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Posts tagged as “media”

Woster Uneasy with Challenge to Rounds Propaganda

Reporter Kevin Woster feels so bad for Mike Rounds that he responds to the beating the GOP Senate candidate took this week by posting, without commentary or analysis, twelve reasons that Team Rounds says are why we "oughta like Mike."…

Not Breaking: KELO Recycles Prior Scoops in EB-5 Coverage

You want to talk about recycling old news? Forget Pat Powers's blogular burpage trying to distract us from a new and important piece of the Rounds Administration's facilitation of Joop Bollen's rule-breaking exploitation of the public trust. Let's look at…

Four SD Newspapers Agree: State, GOP Should Answer GOED/EB-5/Benda Questions

Want more answers on the GOED/EB-5/Benda scandal? So do South Dakota's newspapers. Four—four!—big dailies across the state say the Legislature is not faithfully executing its charge to investigate the strange shuffling of EB-5 visa investment money that resulted in a…

No Public Defender for Bosworth, Who Says She Can Pay Her Lawyer

Hey, everybody, guess what? Brandon Taliaferro and us bloggers are all lying about Annette Bosworth. So says the perjurious political poseur's paid press, which asserts that Bosworth brought a check to court Monday to pay attorney Taliaferro the $25,000 retainer…

Joel Arends on Bosworth: She’s Not Crazy!

There goes the insanity defense.... Lawyer Joel Arends, the Sisyphus trapped on the mountain of fake U.S. Senate candidate Annette Bosworth's woes, just rolled a boulder at David Lias. The Vermillion Plain Talk editor published a punishing non-endorsement Saturday, urging…

Sioux Falls Paper Errs in Bosworth-Haber Household Head Count

I promise: per Bosworth's request in her only face-to-face conversation with me (not to mention my own morals), I have not f---ed with her son. But an eager reader sends a clip from Sunday's Sioux Falls paper that suggests someone…

Santema Covers Candidates Forum on Reservation

Ken Santema puts serious miles on his car and keyboard to provide detailed coverage of the candidates forum held at Oglala Lakota College in Kyle last week. Well done, Ken! Among Santema's newsworthy observations: Four out of five of South…