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Daugaard Upset When Feds Adopt His Brand of Budget Cuts

Liberal body snatchers must have invaded Governor Dennis Daugaard's body during his recent trip to California. The slimy Communist pod creature inhabiting our Governor's lanky frame is wringing its newly acquired hands over the harm federal budget cuts will do to South Dakota's kids and the poor:

South Dakota could lose at least $10 million in federal funding from automatic spending cuts set to take effect Friday, but Gov. Dennis Daugaard said he is most worried about what will happen in programs that educate struggling students and help low-income people heat their homes and put food on the table.

...The Republican governor said he's upset that the president has insisted that the federal spending cuts be applied across the board, rather than letting federal agencies focus the cuts in programs that have little impact on people's daily lives.

...Daugaard said school districts will lose money for special education and programs that help struggling students, such as one that provides teachers to help students who have trouble reading. Cuts also are slated for a program that helps low-income people pay winter heating bills and the nutrition program for low-income women with small children ["South Dakota Faces Federal Cuts, Furloughs," AP via Rapid City Journal, 2013.02.28].

This can't be the same Governor Dennis Daugaard who just two years ago said that the best solution for the fiscal woes into which he and his boss M. Michael Rounds had allowed the state to slide was across-the-board ten-percent budget cuts. This can't be the same Governor Dennis Daugaard who has sent his lieutenants to oppose every bill floated so far this year to restore the funds he cut from K-12 education.

As expected, moocher-state South Dakota doesn't like it very much when the budget-cutting axe is in the other hand.

Related: Dr. Newquist posts the White House's run-down of the federal budget cuts South Dakota will enjoy.


  1. Steve Sibson 2013.03.01

    Yes Cory, it is all about my pockets getting lined, not somebody else's. Solution, cut even more government spending.

  2. Rorschach 2013.03.01

    They have medication for schizophrenia these days. Governor Daugaard says cut, cut, cut the state budget even with $1 billion hoarded. Then he complains about the federal government doing the same thing - even as he refuses federal medicaid money.

    Cutting is good. Cutting is bad. We don't want the money. No, we DO want the money. I better ask my son-in-law Tonnis what to do.

  3. Thad Wasson 2013.03.01

    He's evolved.

  4. John 2013.03.02

    We should welcome the republicants sequester for no other reason than despite its short term pain in the federal welfare queen state it should hasten the day when we'll have 2 democratic senators and a democratic representative.

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