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Lt. Gov. Michels Understands: Government Is Us!

Last updated on 2011.05.23

There are still some sane Republicans. Newly full-time Lieutenant Governor Matt Michels rejects Tea Party government-bashing and tells his Yankton neighbors that the government is us:

Another purpose of government is to take care of people who cannot take care of themselves, he stated.

"Please don't ever forget it," Michels said. "It's not them and us — it's us. It's us working together to either improve lives or advance causes to make sure people are well. To have a gap, and have a view that people who are serving us in our state government are leaning on a shovel, is wrong. I'm not saying that's a pervasive view. I have just taken it upon myself to say we are blessed" [Nathan Johnson, "Michels: No Separation Between Gov't, People," Yankton Press & Dakotan, 2011.05.21].

I'd gladly come to a Lincoln Day Dinner to hear Lt. Gov. Michels lay that beat down against the government-villainizing rhetoric we get from some other conservatives.


  1. mike 2011.05.22

    Michels is a smart cookie.

    The best thing Daugaard ever did was keep this guy out of the primary. It is much easier to run against people like Munsterman, Knudson and Howie than Michels.

    I imagine 2018's primary will be much more competetive with folks like Jackley, Michels and Dusty all eyeing the position.

  2. John 2011.05.22

    Cory you missed the first part of the message:
    "“I don’t care how much you pay (government employees), they’re not there working for the compensation. They’re working to take care of us. Government’s primary purpose — us — is to take care of people in terms of safety.”

    I will not accept another Lt Gov pretending he doesn't know what is going on in state government!

    This condesending attitude that people are willing to work for starvation wages to "serve" the public is BS and Matt needs to be called out on it!

    Here we have a guy making over $200K of the tax payers money thanking guys who risk their lives every minute of every day for scraps that are just above the poverty level. At least the jailers qualify for Food Stamps and Medicade (federal programs).

    At some point people need to remind Rep. that we are not happy to just have a job. People take jobs at the prison to gain experence to get out to a better job. The state takes advanatage of these people. The reason people's lives are at risk at the prison is because of turn over. Turn over caused by low wages.

    This is nothiing to be proud of Matt!

  3. mike 2011.05.22

    Looks like Michels just served up the Tea Party vote to Jackley...

  4. caheidelberger Post author | 2011.05.22

    John, I wondered about that first part of the quote. We could certainly interpret it as the same bad thinking that leads us to take advantage of teachers ("oh, they work for love, we don't need to pay them much").

    But might there be another way to read it? In the context of what he's saying, perhaps this passage is meant to say that folks aren't doing government work to get rich? Maybe Michels is telling the Tea Partiers to quit viewing public employees as lazy bums living in the lap of luxury. Maybe Michels is actually defending good pay for good government workers?

  5. john 2011.05.22

    Cory- maybe you are right. Matt is taking a pay cut leaving Avera and his private law practice. The difference is Matt is going from $400 k in private to $ 200 k in state gov. Compare that to the guard at the prison that makes $11 25 per hour. Who's doing the greater public service ?

    The reason we don't pay teachers in this state is because teachers are mostly women and have husbands to support them. Sexism.

  6. john 2011.05.22

    My earlier point was Matt can't have it both ways. He can't one the one hand tell the tea baggers to go away and advocate for better wages for state employees and then say he is only the lt. gov. We bought that bs from Dennis.

  7. Roger Beranek 2011.05.22

    Pay is determined by how replaceable I am, not how important the work I do is or what value it provides to the public. If you can fill a position with a capable worker at "starvation wages" than there is moral imperative to not throw more of other people's money at them out of some conceited sense of social justice. The keyword may be "capable" in the prison guard situation, as it isn't very wise to create a security force vulnerable to the influence of money, or a prison population with vastly more experienced then the people watching them.

  8. Stan Gibilisco 2011.05.22

    From this Republican: Amen.

    Some people suggest that we, the people, emulate our politicians; therefore if we lack fiscal responsibility and good morals, we simply follow our leaders' role model.

    I hold the opposite view: We, the people, elect our politicians; therefore if our leaders lack fiscal responsibility and good morals, they simply follow our instructions.

    We get the government that we deserve. Cruel irony or benevolent reality: Our choice.

  9. john 2011.05.23

    Roger that logic may sound good at the Tea Party Rally but it put lives at risk at the Pen. Low wages are causing high turn over and putting in experienced gaurds on the line.

  10. john 2011.05.23

    Roger that logic may sound good at the Tea Party Rally but it puts lives at risk at the Pen. Low wages are causing high turn over and putting in experienced gaurds on the line.

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