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FEC Questions Nelson Campaign Cash; DWC Ignores Bosworth Raffle Fraud

News in the mainstream GOP spin machine's world: U.S. Senate candidate Rep. Stace Nelson says on his third quarter 2013 campaign finance report that he already had $18,835 in his campaign war chest when he launched his campaign this summer. The Federal Election Commission asks Team Nelson to clarify where it got that money. Dakota War College quickly sounds the alarm, moans with orgasmic anticipation of an audit, and criticizes Team Nelson for not replying within hours to his inquiry.

Nelson does need to explain where that money came from. It certainly didn't come from his state house campaign; at the end of 2012, he reported just $236.50 left in his District 19 campaign pot.

Not news in the mainstream GOP spin machine's world: U.S. Senate candidate Annette Bosworth takes thousands, as much as $250,000 by her own organization's account, in raffle ticket sales. Bosworth never draws a winner for the promised raffle prizes. Bosworth never refunds ticket buyers. Bosworth offers no coherent public response to questions about her apparently fraudulent raffles. Bosworth declines to return my phone calls for three weeks. Dakota War College responds with rumor, character attacks, and threats it never backs up with facts.

Dakota War College's picking and choosing of political headlines and candidate accountability sounds an awful lot like his editorial choices on the GOED/EB-5/Benda scandal. DWC promulgates a lie to criticize Rep. Kathy Tyler for spending $373.80 to mail petitions for a special session to audit the state's economic development and EB-5 visa programs, but says he sees no political implications in the "mundane" misappropriation of $550,000 from a last-minute grant from lame-duck Governor Mike Rounds to the doomed Northern Beef Packers.

I'm sure glad I don't feel obliged to cobble together lies and ignorance to prop up a failing party's agenda.


  1. Roger Cornelius 2013.12.09

    I'm a little more concerned where Mike Rounds got that $12 million war chest and where it can be traced to.

  2. Bree S. 2013.12.09

    I bet the Nelson campaign has replied with an answer, but just like with false attacks on Cory, Rep. Tyler, and Rapid City College Republicans.. Pat is just going to move on without apology or clarification.

  3. Robert Klein 2013.12.09

    If you'd just ignore that one blog, I'm sure the world would not be disappointed.

  4. Les 2013.12.09

    ""I'm sure glad I don't feel obliged to cobble together lies and ignorance to prop up a failing party's agenda."" Good for you Cory, your integrity is worth more than the Democrat Party any day!

  5. Roger Cornelius 2013.12.09

    And what would Republicans in this state know about integrity?

  6. Jana 2013.12.10

    It get's better. Pity Pat is now saying that Lowe's meetings with Clinton and Obama is a disaster.

    PP, care to break out the picture of your slave master Mike Rounds with Joop?

    How about the guys from Hyperion that are now costing family farmers big bucks to rezone their land after they were sucked into the Rounds/Refinery scam?

    Heck...Mike and Benda were joined at the hip for a number of years...PP, I'll let you decide if that is good or bad.

    Of course, with the mouth breathing base of PP's audience, respected world leaders are a bad thing. Ideologue phonies are good...just look at his comment section.

  7. Roger Cornelius 2013.12.10


    You said it, I didn't.

    South Dakota Republicans will not die, the National Republican Party is however committing suicide.

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