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Federal Grants Bring South Dakotans Books, Better Wastewater Systems

There goes big bad government again, ruining our lives with its wanton, tyrannical spending. Fresh from his big bike ride in the Hills (and almost making me late for my 1 p.m. job interview in Spearfish!), Governor Dennis Daugaard gets back to his office in Pierre to sign off on four big Community Development Block Grants totaling almost $1.4 million dollars in degradation of democracy and South Dakotan self-reliance.

Seriously, Uncle Sam is making life better for folks in McLaughlin, Selby, Leola, Mobridge. In those first three towns, CDBG money will fix up the local wastewater systems. "Communities absolutely need a safe and adequate wastewater system," says Governor Daugaard.

Mobridge is getting over a quarter million to expand its library. "Libraries really speak to a community's quality of life," says the Governor, whose wife Linda may be a member of the Masonic Librarians who secretly contend with the Illuminati to rule the world (or at least shush it).

The Governor's Office of Economic Development administers this money (because yes, government investment in infrastructure and basic services supports all other economic development). But the money comes from the Department of Housing and Urban Development, a branch of the very same federal government that some of Governor Daugaard's fellow Republicans in Washington so avidly portray as the enemy of our freedom.

Now if we could just get a federal grant to cover everyone's State Fair admission.


  1. Stan Gibilisco 2011.08.13

    (snark) Why spend government money on books when you can simply download pirated copies from the InterWeb? (/snark)

  2. Wayne Pauli 2011.08.13

    I am 100% opposed to the free admission to the State Fair for anybody. The fair folks have been getting beat up for years and now we have to let people in for free. North Dakotans included.

  3. caheidelberger Post author | 2011.08.14

    Wayne, you party-pooper! Any chance the fair can make up revenues in other areas? After all, if we let more people in free, maybe more of them will come and buy more corn dogs and race tickets?

  4. LK 2011.08.14

    I was under the impression that South Dakota was proud of it's neighborly nature. Guess I was wrong.

    The admission is free to flood victims who have state issued ID. North Dakota's fair was cancelled because floods decimated their state fairgrounds.

    I really doubt that droves of people will made the trip from Minot or Bismarck to Pierre so the State Fair shouldn't be out too much. Those that do will be buying food and souvenirs and staying in hotels, so South Dakota will probably make a few extra tax dollars from those who do make the trip.

  5. RGoeman 2011.08.14

    The State Fair in South Dakota has been a state-subsidized Huron celebration for decades. In the future, communities should submit proposals each year for a rotating State Fair location so that communities like Aberdeen, Rapid City, Sioux Falls, Yankton and others could host the fair on a rotating basis. Could be a better cultural experience, expose more South Dakotans to the State Fair and the State would be able to eliminate or reduce its subsidy.

  6. Wayne Pauli 2011.08.15

    Just my neighborly side coming out. Do not go to Pierre for the Fair, LK. Call me for directions. If it was free for all, like Turner County or Rock County , IA that wold be fine with me. Just leave the folks that run the fair alone during the annual political budget process.

    You sound like a Republican Corey with the position that free admision means more food being sold. That is the plan regarding low taxes, the busineses will do better and they will hire more people. Government stay out of the way. Or are you just stiring the pot? :-)

  7. caheidelberger Post author | 2011.08.15

    I have my moments, Wayne... kind of like head rushes when I stand up too fast. All those DSU business-oriented class affected my brain. ;-)

    But I am curious what the return on investment would be. The fairs you mentioned do well with free admission. When those folks come to town, they're 90% sure to eat something. Free admission may be economically preferable!

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