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Posts tagged as “Aberdeen”

Remily: Northern Beef Packers and EB-5 Hurt Aberdeen Economy

As the Government Operations and Audit Committee sifts through the doublespeak and shifting narratives they have received from Joop Bollen, Mike Rounds, and everyone else in state government about the EB-5 program, they should consider the commentary of Aberdeen city…

Aberdeen Paper Concedes Headline on Gant and Elliott Incomplete

Legislator-in-waiting Lee Schoenbeck gets to shout "Wrong! Wrong! Wrong!" in my ear all night. On Sunday, the Aberdeen American News ran an article headlined, "Secretary of State: Elliott Residency Valid." Elisa Sand's article said that Secretary of State Jason Gant…

Two Men, Two Moose Walk Through Northeastern South Dakota

Fellow Lake Herman expatriate Elisa Sand wrote this week of two 19-year-olds passing through Aberdeen on a walk from Seattle to New York City. Evidently crossing South Dakota on Highway 12 hasn't given Cameron Coupe and Zan Roman a great…

Northern Beef Packers Missed Dirt Needs by Factor of 3

Before Mike Rounds adopted Northern Beef Packers as his legacy-building EB-5 visa investment project, NBP's organizers were already using EB-5 style magic math to guide their business planning. We already know NBP was wildly off on their job creation projections.…

Northern Beef Packers: State Gives $4.3M, Gets $3M Tax Boost…

...Contractor Still Out $2.1 Million; Workers Unpaid I have frequently cited Scott Waltman's July 2013 summary of the costs of building Northern Beef Packers to discuss how much money that failed EB-5 project made disappear. Dirk Lammers now offers updated…