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Reservist Ravnsborg Responds, Respects Regulations, Revamps Website

Last updated on 2014.01.02

Jason Ravnsborg, candidate for U.S. Senate, in fancy civvies for a recent Mount Rushmore visit.
Jason Ravnsborg, civilian, candidate for U.S. Senate.

I appreciate a candidate who listens... even a Republican candidate. While Senate candidate Annette Bosworth has ignored my various inquiries since she started playing politics in June, our newest Senate candidate, Jason Ravnsborg, managed to respond to a Madville Times press inquiry within two weeks (yeah, still a bit slow, but hey, it's the holidays!).

While reading up on the military regulations governing Ravnsborg's use of military insignia and his service record in his campaign ads, I asked Ravnsborg to clarify his military duty status. Since those rules are different for active, reserve, and retired service members, Ravnsborg's status matters. Candidate Ravnsborg replies:

I am a Major in the US Army Reserves. As you may know the Army Reserves is the federal system of armed forces, it is separate and distinct from the national guard, which is state run. I see some of your readers were confused by the difference.

I am in a joint intelligence unit in Minneapolis, MN. A joint unit is a unit made up of members of at least 2 services (Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines). You learn how the other services operate and their terminology and procedures. This is a highly sought after skill set in the military nowadays. In Iraq and Afghanistan I would work daily with the other services. The unit I am in now is commanded by a Naval Captain (O-6 which is equivalent to a Army Colonel); the Deputy Commander is a Marine O-6. We have all 4 services in our unit.

I was selected for this assignment after being named the Joint Knowledge Online Warrior of the Year in 2011 and working with other services in my 3 deployments. I have also been awarded an Air Force Achievement Medal even though I am in the Army.

If you get a joint assignment you earn points towards becoming a "Joint Qualified Officer" (JQO) which requires experience in joint assignments plus joint education. I have completed the joint education aspect which is earned through the Joint Forces Staff College in Virginia. A JQO is open to more assignments and highly sought after as it signifies you have worked with the other services and have a wider array of experience than a normal officer.

I am a Transportation now Logistics Officer, this is my branch. The Army combined Ordnance, Transportation and Quartermaster into Logistics a few years back. This happens when once officers complete their Captains Career Course. Intelligence is another branch, but I was selected for this unit because of my prior experience, even though that is not my branch. However, I have always sought a wide variety of experience in the military and life [Jason Ravnsborg, e-mail, 2013.12.29].

As a reservist, Ravnsborg is free to make partisan political speeches, engage in political fundraising, and all that other fun campaign-trail stuff. If he is called up to active duty, he'll have to leave all politicking up to surrogates.

As a reservist, Ravnsborg is at least subject to the regulations I reported on December 17 that require him to include a disclaimer with any materials using his rank, title, uniform, etc. saying that the Department of Defense does not endorse his candidacy.

And sure enough, Ravnsborg has revised his webpage to do just that.

Jason Ravnsborg is a member of the United States Army Reserve. Use of his military rank, job titles, and photographs in uniform does not imply endorsement by the Department of the Army or the Department of Defense. as per DOD Directive No. 1344.10, section [Jason Ravnsborg, campaign website, downloaded 2014.01.02]

Ravnsborg in Iraq
Ravnsborg in Iraq

Ravnsborg has also replaced the banner photo of himself standing in front of an A-10 Warthog with a shot of himself in civvies in front of Mount Rushmore. Some veterans expressed distaste for an Army Transportation officer posing in front of a plane he never flew for a political ad. That concern is written into DoD regs, which prohibit a service member from depicting themselves in a way that "does not accurately reflect their actual performance of duty." Apparently in that spirit, Ravnsborg has dropped the Warthog photo from his campaign photo gallery. Instead, Ravnsborg now offers a shot of himself "standing by one of my M915s in Iraq." (As of this p.m., the Warthog photo still backgrounds Ravnsborg's ad on Dakota War College... which probably gets so little attention that Jason simply forgot it's there.)

See that? A Republican candidate listening to a Democratic blogger. There's hope for comity (we've already got comedy covered) in South Dakota's Senate campaign.


