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Posts tagged as “freedom”

Mercatus Center Deems Dakotas Tops in Freedom… But for Whom?

The Mercatus Center updates its politically agendafied Freedom Index to find that South Dakota has dropped from freest to second-freest state in the Union. Here's their video explaining our second-place ranking: We have great fiscal policy (i.e., low taxes), budget…

Verbatim: Governor Malloy Sees Better Solutions than Armed Teachers

Governor Dannel P. Malloy of Connecticut delivered his State of the State Address in Hartford yesterday. Still emotional about the senseless deaths of students and teachers in the Sandy Hook Elementary School last month, Governor Malloy declared his commitment to…

Women’s Hero in Libya, Little Qaddafis in Pierre

The CBC radio program As It Happens has been conducting some riveting interviews with Libyan citizens in the midst of revolution. On the Friday, February 25 broadcast, an 18-year-old woman explained what she wants... and what she and her compatriots…