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Noem Catches Wingnut Heat for Rejecting Birtherism

Last updated on 2012.01.14

Sometimes sanity doesn't pay.

Congresswoman Kristi Noem continues to rile her reddest supporters. Her Red Dog Republican votes for more government handouts have cast doubt on her fiscal conservatism. Now her terse rejection of Obama-birtherism have roused Corsi-clone criticism of her Constitutional cred:

Another member of Congress apparently believes "citizen" and "natural-born citizen" &ndash as the U.S. Constitution requires for the presidency &ndash are the same thing.

The word comes from Rep. Kristi Noem, R-S.D., who wrote to a constituent that she's satisfied that Barack Obama is eligible to be president.

That's even though the Constitution raises a different standard for presidents, stating, "No Person except a natural-born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President."

Bob Unruh of wingnut-hysteria website World Net Daily plunges on into interminable snicker-worthy knicker-twisting over the Constitution and birth certificates and facts he just can't accept.

Gee, and all Kristi did was write this letter to some birther nut named Thomas:

Rep. Kristi Noem recognizes President Barack Obama is a citizen | Letter, June 15, 2011

Now Kristi knows how we Dems feel: you try to talk sense, you stick to the facts, and the wingnuts keep shouting the same nonsense.


  1. Mike Stunes 2011.07.08

    This, despite her specifically saying "natural born citizenship" and "confirmed the birth and citizenship" in her letter?

  2. Bill Fleming 2011.07.08

    I think maybe there should be a law that people like this author don't ever get to be POTUS whether they were born here or not.

  3. moses 2011.07.08

    Was Noem born in South Dakota.

  4. caheidelberger Post author | 2011.07.09

    Interesting question! Early in the 2010 campaign, her Wikipedia page listed her birthplace as Charleston, South Carolina. That line has long since been scratched to say she was born in Watertown, though the campaign bio to which it refers does not cite her birthplace. Noem's literature says she has lived in Hamlin County her whole life and refers to growing up there, but specific birthplace mentions seem rare if at all existent.

    Of course, I was born in Minnesota. For shorthand, I tell people I'm a lifelong South Dakota resident, with the exception of that beginning accident of fate.

  5. Douglas Wiken 2011.07.09

    Noem is an alien life form from the planet Non sequitur

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