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Free Lakota Bank Still Has No Pine Ridge Store, Now Taking Coins Off Market

The Free Lakota Bank, which still isn't registered to do business in South Dakota, was supposed to be opening a new dollar store in Pine Ridge sometime last month (or maybe this month, or who knows when) where people could come spend their "sovereign currency" ("money" minted by Ayn-Rand-reading tricksters from Texas) on aquaponically grown tilapia and cucumbers.

Alas, the Free Lakota Bank October newsletter says the dollar store remains a work in progress:

The Lakota Dollar Store is coming along and is expected to open its doors soon. We are proud to have been instrumental in its development and we congratulate everyone in Pine Ridge Village for the coming addition to their retail sector and the economic growth it is certain to provide [Free Lakota Bank newsletter, 2013.10.09].

And in a classic marketing ploy, the shadowy figures behind the this "bank" are taking their current currency, the "Crazy Horse" coin, off the market:

CrazyHorsecoinFLBThe time has come to graduate our efforts to the next level and this means that the "Crazy Horse" is being retired and will no longer be minted. In order to make way for a more effective currency model to be fully implemented, the old ways must be set aside.

While it will require a big step, we believe it will be the right step for one and all and we look forward to what tomorrow brings. Between now and the end of the production of the current "Crazy Horse" medallion there will be special offers for the last pieces to be minted and you are invited to avail yourself of as many as you can before they are gone and help us celebrate this transition into a stronger economy and greater freedom for ourselves and those who share our vision [Free Lakota Bank newsletter, 2013.10.09].

The Free Lakota Bank newsletter shouts the slogan, "Sovereignty Through Economic Independence." I'm not sure how we expand either our sovereignty or our economic independence by relying on "currency" issued by a private company with no presence in our state, no accountability to taxpayers, no commitment to making that currency available long-term, and no stated plan for exactly what sort of currency they will be issuing next.


  1. caheidelberger Post author | 2013.10.21

    Good link, Larry! That's solid philosophical stuff showing that the guys from Texas running this "bank" offer the same old colonialist exploitation as the system they pretend to replace.

  2. Roger Cornelius 2013.10.21

    This news lends directly to a previous blog of yours where there was a lengthy discussion on Native Americans and economic development among other issues.
    Once again there are promises being made through generic rhetoric about sovereignty and economic development.
    When I talk about mistrust and skepticism among tribes, be it state, corporate business, and individuals, this is a prime example of what leads to that cynicism.
    The blatant exploitation of Sioux history and culture is the motivation behind these bandits, and all to make a quick dollar somewhere in the process.

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