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Posts tagged as “China”

Bollen, Benda, Obama Killed EB-5 in South Dakota, Not Ross and Mercer

Joop Bollen is trying to distract the Government Operations and Audit Committee from his illegitimate contract with himself, his apparent mismanagement of Northern Beef Packers, and his multiple violations of state policy and law by claiming that reporters like Denise…

October 2010 Press Release Told Chinese Investors SDRC Was State, Not Private

An eager reader goes hunting for information about Mike Rounds's now notorious EB-5 visa investment program and finds a press release on a Chinese forum, issued exactly four years ago today: 世贸通:美国南州电厂项目四大优势强力保证 2010年10月13日 07:14美通社【大 中 小】 【打印】 共有评论0条 北京2010年10月13日电 /美通社亚洲/…

Fisher Speaks on China, Madison Public Library, Thursday 7 p.m.

China probably built your computer, your cell phone, and your air conditioner. So come find out who's keeping you cool and connected Thursday at the Madison Public Library, when former history professor Eve Fisher will present "A Revolution Is Not…

Noem Working Hard at Great Wall of China

What was that Corinna Robinson said yesterday about Congresswoman Kristi Noem not doing the job we taxpayers pay her to do? That's our Kristi, obviously really impressed with the opportunity to be in a photo with her friend Aaron from…

EB-5 Bargain Brings Chinese to Save West River from Keystone XL?

CNN reports what we South Dakotans know from experience: Chinese investors love the EB-5 visa investment program. According to yesterday's report, Chinese immigrants took almost 6,900 EB-5 visas in 2013, 81% of the total issued. Compare that with the 16…

GOED Junket to China for Chinese Export Marketing: $3,465 Per Person

The Governor's Office of Economic Development announced yesterday that eleven captains of South Dakota industry will accompany Governor Dennis Daugaard on his third trade mission to China. The Governor, friends, and flunkies will spend May 9–16 wining and dining potential…