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President Obama Wins on Demographics; Tea Party Doomed

I was ready to go to school today and recognize Mitt Romney's victory by playing for my students videos of Romney speaking French. How better to inspire students to learn a language than to show their President's fluency therein?

Now I get the best of both worlds. I can play those Romney videos to promote academic achievement, and I can say "President Barack Obama" for four more years.

President Barack Obama won the election not by speaking French but by speaking the language of a changing America:

  • White folks voted for Romney over Obama 59% to 39%. But non-white folks make up 28% of the electorate, four times the proportion of forty years ago.
  • President Obama won 93% of the black vote, the best Democratic performance among that demographic since LBJ's 1964 victory.
  • President Obama won 69% of the Latino vote, a larger percentage than in his 2008 victory.
  • President Obama won the under-30 vote 59% to 37%. Romney won the 65-and-over vote 57% to 43%.
  • President Obama won the women's vote 55% to 44%. Romney won the men's vote 52% to 45% (showing more men are silly enough to go vote for the fringe radical anarcho-capitalist candidates like Dan Kaiser).

The Tea Party was a one-hit wonder. They will savage Romney as a "weak moderate" because they know moderation means sharing the pie with all those brown people coming to the table. Angry old white men, scared by an America that is looking less like them, will now scramble to cling to power like the last apartheid regime, trying to hold back the swelling ranks of minorities ascending to majority with tricks like voter disenfranchisement and SuperPAC spending sprees. The Tea Party will squabble over the scraps of a shrinking demographic until their core dies off, leaving them with about as much influence in Washington as South Dakota Democrats have in Pierre.

The crowning irony (you may read that as a euphemism for lie) of the Mitt Romney campaign was his promise of "real change." Romney's greatest electoral strength was among the old, the white, and the rich who most fear a changing America.

We have tested Sarah Palin's shrill "real America" hypothesis twice. We have rejected it twice. President Barack Obama won because he is the real America: a mix of races, willing to reach out to others and include everyone in the American dream.


  1. Jerry 2012.11.07

    Spot on, could not agree more. The vote that just happened, will make renewable energy importance that much more in our mainstream. Not only will this help our mother, but it will also provide jobs and education right here in South Dakota for the folks that will maintain and work with it. A new dawn indeed.

  2. Steve Sibson 2012.11.07

    In short, Obama won because Cultural Marxism has been successfully implemented in America. Imagine the race riots if Romney would have won.

    The Tea Party losing is not the correct analysis. Because the GOP rejected the limited government movement and instead sent a RINO to do the job of an Elephant, the Marxist defeated the corporatist. The Tea Party was not the only losers, all freedom loving Americans lost. The winner....big government and tyranny no matter who won.

  3. larry kurtz 2012.11.07

    Sorry, South Dakota: you lose again.

  4. John Hess 2012.11.07

    And the gays did well! Three states will legalize gay marriage and Minnesota won't ban it. Civil unions are the way to go, but it's hard to argue with success.

    Last night Ari Fleischer said the Republicans need to play more in to their base of over-65 voters. These guys refuse to accept they're dinosaurs.

  5. Steve Sibson 2012.11.07

    "And the gays did well!"

    More Cultural Marxism.

  6. larry kurtz 2012.11.07

    Congratulations, John: Minnesota supports equality, too! Sioux City Journal: NW Iowa still lily white, obese.

  7. Steve Sibson 2012.11.07

    Sexual Bolshevism (also known as Sexual Peversion) encompasses a pattern of degenerate sexual behaviour in a few human beings. The category includes homosexualism, pedophilia, miscegenation, transsexualism and bestiality. Cultural norms of human society the world-over, have developed an evolutionary rejection of these social ills as a means of survival. Along with third-world miscegenation and abortion, homosexuality is a primary peversion promoted in society, under the guise of "tolerance", "equality" and "diversity" as part of a rival Jewish supremacist stategy to attack ethnic European demographics.

