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Posts tagged as “Lee Schoenbeck”

GOP Picks Westra over Schoenbeck for House Assistant Majority Leader

Not only did the 2014 election deprive us the pleasure of testing Lee Schoenbeck's commitment to disenfranchising District 3 and RV voters, but the legislative caucus has deprived us the pleasure of Lee Schoenbeck's leadership. Despite months of machinating by…

Aberdeen Paper Concedes Headline on Gant and Elliott Incomplete

Legislator-in-waiting Lee Schoenbeck gets to shout "Wrong! Wrong! Wrong!" in my ear all night. On Sunday, the Aberdeen American News ran an article headlined, "Secretary of State: Elliott Residency Valid." Elisa Sand's article said that Secretary of State Jason Gant…

Schoenbeck: Annette Bosworth Is a Fraud

All you nice out-state Republicans getting post cards from Base Connect, pay attention.... Pat Powers continues to dismiss my investigation and criticism of fake Senate candidate Annette Bosworth as hysterical sexism. He'll have a harder time dismissing prominent Republican Lee…

Nelson, Schoenbeck Say No to Taxpayer Funding of ALEC Dues

As the Republican spin machine celebrates spending tax dollars on legislators' dues to a private, pro-corporate lobbying organization, Rep. Stace Nelson (R-19/Fulton) establishes his crossover conservative-independent cred by agreeing with Dems like Rep. Bernie Hunhoff that sending your tax dollars…

Rep. Stace Nelson Shells SDPB over Schoenbeck Blasts

A couple days ago when I responded with disgust to the Legislature's announcement that it wants to cut funding for South Dakota Public Broadcasting, Rep. Stace Nelson tweeted back that SDPB was using our tax dollars dishonestly. Whoa! What evil…

Schoenbeck: There Is No Tenure

Listen to Lee: there is no tenure! There hasn't been a legal impediment to terminating an educator in South Dakota since 1995.... There may have been a management issue that continued since 1995 as to whether administrators are doing their…