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Posts tagged as “Brendan Johnson”

Feds Investigate Governor’s Office of Economic Development

Open the speculation floodgates.... Governor Dennis Daugaard announced today that Attorney General Marty Jackley and federal law enforcement have been investigating the Governor's Office of Economic Development for financial misconduct. Not his Office of Economic Development, Daugaard emphasizes, but someone…

Brendan Johnson Adopts Social Media; GOP Web Spinster Sputters

Pat Powers predictably snarkificates on U.S. Attorney Brendan Johnson's opening of a Twitter account: ...isn’t raising his profile though the use of social media a political move for someone viewed by many Democrats as the future savior of the South…

Johnson Earning His Pay as US Attorney

An eager reader suggests that Brendan Johnson is making the right choice to forgo a U.S. Senate campaign in favor of his "cushy... plum job." Bob Mercer agrees that Johnson is making a good call... but says Johnson's job is…

The Family Choice: Herseth Sandlin for Governor

David Montgomery gets Stephanie Herseth Sandlin to tell him at last Saturday's McGovern Day that she is thinking seriously about running for U.S. Senate in 2014. That's news, because it's the first concrete expression of interest in a Senate run…