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Five Republicans Respect My Wife; Five Democrats Do Not

Five Republicans in the South Dakota House recognize my wife and daughter aren't chattel:

Thank you, gentlemen.

Five Democrats in the House lack such enlightenment:

My fellow Democrats, please drop by my house sometime, look my wife in the eye, and explain to her why she's not smart enough to make decisions about her own body. Then look me in the eye and tell me why you don't respect my wife, or my daughter, or any of the other South Dakota women whom I consider my equal if not my better.


  1. joe thompson 2011.02.23

    Perhaps the law is intended to protect those who are not the intellectual equal of your wife and daughter.
    Joseph G Thompson

  2. caheidelberger Post author | 2011.02.23

    Joe, I submit the authors of this bill have no respect for the intellectual capacities of my wife and daughter or of any other women. And I won't take an exemption for my dearest ladies. I want all women and all men treated equally, as full and free citizens. HB 1217 says women as a class aren't smart enough to govern their own bodies. The Constitution says we can't pass laws like that.

  3. Karla Hyde 2011.02.23

    Just curious, what does my iq have to be to keep a personal and private medical decision such as this between just me and my doctor? Will I need to start taking a report card when I go to the doctor's office for other medical exams?

  4. B 2011.02.23

    I guess US Women in America are not Smart enough to make are own Decisions!!!

  5. B 2011.02.23

    I thought all you Republicans wanted GOVERNMENT
    OUT of your private lives!!!

  6. Karla Hyde 2011.02.23

    Well don't I feel stupid. I thought this was an issue regarding individual rights. I didn't realize it was part of the master plan to keep South Dakota competive with China.

    Seriously, maybe Rep. Liss and others should be more concerned about how we plan to educate our children, instead of wasting the taxpayers time and money with all this stupid legislation.

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