  1. Nick Nemec 2014.01.03

    I'm gladdened to see Candidate Ravnsborg has changed his website to clean up misunderstandings, intentional or unintentional, concerning his military duties. Now he needs to clean up loose ends and get the jet pilot photos replaced on paid ads that appear on minor web sites covering the SD Senate race. Once you release a deceptive photo it's hard to take it back.

    I still think he's part of the Rounds heat shield effort to splinter the anti-Rounds vote in so many splinters that Mike Rounds will easily waltz to the nomination. You would think that a seemingly popular two term former governor would be allowed to run for his party's US Senate nomination without opposition. That unknown candidates without any chance are racing forward to challenge Mike Rounds in the primary is very curious.

  2. John Tsitrian 2014.01.03

    I'd be surprised if there were some calculation connecting the Rounds campaign to this field of unknowns. More likely via Occamization is that each of these candidates sees this as a relatively cheap opportunity to gain some visibility and name recognition for coming campaigns.

  3. Nick Nemec 2014.01.03

    If the Rounds campaign hasn't actively recruited the heat shield candidates their surrogates on the web have done everything in their power to pump up all the also rans with the glaring exception of Mr. Nelson, the only serious conservative in the race. They have spotted a strategy to splinter the conservative vote and keep national money and groups from coalescing around anyone else.

  4. Les 2014.01.03

    If Rounds isn't behind this, he should be. It is the easiest and cheapest spoiler I can imagine. Do I agree? Not necessarily but if the voters in SD wish to play a shell game, they get what you get at the "carnival".

  5. caheidelberger Post author | 2014.01.03

    As the only serious conservative in the race, Nelson needs to ignore the heat shields, open full fire on Rounds, and offer his own simple three-plank plan for the positive things he'll do for South Dakota.

  6. Jenny 2014.01.03

    I still think Rhoden, if he wasn't so mild-mannered, could be doing damage. The guy has the macho cowboy west river image (which is everything in SD), but needs to hire some speech people to help him in the talking category. He has that stoic west river thing going on which isn't helping him.

  7. Rorschach 2014.01.03

    Positive changes to the Ravnsborg campaign. Good for him to respond to your inquiries and adopt your suggestions. But really, who wears a suit to Mt. Rushmore? There is a time and a place for a suit in a campaign, and there is a time and a place for jeans or khakis and a button up shirt, maybe with a casual vest. As long as the candidate looks well put together he/she is free to wear the appropriate outfit for the occasion.

  8. Bree S. 2014.01.03

    Whoever advised him to use that jet photo is using him and doesn't consider him a serious candidate. He should reconsider his "friends" and connections.

  9. mike from iowa 2014.01.03

    One might think an adult? running for political office might know and adhere to the rules of the game. Without opposing voices and a body politic leaning in their favor,the rules may not apply to them. Take a well deserved bow,Madville Times.

  10. bret clanton 2014.01.03

    "stoic west river thing" ..?,,,,hmmmm......

  11. Bree S. 2014.01.03

    I'm laughing at the "mild-mannered."

  12. Rorschach 2014.01.03

    Larry Rhoden's reputation is not for being "mild-mannered," but rather for being hot-headed, and perhaps bull-headed. He's not necessarily regarded as a big thinker either. If elected, he would quickly seek to blend into the GOP herd, and like Rep. Noem would have little to offer besides GOP talking points delivered in a less polished manner than that of Rep. Noem. He is your candidate if you want a GOP rubber stamp who won't rock the GOP boat and who brings little in the way of new ideas. He looks good doing what he does though, which seems to be a very desirable trait in SD GOP primaries.

  13. Jenny 2014.01.03

    Okay, so there's another side to Rhoden, as with most people. I'm not in SD, and the little I've seen him speak, he doesn't say much. I know a lot of hot-headed people, too many, and that would turn me off right away. SD had enough of that with Bill Janklow.

  14. George 2014.01.03

    I have been intrigued by this candidate since he came out. A solid background and he seems sincere. Plus I see he went around the state in his opening blitz and now is willing to respond here. A refreshing change as compared to some candidates.

