.11.13

    C.H. Huether mentioned as a future leader give me a break, where is he for labor and the common man, all about new ventures, This guy is big business only .

  40. Jenny 2014.11.13

    We need people like Huether - money. We got to starting playing the game, Moses, if Dems are ever going to win again. . It's just the way it is.

  41. larry kurtz 2014.11.13

    Noem got on the human trafficking bandwagon after someone tipped her off that it is a feature of the feds' Bendagate grand jury.

  42. Steve Hickey 2014.11.13

    How did Huether make his money?

    Larry, your comment about my lung disease reveals much about you. You are quick to toss out the earth hater designation. You are no friend of life on this planet in its various forms. Think of what my kids think about reading your comment about me. I wish long life on you and the President. Lower life forms wish ill on those they deem lesser on the food chain.

  43. JeniW 2014.11.13

    What is it about Kristi that brings out all this anger and hatred toward each other?

    She is not worth it.

  44. Roger Cornelius 2014.11.13

    Are Steve Hickey and Steve Sibson interchangeable?

  45. moses 2014.11.13

    Jenny we have played the game and supported him the first time not the second as we know where Huether left us,If between him and a republican no difference I'll VOTE REPUBLICAN

  46. Les 2014.11.13

    There is possibly 2 Dem legislators who come to this site. There have been more than a handful of GOP legislators as in a Hickey and they are treated with similar respect the Klan gives Obie. Ya have to chance to dialogue and Ya run the few brave souls off. Maddvillains. Dipshits with no future derailing any chance of a two party system ever happening in SD.

  47. Les 2014.11.13

    Coming from you, Lar, that is a compliment. this post hurt Cory at the tip jar. Get ready to make up for it Kurse.

  48. Steve Sibson 2014.11.13

    "time for Dems in SD to produce some leaders"

    They have, and they are now wearing Republican badges.

    "Are Steve Hickey and Steve Sibson interchangeable?"

    No, I gave up on the New Age when I became a Christian. Hickey is promoting New Age spirituality posing as a Christian.

    With that said, Hickey nor anybody else deserves to be treated the way Kurtz is behaving on this thread.

  49. Moses 2014.11.13

    Cory ill tip you when I see you .You know I do.

  50. Steve Hickey 2014.11.13

    Shame on you Sibson. And just last night I was warming back up to you while chatting with your new state rep.

  51. caheidelberger Post author | 2014.11.13

    No, Roger, Hickey and Sibson are not interchangeable. Disagree as we must with Hickey on much, he makes more sense than Sibby and grinds more than one axe. Hickey adds to the quality of our conversation. Telling him to f--- off and making deeply personal attacks degrades the quality of this blog and drives readers away from a learning opportunity.

  52. caheidelberger Post author | 2014.11.13

    Rev. Hickey, my apologies for the various forms of abuse heaped upon you here for daring to join the conversation. We will try to do better.

  53. caheidelberger Post author | 2014.11.13

    As for the Noem/Obama comparison that sent us down this road, remember, Rev. Hickey, Kristi Noem as never even organized a community. Obama's resume still stands head and shoulders above Noem's in terms of leadership capability. We Dems can easily find someone better qualified than Noem for Governor, should she dare run for that office.

  54. Jana 2014.11.13

    Jesus was a community organizer.

  55. Joan Brown 2014.11.13

    Moses, I agree with you. All Huether wants to do is spend money on frivolous things and not a penny to improve things for the elderly, disabled, and low income. He doesn't even think about where to put his frivolous wants, just picks a spot that is where they have to be built. I have never voted for him and never will. I would vote for Goofy before I would vote for Huether. I have a hunch if he gets to be governor he will end up being another Rounds.

  56. Steve Hickey 2014.11.13

    No apologies necessary. I have thick skin and would rather chat with people who disagree with me than people who agree with everything I say. I learn more. Even an f-bomb is interesting once in a while. I lose interest when it gets too personal or with Sibby saying I'm not a Christian. His world is a really small fishbowl. He'd be stunned by the breadth of diversity globally within orthodox Christianity.

