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Cairo, Frankfort… Pierre? Protestors Occupy Kentucky Capitol to Not Move Mountains

Protestors have been occupying the Kentucky governor's office since Friday to protest mountain-top removal coal mining. Among the protestors: poet, philosopher, and rural activism hero Wendell Berry, described by Bill McKibben as the "finest writer at work in the English language." (What, has McKibben not read the Madville Times?)

Mr. Berry eloquently explains Governor Steve Beshear's inability to recognize that the protestors are arguing from scientific evidence and a deep belief in neighborliness:

See more videos of Berry and other Kentucky protesters at BeCreativeVids on YouTube. You can also see cool protest pics from South Dakota native, now post-doc in environmental studies at Kentucky's Centre College, Brett Werner.

One look at the Kentucky protests and McKibben's nod toward the Egypt revolution, and Tweet-pal @Kal_ritle asks, "When's it South Dakota's time?" Indeed, if bulldozing mountaintops can move Wendell Berry to camp out in his capitol, what might firing teachers and professors and permanently hamstringing public education motivate South Dakotans to do? I don't know if sleeping bags are required yet... but memories that extend to the 2012 election would be nice.


  1. Mark O'Loughlen 2011.02.14

    Now looking from the outside, I find South Dakota rather funny. My only regret about moving away was not doing it sooner.

    What I find funny is that for some reason, people complain 364 days a year about those "idiots in Pierre" but on election day, they keep on voting them in.

    Good luck South Dakota. And keep paying your electric bill so your neighbors to the west can still collect the tax! We have schools too you know.

  2. joelie hicks 2011.02.15

    Will people be willing to stand up against GE alfalfa?

  3. caheidelberger Post author | 2011.02.15

    Wendell Berry sure would!

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