    I was intrigued by Rhoden but I too have heard the hot head comments about him; something about a blow up at a basketball game and I heard he was nose to nose with Mr. Abdullah from SF. The his campaign seems dormant. This Ravnsborg guy at least seems to care and have some passion.

    Thank you for this story. Cory have any of the other candidates ever responded to your inquiries? Just curious.

  15. Bree S. 2014.01.03

    Right George. Sincerely interested in misrepresented himself to the public and insulting the United States Army.

  16. George 2014.01.03

    Bree--I'm sorry I know you support Stace. I just don't think he is electable statewide, he just has too much baggage. I agree with you on the fact that I can't stand Rounds and I am looking for an alternative. I think Bosworth has no chance. I was hopeful for Rhoden, but he doesn't seem to have any grit or desire or passion. So I am keeping an open mind on the new guy. I wish he and Stace would meet and talk. Plus I don't think the army is going to be disappointed in him with his combat record.

  17. Les 2014.01.03

    A solid backgrnd.
    Went around the state.
    Opening blitz.
    Willing to respond.
    George, your BS meter is pegging out.

  18. JimmyG 2014.01.03

    Went and read up a bit, looked at the website,he does have a solid background from what I can find, he seems sincere (assuming he wrote the answers to these questions), he did go around the state from what I can find, he did I missing something in the BS? I'm just saying, I'm not in the Rounds camp...I most definitely can't understand between Nelson, Rhoden and Ravnsborg I will keep reading and trying to figure out what they are offering.

  19. Les 2014.01.03

    Jimmy George, you read up a bit, on the Roundsbug world wide web? Bless your heart! You keep reading, it'll come.

  20. George 2014.01.04

    Well I would like to see all the candidates and try to keep an open mind. I see Ms Hubbel is getting out more; Mr. Lowe has started now, haven't seen much of Ms Robinson yet though. I do wonder what is up with Pressler will he have meetings or just run on his name? I don't like that, just like Rounds.

    I like candidates that at least try to appear to have some depth. Les who do you favor in the Senate race? Convince me. I'm listening.

  21. Bree S. 2014.01.04

    What baggage does Stace have George? Please do inform me - I would love to discuss it with you as well as how electable he is statewide.

  22. George 2014.01.04

    Well I talk to a lot of people as I work across the state and I ask people what they think of the US Senate race and if they are following it, I ask simply same the name and ask them to tell me what they think of the person's name. I try not to give any indication of my thoughts until I run through the names and they tell me their thoughts. Here is my purely unscientific but general impression from around the state--Rounds--High name ID but few can name any accomplishments and then EB5 is mentioned. Rhoden is very unknown and Rancher is about as good as I get generally or West River Guy. Bosworth; either an unknown; that Doctor lady or not credible. Stace if known I hear extreme or radical a lot. Ravnsborg-very early; haven't traveled or asked as many but some thoughts are they like military record and that he is not a politician. Pressler--I have not asked about. Weiland, not widely known, but gets some points as they have heard he has been to a lot of places around the state--but few can tell me about his stand on the issues.

    Baggage--which I believe the Rounds people especially would exploit as they have the money to do so, is how he got thrown out of the party caucus at the legislature; got a protection order against him, the on-going robocall lawsuit and the "Hell No" comment.

    Now I am not saying they are justified, but it would be very hard for Stace to explain them vs. a quick sound bite bringing up the issue.

    My turn for a question--maybe explain to me why you do support Stace? and how does he deal with the baggage I described? Thank you.

  23. caheidelberger Post author | 2014.01.04

    George, on that baggage: of the four items you mention, I speculate that the only one that will have real resonance is the protection order... and I'll need to see some documentation on that one so we can compare it to the gravity of EB5.

  24. caheidelberger Post author | 2014.01.04

    On responsiveness, Ravnsborg, Nelson, and Weiland have communicated with this blog. Nelson has commented live on various posts since his election to the Legislature.

    I wouldn't expect Rounds to respond, since he doesn't even use the Internet.

