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Noem Passes “Me First!” Farm Bill

The U.S. House narrowly passed a farm bill yesterday that kills the very pragmatic and moral pairing of safety nets for farmers and eaters forged by Bob Dole and George McGovern in the 1970s.

In supporting this partisan maneuver, Rep. Kristi Noem makes clear her priorities: it is more important than Uncle Sam prop up big agricultural businesses than ensure that poor families can feed their children. And by voting to put over a billion dollars more into crop insurance, which Rep. Noem pointedly avoids mentioning in her press release on the farm bill but which her husband sells to put food on her table, our Congresswoman continues her tradition of "Welfare for me but not for thee!" politics.

Feed poor people, and you're a scum-sucking socialist. Feed Kristi, and you're a good American.


  1. Jeff Barth 2013.07.12

    Good Christian values. Feed those that have, starve those that don't.

  2. mike 2013.07.12

    She's an embarrassment. Run Brendan!

  3. Rick 2013.07.12

    What would Jesus vote to do?

  4. interested party 2013.07.12

    Noem voted for farm bill w/amendment to allow growing industrial hemp and for socialized agriculture: how is not she too liberal for the Nelson wing of the asylum?

  5. caheidelberger Post author | 2013.07.12

    Hemp?! Holy cow! All is forgiven, Kristi! ;-)

  6. Douglas Wiken 2013.07.12

    Holy crap. That must mean Monsanto has a Round-up ready version of hemp ready to monopolize that seed market.

  7. Owen Reitzel 2013.07.12

    to make it worse Noem wants to make sure that lottery winners can't get food stamps (big problem of course) and she wants food stamp recipients to be drug tested.
    But by God we have a safety net for the farmers (with no drug testing I assume).
    This came from an interview with the Mitchell Daily Republic. Here's the link.

  8. Douglas Wiken 2013.07.12

    The GOP propaganda mill is really great at converting irrelevancy into diverting issues.

  9. Owen Reitzel 2013.07.12

    Can I assume that the Tea Party is against the safety net for farmers? If not please explain.

  10. Jenny 2013.07.12

    Kristi and her wealthy farmer clan won't stop riding the gravy train. Stop milking the system, wealthy SD farmers! Where are the real conservatives in South Dakota?

  11. Dave 2013.07.12

    When voters finally decide it is time for Kristi to retire, she'll be able to look back at a career in Washington that, besides fattening her wallet, has been totally irrelevant to South Dakota and the nation. A legacy of fighting farm dust for no reason, dodging committee and public meetings and working to dismantle the fine work of Dole and McGovern. Nothing to celebrate.

  12. Jana 2013.07.12

    And in other news showing how much the GOP loves the little people. Good old John Thune voted to double the student loan interest rate costing 35,000 SD students $1,000 more per year. And you know where Kristi takes her orders...or at least someone could ask her. Keep in mind, student loans make the government money at 3.4% so the GOP wants to double their profits on students and families.

    I'm with Elizabeth Warren. Lend the money as an investment in the country's future at the same rate of .75% that we lend it to the know the guys who crashed the global economy. Make degrees and graduate degrees affordable and we won't need to import our degrees.

    Oh and to you students and parents out there, do you find it funny that the regental institutions aren't lobbying on the behalf of the people that pay big money for the product they offer?

  13. Joan 2013.07.12

    Good old Republican SD, sure seems to vote some losers into the political system.

  14. mike 2013.07.12

    She has lost her mind and is in a state of panic because of the farm bill collapse. She's making a mockery of herself with her foolish antics.

  15. Jana 2013.07.12

    Kristi doesn't care a rip about those in need of food stamps. Doesn't matter if they are 1 or a doesn't fit with her donors, her willingness to do what's right vs. what's politically right or with anyone she will ever meet or see outside of a phony photo op.

    Unfortunately we elected someone devoid of ethics, curiosity or a conscience to make our laws.

    You don't suppose Kristi will tell us how her vote will impact her own bottom you?

  16. Jana 2013.07.12

    Here's a little musical interlude for our GOP elected officials as they continue their assault on the working poor. Hey John, you're old enough to remember this one! Thanks for your service...oh wait...what?

  17. Jana 2013.07.12

    Oh yeah, college students...the GOP is also pushing hard to get you off of your parent's health insurance and hang you out on your own.

    Have a preexisting condition...they are saying bite me! Join a high risk-high cost pool!

    Think of it this way, they are doing their best to bankrupt any but the "fortunate sons" with student loans and healthcare costs.

    Back in the day...we would have had one heck of a protest. You should try it! Just make sure you crank up Dylan, look at who represented the casualties out of the GOP wars and who they think should pay the bills while they take care of their friends. be young again...

  18. Jana 2013.07.12

    A new "tax" is inflicted on 35,000 South Dakotans and their families. You can read in depth about it in the Argus, RCJ, Capital Journal, Register, Republic, Press & Dakotan, American News, Seth's Daily Republic and KELO, KOTA, KSFY, et. al.

    Wait. What. No?...

    Try this media moguls...would it matter if anyone else got jacked by double on what they had to pay the government.


    Oh, sorry. There's no room after reporting church softball scores.

    Oh hell. Collegian, Volante, Hard Rockers, Vessel, Exponent, Jacket Journal, Mirror - hoping you guys will cover this beyond reporting that all your fellow students are screwed and John Thune is picking the winners and losers and guess're the loser. Dig deep, ask more than one question, show disconnects with other government programs and get them on the record.

    You could even win an award if you showed how many working journalists received financial assistance to get their degrees.

    Heck, South Dakota lends money to businesses that are political donors at guys are getting screwed.

  19. Jana 2013.07.13

    Hey, Tim Johnson and staff...along with the South Dakota Democratic party...quit smiling. I've seen dead guppies put up a bigger fight.

    Or is the goal to completely alienate college kids from the political and governing process?

    Mission accomplished! Sorry GWB...couldn't resist.

  20. Barry G. Wick 2013.07.13

    My mother gets her mailings all the time. Since I'm the POA, I open the mail for mother. Is there ever a communication from Noem that doesn't ask for horrendous sums of money? Does she ever communicate with the citizens and inform them without begging? Kristi Noem, the tin cup of South Dakota politics.

  21. caheidelberger Post author | 2013.07.13

    Not to cut Noem slack, but I suspect that mailings from every member of Congress have a similar beg density.

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