    Particularly after the failure of state-communism and working-class ethnic Europeans largely rejecting the attempt by the Judeo-Bolsheviks to enslave and destroy gentile society, radical Jewish supremacists began to mould Sexual Bolsheviks into a new proletariat. They feature as tools alongside other manipulated participants in identity politics currents, such as third-world immigrants and radical feminists. In the area of the homosexual agenda; inspired by the cultural Marxism of the Frankfurt School, a group of US-based Jews developed a variation of critical theory which they call "Queer theory". Michael Warner,✡ Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick✡ and Judith Butler✡ are at the forefront of this.

  8. larry kurtz 2012.11.07

    RCJ: voter turnout down again; red state failure assured.

  9. larry kurtz 2012.11.07

    Steve Sibson: the porn king of Mitchell twists off.

  10. caheidelberger Post author | 2012.11.07

    "sexual Bolshevism"? Readers, on this thread, Steve Sibson is nuts. Please ignore.

  11. Steve Sibson 2012.11.07

    "Steve Sibson is nuts"

    It is not my research. And this is what killed teh dinosaur of healthy happy traditional families:

    Most Europeans look back on the 1950s as a good time. Our homes were safe, to the point where many people did not bother to lock their doors. Public schools were generally excellent, and their problems were things like talking in class and running in the halls. Most men treated women like ladies, and most ladies devoted their time and effort to making good homes, rearing their children well and helping their communities through volunteer work. Children grew up in two–parent households, and the mother was there to meet the child when he came home from school. Entertainment was something the whole family could enjoy.

    What happened?

    Over the last fifty years, Western Europe has been conquered by the same force that earlier took over Russia, China, Germany and Italy. That force is ideology. Here, as elsewhere, ideology has inflicted enormous damage on the traditional culture it came to dominate, fracturing it everywhere and sweeping much of it away. In its place came fear, and ruin. Russia will take a generation or more to recover from Communism, if it ever can.

    The ideology that has taken over Western Europe goes most commonly by the name of “Political Correctness.” Some people see it as a joke. It is not. It is deadly serious. It seeks to alter virtually all the rules, formal and informal, that govern relations among people and institutions. It wants to change behaviour, thought, even the words we use. To a significant extent, it already has. Whoever or whatever controls language also controls thought. Who dares to speak of “ladies” now?

    Just what is “Political Correctness?” Political Correctness is in fact cultural Marxism (Cultural Communism) – Marxism translated from economic into cultural terms. The effort to translate Marxism from economics into culture did not begin with the student rebellion of the 1960s. It goes back at least to the 1920s and the writings of the Italian Communist Antonio Gramsci. In 1923, in Germany, a group of Marxists founded an institute devoted to making the transition, the Institute of Social Research (later known as the Frankfurt School). One of its founders, George Lukacs, stated its purpose as answering the question, “Who shall save us from Western Civilisation?” The Frankfurt School gained profound influence in European and American universities after many of its leading lights fled and spread all over Europe and even to the United States in the 1930s to escape National Socialism in Germany. In Western Europe it gained influence in universities from 1945.

    The Frankfurt School blended Marx with Freud, and later influences (some Fascist as well as Marxist) added linguistics to create “Critical Theory” and “deconstruction.” These in turn greatly influenced education theory, and through institutions of higher education gave birth to what we now call “Political Correctness.” The lineage is clear, and it is traceable right back to Karl Marx.

  12. Owen Reitzel 2012.11.07

    I agree that its end of the Tea Party. look at all the Tea Baggers that lost. Led by Allen West and dead beat dad Joe Walsh.

  13. John Hess 2012.11.07

    Considering Citizens United and voter suppression the outcome was pretty incredible.

  14. Jana 2012.11.07

    Severely Conservative Mitt, the Tea Party and Paul "Personhood" Ryan ended up sending a binder full of women to the Senate.

  15. Les 2012.11.07

    Happy days are here again. For either party to claim victory with what we were provided is indeed an attempt at self consolation in an anemic sort of way.