  25. Les 2014.01.04

    George>I like candidates that at least try to appear to have some depth. Les who do you favor in the Senate race? Convince me. I'm listening.<
    Believe it or not George, I slept on that one and still have no real convictions.
    Bozworth is a chump looking for just more of the same through her scams, a free ride.
    Roundsbug is a nobody at this point, has never even made a district race or raised the huge camp dollars. Heck after months, Boz is just starting to get name recognition so I don't know how you'd find many knowing her and any knowing Roundsbug.
    The rancher is tied too closely to Rounds to give him a defining alternate character. It is total BS to say he's no good because someone saw him lose his temper at a game, I like Larry Rhoden as a person.
    Stace has some weak points that can be exploited. They will say his inability to bridge differences of opinion and work on those differences to make accomplishments and tie him to Daniel Willard and a cell phone abuse. No one in the contest of both parties will work harder personally than Stace Nelson and if West River would have had a Stace Nelson we probably wouldn't have lost our National Guard outposts as Stace didn't allow the state to put another EB5 dairy in Hanson County due to the wishes of the residents, his constituents.
    In the beginning of Rounds candidacy I was for Mike, believing he was a Bill Janklow lite and could win. The obvious corruption in our state government with EB5 during and after his term will need a lot of disclosure, unlike what is happening. Mike was a part of silencing our State Treasure Dick Butler but so was our legislature. Butlers own party also deserted him as they were allowing our state government to go dark without a fight.
    We now have a dead body, more dark government and nobody talking about all the secrecy and corruption that has been allowed to continue until it blows in our face. Mike Rounds or Brendan Johnson can be the driving force in opening up the corruption in SD. I guess I'll support whomever opens this corruption to public view. NCIS Stace Nelson maybe?

  26. Bree S. 2014.01.04

    George, on the topic of the "robocall scandal" (LOL) the criminal suit against disabled combat veteran Daniel Willard was in regards to calls placed by "Veterans Against Unethical Politicians" from a cell phone that informed voters that State Senator Russell Olson, State Senator Tim Rave, State Representative Brian Gosch, and State Representative David Lust had all voted to end state educational benefits for in-combat South Dakota National Guardsman serving in Afghanistan at the time. The criminal suit was over the fact that although the calls placed stated they were made by "Veterans Against Unethical Politicians" they did not include an address for the group, a requirement under obscure state statute. After charges were made against Willard the state legislature repealed the applicable statute, probably because well-known Establishment Republican leaders in the state had violated the same statute. Gary Dykstra, who admitted to planning and making the calls, testified against Willard and was not charged in the criminal suit. The state spent thousands of taxpayer dollars on this and Willard ended up being fined $250 for making political calls that didn't include an address. He is appealing this ruling based on obscure state statute that no longer exists, a clear government overreach and violation of his constitutional right to freedom of speech.

    Also tied to the so-called "robocall scandal" is a civil lawsuit placed by Dan Lederman, who loudly touts his support for Mike Rounds in press releases, through his Rushmore PAC, that donated to Mike Rounds, and represented by lawyer Joel Arends, who recently sent out a press release plugging Annette Bosworth and supporting her trip to the Philippines through some organization he invented, and before a Rounds-appointed judge who refused to recuse herself - against disabled combat veteran Dan Willard and U.S. Senate candidate Stace Nelson based on vague statement by Gary Dykstra (who testified against Willard and was not charged despite the fact that he admitted his involvement) given to Bosworth supporter Arends that Nelson "maybe, I don't know, I can't remember, possibly" gave advice on political activism. Gary Dykstra, who gave conflicting testimony before two different juries, has been counter-sued by Willard and Nelson for damages. What Lederman's SLAPP suit (Strategic Lawsuit Against Public Participation) is about I don't know at this point because he's revised it so many times I can't keep track but I believe originally it was over supposed violations of federal communications laws despite being entered in state court before a Rounds-appointed judge. It bears mentioning that State Senator Dan Lederman also voted to end state educational benefits for in-combat National Guardsman.

  27. Disgusted Dakotan 2014.01.04

    Very interesting.. What are the details around this supposed protection order, George? When was Nelson served with it? what was it for? Is it still in effect? Do you have a copy of it?

