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Posts tagged as “free market”

South Dakota Hog Farmer “Almost Going to Have to” Hire Illegal Immigrants

Agricultural industry groups complain that President Barack Obama's immigration action won't help them find the workers they need to bring home the bacon. In a brilliant display of rationalization, Hurley hog farmer Steve Schmiechel says the President's inaction and the…

Free Market Drives Medicine to Serve Profit, Not Patients

In the Facebook conversation on my post on pro-discrimination Senate Bill 67, my crazy cousin Aaron (not to be confused with my sane wife Erin) maintains that government is a greater threat to liberty than the free market. If you…

More Crony Capitalism: Sioux Falls Wants to Ban Ticket Scalping

Sioux Falls joins the march down the great South Dakota path of crony capitalism with its proposed ordinance to outlaw ticket scalping: Sioux Falls business owner Brian Opp is speaking up to make sure the ordinance, if passed, does not…