    I won't go into all Sib says but, answer to his statement of two parent homes and running in the hallways of schools of the past in comparison to our current environment and state this is the progress we desire.

  16. Barry Smith 2012.11.07

    This election seems to have changed the national playing field not much at all on paper, but it was definitely a referendum that fell hard on far right politics. I think we will see the Republican party move away from crazy instead of embrace it.

  17. Kara 2012.11.07

    "Severely Conservative Mitt, the Tea Party and Paul "Personhood" Ryan ended up sending a binder full of women to the Senate."....and the best comment of the morning goes to JANA!

  18. John Hess 2012.11.07

    And one of those women going to the Senate is openly gay. Equality takes a step.

  19. JoeBoo 2012.11.07

    As much as many South Dakotans and Republican voters hate to admit it, much of the country has growing minority communities. Romney won white voters at the same rate George H.W. Bush did, George H.W. Bush won 400+ electoral votes. The country is changing, not because of Cultural/Racial Marxism, its because this country is a place that many minorities want to move. Actually its because Hispanic minorities are very Catholic, to the point where they don't believe in birth control. Growing minority population is choosing the President (and democrats) not because of what they have done for them, but more for what republicans have said they will do.

  20. Steve Sibson 2012.11.07

    Jana, thanks for proving Cultural Marxism is a lie. Conservative Mitt, no Obama-lite Mitt. You have to be a liberal in order to win a state-wide election in Massachussetts.

  21. Steve Sibson 2012.11.07

    JoeBoe, it does not take much of a person to borrow money from the kids and use it to buy their mothers' votes.

  22. Jana 2012.11.07

    Oh Kara...I'm blushing. But the credit for that goes to our youngest son who is blessed with a wry sense of humor and an above average interest in politics and policy.

  23. Steve Sibson 2012.11.07

    Jana, what does your son's father have to say about it?

  24. Jana 2012.11.07

    Sorry rabbit holes today.

  25. Jana 2012.11.07

    Sibby, I'll have to ask when he's done laughing.

  26. Steve Sibson 2012.11.07

    "Sorry rabbit holes today."

    Since your son's father is a male, I thought you would not address the truth. Sad that so many children are brought up hating males, when deep inside their know they need their fathers.

    "Readers, on this thread, Steve Sibson is nuts. Please ignore."

    There is nothing the Politically Correct fear more than open defiance, and for good reason; it is their chief vulnerability. That should lead cultural conservatives to defy cultural Marxism at every turn.

    While the hour is late, the battle is not decided. Very few Western Europeans realise that Political Correctness is in fact Marxism in a different set of clothes. As that realisation spreads, defiance will spread with it. At present, Political Correctness prospers by disguising itself. Through defiance, and through education on our own part (which should be part of every act of defiance), we can strip away its camouflage and reveal the Marxism beneath the window-dressing of “sensitivity,” “tolerance,” and “multiculturalism.”

  27. larry kurtz 2012.11.07

    Sibby: how do you type with one hand in your pants?

  28. Kara 2012.11.07

    Lucky you Jana! I have three witty, politically astute sons, and one daughter too:) And their father, my husband (gasp!) is just as involved and proud as I am!

  29. Bree S. 2012.11.07

    I'm annoyed about the results. They had to have known that fielding a very moderate Republian and going after Independents was going to cost us the Senate. So if they were going that way they should have picked a stronger candidate. Now I feel like egging houses in DC of whoever got this wrong.

  30. Steve Sibson 2012.11.07

    So Kara what to you 6 politically astute proud family members feel about this analysis:

    The Human Stain, Philip Roth’s seminal novel regarding Political Correctness, racism, and the insipid hypocrisy of leftist morality, is a fitting backdrop to Barack Obama’s improbable presidency. In the story, Professor Coleman Silk, a half-Black Jewish professor, posing as a White man, is taken down by the mechanical application of PC rules to an accidental insult he gave to two African-Americans.

    Now, we can introduce the 800-pound donkey in the room. Let’s ask a simple question: Could Barack have been elected president without the doctrine known as Political Correctness?