  28. Bree S. 2014.01.04

    George, on the topic of Stace Nelson being thrown out of party caucus, that move was based on claims by former Speaker of the House Val Rausch that Stace Nelson had "threatened to kill" Representative Nick Moser. Apparently Rausch was so concerned that former NCIS Investigator Stace Nelson would become unhinged and physically attack him that he felt the need to have police protection for his bejeweled arrogant behind in the State Capitol. Of course these bogus, despicable, and thoroughly fabricated claims by "Republican leadership" were based on a disagreement between Moser and Nelson in which Nelson told Moser he would "eat him alive" on the legislative floor.

    Representative Moser is no longer a Representative and Val Rausch ran against incumbent State Senator Begalka and lost quite spectacularly despite numerous endorsements from important Republicans. Both Representatives from his district are now Democrats. Stace Nelson was redistricted into Jim Putnam's district and beat him handily and was then invited back to caucus after "Republican leadership" discovered their heavy-handed and unethical tactics had backfired.

  29. Bree S. 2014.01.04

    Yes, I agree with DD, I would like to know more about a supposed protection order since my only knowledge on the topic is rumors spread by trolls on the Dakota War College. Considering the other rumors spread by trolls about Nelson, I doubt there is anything behind yet another unverifiable and likely dishonest attack against Senate candidate Stace Nelson by people who have no morals and are willing to win with any tactics.

    On the "Hell No" comment I find it amusing you would even bring it up, George. I don't expect a conservative to support "Republicans" in the general election who are willing to use dirty tactics and lie to the public about their voting record or administrative record while in office.

  30. Bree S. 2014.01.04

    George, now that I have addressed your claims of Nelson's "baggage," I will address your request for why I support Stace Nelson. I support him because he is willing to fight unethical dirty politicians regardless of party affiliation. I support him because he puts his constituents ahead of demands by "party leadership" and their agenda of crony-capitalism - as evidenced by his fight against the dairy in his district that would have cost his constituents their tax dollars, increasing the cost of road upkeep for example, while not providing them a benefit. Also, I support him because he wins - he won the fight against the Hanson Dairy the establishment tried to force on his constituents, he was reelected by a strong margin despite being redistricted by party leadership hoping to get rid of him, he won the fight against party leadership to keep state educational benefits for National Guardsman, and he won the fight to have the statement "the exploitation of illegal aliens is an unqualified evil" added to the South Dakota Party Platform despite being killed in committee by Larry Rhoden. He's a principled South Dakotan conservative and he wins - he's not just the best bet in the Senate race he's the only bet since the rest of the Senate candidates are fakes.

  31. Lynn G. 2014.01.04

    Bree thank you for helping to enlighten us to what is behind all these politically motivated charges against Nelson. Pressler mentioned in his Senate announcement news conference that without the money for messaging it's hard to defend yourself and set the record straight against those who have far more resources to politically portray you as someone you are not and the issues you stand for.

    Team Rounds and his surrogates sure must feel threatened by the amount of attacks against Nelson and now Pressler besides the introduction of decoy candidates.

    The more I find out about just how bad power has been abused and the increasing secrecy in our state government the more disturbing it is. Someone should write a book on South Dakota corruption and scandals sometime.

    It doesn't matter if they are Democrat, Republican or whatever I can't stand corruption. Boot em!

    Despite the denial I still feel Ravnsborg is a decoy candidate and it still annoys me that he used that photo in front of an A-10 with aviator glasses implying he was a pilot. It would be a fun photo to send out to family and friends but not in a political campaign. I've served in a branch of the military as "Quartermaster" a clerk in what would be supply and there is no way I would try to steal someone else's "Thunder". He should of had his Transportation photo there in the first place since Transportation units play a vital role in the theater and it was very dangerous with IED's and everything else they had to deal with and suffering the losses and casualties they did.

  32. Lynn G. 2014.01.04

    Yeah the A-10 Warthog campaign photo is still showing over at DWC but then again with lower internet traffic number over there no one probably notices or they overlook it.

  33. Bree S. 2014.01.04

    Yes, I think its fabulous that Ravnsborg is willing to diminish his own service in the Army and insult other Army Veterans by idolizing service in the Air Force as a fighter pilot. Send him back to boot camp and make him take some fitness tests. He won't pass.