  57. grudznick 2014.11.13

    Mr. Hickey, I'm not much of a Godder but you seem a pretty swell egg.

  58. larry kurtz 2014.11.13

    Hickey is a compensated community organizer.

  59. Owen 2014.11.13

    "Mike- Obama straightened nothing out. America is broke and in far far deeper debt. It's about to implode."

    Rev. Hickey it's really amazing how the President has gotten anything done when you look at the hatred he faces and how the Republicans have blocked everything that he has tried to do. And during that time the Republicans and Noem have offered nothing in ideas. As someone who benefited from "Obamacare" I have nothing but admiration for the President.
    Sadly South Dakota has elected another obstructionist in Rounds and we're going to pay for that shortsightedness over the next 2 years and probably beyond when either Hillary or Bernie Sanders becomesPresident.

  60. JeniW 2014.11.13

    Remember how Mike Rounds thought it was perfectly fine for the federal government to go into debt to purchase an airplane for the state, then use it for his personal use?

    Has the state of SD reimbursed the feds for the cost of that airplane, or given the airplane back so that it can be used for other uses?

  61. Steve Sibson 2014.11.14

    "Disagree as we must with Hickey on much, he makes more sense than Sibby"

    That is because you both adhere to a New Age worldview.

    "Shame on you Sibson."

    For correcting a misstatement? Not surprised coming from a false apostle.

    For more insight into what is going on globally, check this out:

  62. larry kurtz 2014.11.14

    As this is being typed Kristi and her earth hater caucus is voting to give eminent domain power to a foreign government to ship the dirtiest dilbit on the planet to a Communist state so it can fulfill a promise to reduce emissions in an effort to slow climate change enriching the new owners of the US Congress: is this a great country or what?

  63. Steve Sibson 2014.11.14

    Larry, the oil is going to the gulf via Warren Buffett's train anyway. You know who Buffett is? Obama's buddy.

  64. leslie 2014.11.14

    joe, rick and susan are leaders. we have seen them in action. wishing we had better candidates aint gonna happen. we can buttress the dem party state-wide, including a full-time rapid city office, but let me assure you, the few doing the work have been around the block. beating republicans in SD is a HUGE job. a handful in sx falls and a handfull in rapid city isn't going to do it.

    everyone who has fought the fight thus far has my admiration.

  65. Mike Quinlivan 2014.11.14

    The executive experience canard is a total crock. Abe Lincoln served one term in the US House. Ronald Reagan had headed the SAG Union before he was elected Gov of California. Steve Hickey is incorrect arguing that Obama's resume does not qualify him to run and win as president, just as anyone arguing Noem's lack of experience precludes her from Possibly doing a good job as Govenor (though unlikely). I would point out to the Rev that Obama inherited the cruddiest economy since Roosevelt, and considering the growth of the DOW, the gradual lowering of the Unemployment rate, and the fact that the trillions of dollars lost in the 2008/2009 recession have been recovered, he is at least doing ok when judged by facts. If I am expected to take you seriously in debate, you can argue from the position that your perception of the world represents our actual reality.

  66. JeniW 2014.11.14

    I would also like to point out that the health care/insurance issues did not suddenly appeared when Obama took office.

    Those issues were long standing issues, including the not selling insurance policies to those with pre-existing conditions. I cannot tell you how frustrating and disappointing it was when I talked to insurance agents, told them I have a very mild heart murmur (no restrictions related to it,) the agents would start packing their gear, and say "I am sorry, but you do not qualify" (in other words, not good enough.)

    The federal and state level legislators, Democrats and Republicans, failed us when dealing with the healthcare/insurance issues. The ACA is not going to work for everyone, but at least Obama had the willingness to take the bull by the horn and DO something.

    Actually, some of the credit should be shared with Hilary Clinton. She tried to get the ball rolling, but was battered from the get go.

  67. Bill Fleming 2014.11.14

    JeniW, from what I can tell byreading your posts here, you have one of the best hearts around. Just sayin'.

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