    So, Americans have the worst of all possible worlds. First, the poseur Barack was able to slip into the world’s highest office on the wings of a false, Marxist creed, Political Correctness. Second, Obama had spent his entire life learning how to pretend he is competent, effective, and even brilliant—while being continually advanced. But, instead of learning how to lead, he merely aped the outward traits of successful people. This left him particularly vulnerable to crises, since during normal times his leadership might go unnoticed, whereas during times of peril a leader’s quick decisions can make the difference between life and death. And so we observed Barack play golf while the Gulf Oil Spill hemorrhaged petrol for months.

    Obama’s propensity to pretend he was qualified for various posts, despite any training, developed until he was a full-fledged con artist. This was perfectly symbolized by accepting the Nobel Peace Prize after 11 days of presidential eligibility, unaware this exposed him as a habitual fraud. But even his most recent actions, after two years of ineffectual service, were inane. He backed a radical Islamic sect, who favors Shari’ah Islamic law—the Muslim Brotherhood, after abandoning one of America’s most important allies in the Middle East, in the name of “democracy.” This reinforced perceptions of suspect analytic skills, a perpetual orientation towards radical Marxism, and default towards reactionary Islam.

    Finally, Obama’s likely categorization as a Malignant Narcissist is unnerving because when conditions are most dire, we can expect the worst from Obama as a leader. We have already seen, even after getting repudiated in a gruesome election, Barack still demands hard leftist policies. And for all these reasons, he must be impeached from office for the survival of the American Republic.

  31. larry kurtz 2012.11.07

    seminal novel: Sibby's wet dream.

  32. tonyamert 2012.11.07

    Wow, those demographics are interesting. Republicans should be scared and will need to dramatically adjust their platforms going forward if they want to be competitive.

    Even with a strong lead in the white vote overall, Romney couldn't win. It's only going to get more difficult as the minority population increases as a proportion of the electorate.

  33. Steve Sibson 2012.11.07

    "Even with a strong lead in the white vote overall, Romney couldn't win. It's only going to get more difficult as the minority population increases as a proportion of the electorate."

    Spoken like a true racist. The Cultural Marxists must very happy.

  34. Jana 2012.11.07

    Sibby, take a step back and realize how tied you are to your own group of 'politically correct' thinkers.

    But as long as you are worried about the family structure, what do you think South Dakota should do to strengthen the family unit from an economic perspective that is in many cases the foundation for the stability we all remember and we all hope for.

    Right now we seem to love the idea of being an "affordable" state to live in...or put another way...we work cheap. Where being just 'good enough' seems to rule the day and party dominance is paramount to everyone sharing in the American dream. Saying I created 100 jobs has no qualitative measure as to what kind of jobs were created.

    I remember well growing up in a time where mothers could afford to make life's work their home and children. The nurturing and success of children was the most important thing for everyone...from job creators to homekeepers. Keep in mind that taxes were high, unions were strong and a hardback job, being a teacher and the local banker were all respected equally and rewarded with a good living middle class wage and sometimes better.

    Churches were a place where we all came together and the Gospel was preached and scripture didn't have to be compromised to fit a party platform. The Kennedy and Nixon supporters sat at the same potluck table and left politics aside to share stories of faith, family and the American experience. No one cared whether the Jello salad or casserole was made by a Republican or a Democrat.

    From a political standpoint, statesmen/women were revered for their wisdom, ability to get things done and not valued for how much press or money they could garner. Respect was earned by how much respect was given back...rather than being measured by a sycophantic devotion to party dogma and ability to recite party platitudes.

    The political extremists were, to put it bluntly, avoided like the crazy uncle you really hoped didn't make it to the next family gathering. (If you want to take that my guest.)

    Higher education was held in high esteem by all and not viewed as being snobbish.

    The country and states looked at education as the economic path forward, the cornerstone of American exceptionalism and a critical part of national security.

