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Posts tagged as “Social Security”

GOP Platform Draft: “Modernize”, Privatize, Plutocratize!

Immediately after Mitt Romney's middle-abandoning selection of Paul Ryan as running mate, the National Republican Congressional Committee issued these guidelines for spinning Ryan's plan to destroy Medicare and other entitlements: "Do not say: "˜entitlement reform,' "˜privatization,' "˜every option is on…

Eisenhower on Romney-Ryan Base: “Negligible” and “Stupid”

Dwight David Eisenhower hops in the time machine recovered from Roswell and weighs in on the 2012 Republican Presidential ticket: Now it is true that I believe this country is following a dangerous trend when it permits too great a…

Romney-Ryan Ticket Guarantees Obama-Biden Four More Years!

Mitt Romney has picked Gabe from The Office as the GOP's vice-presidential nominee. Actually, it's Paul Ryan, who will be cooped up on a bus with Mitt for the next four days touring battleground states. So, your GOP veep choice…

Social Security No Ponzi Scheme; Rick Perry Monstrous Liar

Presidential candidate Rick Perry calls Social Security a Ponzi scheme. By deeming Social Security a "monstrous lie," the Texas governor follows the same anti-government propaganda tactics of some local bloggers who shout about some "pernicious lie," hoping to undermine our…

Sen. Sanders: Lift Payroll Tax Income Cap, Save Social Security

Rep. Kristi Noem thinks she can "save" Medicare by destroying it. Medicare will go broke if we do nothing, Noem claims, so she votes to dismantle the safety net, hand the money to rich folks. Democratic socialist Senator Bernie Sanders…