    Now popular conservative thought has education looked at as an expense/liability and exclusionary as opposed to an investment in our collective future. The student grants and affordable loans that were seen as critical and visionary vehicles to reaching those common goals are now viewed more importantly as profit centers for a few powerful political donors.

    Today's prevailing conservative thought in SD seems to fly in the face of that time.

    This is my rabbit hole for you Sibby...but if you were my crazy uncle, I'd still welcome you in our home.

  35. Jana 2012.11.07

    Bree, what version of Mitt are you referring to with your "moderate Republian" statement. I remember a picture on the old Etch-a-Sketch that was severely conservative.

    Certainly you aren't condemning the majority of Republicans that made Mitt their choice...are you?

    In the immortal words of Tammy Wynette..."Stand By Your Man"...come on, sing along, you know the words. Heck I can even picture the scene from the Blues Brothers where they sang that song as the 'stand in' Good Ole Boys.

    Just in case you's the video.

  36. Steve Sibson 2012.11.07


    Thanks for the thoughtful post. I agree with most all of the beginning. At one time I was that crazy uncle. But after being rocked by people like Pat Powers, and after reading some stuff that pointed to the party feud being fake...I have been stepping back from the political Kool Aid parties. I got into politics because I came to understand that I was messed up by the education system. I thought I had to fix that via politics, but I was wrong. And here is where we differ. Education is the method by which the monopoply capitalists are setting us up as fools. Knowing that money runs politics...logic says politics will not fix it. My purpose is now focused on telling people the truth, even when it makes me unpopular. Unfortunately the Kool Aid drinkers write me off like I am some crazy uncle. Certainly not a scenario that would lead to success in politics. But if I can save one person from being wrecked by the deceptions, then it is all well worth while.

  37. Steve Sibson 2012.11.07

    "Bree, what version of Mitt are you referring to with your "moderate Republian""

    Jana, he put "very' in front of moderate, sot that means he is a RINO. RINOs and Marxists have one thing in common, the need to control by centralizing wealth and power via a big government. Neither are conservative.

  38. Jana 2012.11.07

    Like I said Sibby, if you were would be welcome at our table.

    But tell me what parts of the scenario I laid out is not in sync with the current Republican thought. Where am I wrong?

    Heck, I'd love to hear what other conservatives have to say about where their current views differ with what I said.

    I'm especially open to those conservative thoughts that value cheap labor as family values.

    Bueller? Bueller? Anyone?

  39. Jana 2012.11.07

    Oh nice try Sibby. But if you expect anyone to take your 'pick-a-word' of the day rants seriously (you know the words...socialist, Marxist, communist, etc.) you have to back those words up with actual critical thought.

    Oops, I said critical thought, didn't I...sorry.

  40. Bill Fleming 2012.11.07

    Sibby and Jana, here's my read.

    Romney bailed out on the Sibby/Tea Party nut-job position in the middle of the first debate.

    That's when the Republican party lost, (even though it looked like Obama slipped.) The rest of the campaign was Romney trying to out Obama Obama.

    Because it was clear that the position Sibby and the far-right radicals advocate was going nowhere fast with the American electorate. Ig the GOP doesn't reform, and quickly, it's a dead duck, nationally.


  41. Jana 2012.11.07

    tonyamert, that's my whole point. In order for the Republicans to stay relevant and competitive...especially outside of South a global economy, we have to think outside of what is seen as politically acceptable in SD and look at joining the rest of the country.

    Not saying that PP and Sibby have to like it, but the times they are a changing and if we don't want to be a child left behind, well then maybe we need to change the way we think.

  42. larry kurtz 2012.11.07

    South Dakota's regressive tax structure will continue to bring white retirees into the state: note real estate values being buoyed by the Bakken earth scorching.

    Rape what you sew: it's the conservative way.

  43. Steve Sibson 2012.11.07

    "you have to back those words up with actual critical thought"

    I did. Did you actually go to those links are seriously read them? Then read in a mirror waht Cory, you and others are saying on this thread and it is clear that teh plan to convert Marxism from traditional economic to cultural has been fully implemented in America.

  44. Steve Sibson 2012.11.07


    Romney had to bail out on conservatives in order to get elected governor of Massachussetts. He implemented RomneyCare before Obama was in the White House. While governor, Massachussetts invented gay marriage.

  45. Steve Sibson 2012.11.07

    "Not saying that PP and Sibby have to like it"

    Pat Powers is on the cutting edge. Jana, Daugaard and the SDGOP Establishment is doing exactly what you want. That is why they passed RL14 and RL 16.

  46. larry kurtz 2012.11.07

    As "marijuana" is a racial slur, "gay marriage" is a xenophobic slur: cannabis and marriage equality will soon overtake the haters like Sibby.

  47. Jana 2012.11.07

    PP on the cutting edge?!?!? Oh please.

  48. larry kurtz 2012.11.07

    Jana: PP is on the cutting edge, i'm afraid....

  49. G-Man 2012.11.07

    I find it absolutely hillarious that Sibby keeps going on and on and on with these long posts and not one of you seems to be paying him any attention...LOL!

  50. G-Man 2012.11.07

    Cory, thanks for fixing your blog by the way. I could not access The Madville Times for an entire week. Every time I tried to click on to your site, a Google page would come up instead, saying: "Oops this link appears to be broken." I still don't know what the exact problem was, but, I'm grateful it's now been fixed and I can again enjoy reading your analysis on things:)

  51. Bill Fleming 2012.11.07

    PP is the bleeding edge. LOL.

  52. larry kurtz 2012.11.07

    Bill: these bozos won the word war by flouting laws, spending many more millions and marginalizing voters...and PP made a pile of money at taxpayer expense.

  53. caheidelberger Post author | 2012.11.07

    Thanks for your patience, G-Man!

    Larry notes a concern I have. Even as the nation's demographics change to make increasingly difficult a victory by the fearful Paul/Palin wing of the party (and the McCains and Romneys who would pander to its fearfulness), exceptions that trend can still form. As Romney's white base runs for cover, might they gravitate toward "demographic eddies" like South Dakota due to certain political and cultural factors (sales tax, no income tax, lots of Republicans to reinforce their worldviews, isolation from urban centers)?

  54. Ken Santema 2012.11.07

    I disagree with Bill. The Tea Party was abandoned well before the first debate. Tea Party support for Romney ended with Ron Paul's mistreatment at the RNC. If they had treated Dr Paul with respect and included him I think more Ron Paul followers and Tea Party members (two distinct groups with overlaps) would have given more support of Romeny and showed up at the polls for him. However the RNC decided selective inclusion was the path to go, and here is the results. Suits me, time for the GOP to dismantle.

  55. Douglas Wiken 2012.11.07

    "Now, we can introduce the 800-pound donkey in the room. Let’s ask a simple question: Could Barack have been elected president without the doctrine known as Political Correctness?"

    The 666 pound elephant in the room is how many more votes would Obama have had if white racists had thought beyond voting for the white guy who planned to screw them economically...and perhaps "legitimately" too.

  56. Les 2012.11.07

    So 93% black voting Obama and 73% white voting Romney show us retarded old white guys what Doug?

    I have a friend from the south who wrote me this morng: I awoke like a drunkard this morning, I felt sick, like I've slept with a whore to repel the slut.

  57. larry kurtz 2012.11.07

    As Will Smith's character in Independence Day said after beating an alien, 'les:' "welcome to Earth.

  58. PrairieLady - Gayle 2012.11.08

    I am still trying to wrap my head around only 39% of white people voted for Obama.

  59. PrairieLady - Gayle 2012.11.09

    Thanks Bill.

  60. Bill Fleming 2012.11.09

    Any time Prairie Lady. :-)

  61. larry kurtz 2012.11.09

    George P. Bush's mother is Latina yet earth haters call him white, born Columba Garnica Gallo.

  62. Walt Marion 2013.03.17

    good article.

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