  34. George 2014.01.04

    First off Thank you everyone for the detailed explanations. I do appreciate it. As I did say it is hard to get the explanation out to explain the allegation. Which sometimes might be helpful, as with the EB5 scandal brewing. I think that will continue to hurt Rounds and help all others. It would be very interesting to see Rounds being deposed and forced to answer questions under oath about it. Heck it would be fun to see him answer questions period. I have never seen any politician dodge stuff like he has, he just doesn't take positions on things. I think on big items all candidates no matter their party should be asked for their position. Would Rounds or Rhoden support Nelson or Ravnsborg or Bosworth if they were the nominee? Gonna break this up like Bree did.

  35. George 2014.01.04

    Protection order, I read about it in the Mitchell Daily Republic online version or it might have been the argus. I have not seen a copy of the order--I would think that it has to be a public record though. I asked a lawyer friend of mine to explain a protection order to me--Because thankfully I have not needed one before :) He said the accuser gets to write a statement and a judge reviews it and then grants the protection order on a temporary basis and then they schedule a hearing for a later date where both sides get to bring their case. Then the judge decides the merit of the case and can grant it up to five years. I will see if I can find the article.

  36. George 2014.01.04

    As to the Hell No. I understand why Nelson said it. I just don't think it played well to people in general. A lot of Republicans want control of the Senate. Unfortunately a lot of people are only thinking about that, not finding the most conservative candidate that can get elected. Rounds might be the best we could hope for in some liberal state to help build the majority, but this is SD we deserve and need a conservative voice. I guess my intrigue about Ravnsborg is because I want a conservative to win, not some moderate to liberal like Rounds. he doesn't seem to have any baggage. I am just afraid Nelson has these headliner things like I said and people don't listen to the in depth and then tune out. As I have said I wish they would meet and work together. My observations have mainly come from talking to people not on the net, i only recently found this and the War College site. Are there any other decent blogs or websites out there?

  37. George 2014.01.04

    Oh and Cory thank you for the answer also. I particularly laughed about Rounds and not using the net in this modern age of politics and just life in general. Very amusing. I guess no internet cables in the ivory tower.

  38. Bree S. 2014.01.04

    Every time the "robocall scandal" gets brought up it will hurt Rounds (Rounds-supporter Lederman and Rounds-appointed judge) and anyone who voted to end benefits for our National Guardsman who have been deployed overseas numerous times since 2001. Military veterans are an important voting bloc, usually Republican and usually conservative, patriotic anti-globalists with a strong interest in National Security (EB5 is a security concern due to infiltration by the Chinese Communist Party and Iranian terrorists). Marine Veteran Stace Nelson led the charge in the legislature against Establishment attempts to end benefits for in-combat National Guardsman.

    Thune, Noem, and Daugaard all attended and spoke at the deployment of the 1742nd Transportation Company in Harrisburg last month. Rounds did not.

  39. George 2014.01.04

    Les, Sorry to cause you to lose some sleep, but that is the price of liberty perhaps. I like your detailed analysis and appreciate it.

    Bosworth is not credible but I have not heard of many events or getting out there. Ravnsborg I agree is an unknown but he promises to get out there, which we will see if it happens, but I liked his responsiveness to these blog guys, thats a start and he did go all over to start, we'll see if it continues. Plus I think we need a lot MORE non-politicians, not less. Which brings me to the career politicians. sigh.

    Rhoden-I did not discount him for a ball game someone told me that; couple people actually; I heard about the scorecards of votes at a debate. I was hopeful for anyone after Rounds announced and have given Mr. rhoden a serious look but he doesn't seem to care about the race. If Rounds has no position, Rhoden has no fight. Maybe this is the Wizard of Oz in a way.

    Is that scorecard somewhere I could find it? Bree maybe you know.

    Rounds is your no position politician. I don't know if he qualifies for RINO even as he needs to take a position first!

  40. George 2014.01.04

    Bree--Rounds a no show; the heck you say ( all in jest) I am not surprised.

    Was that book review an assignment for the military? I see it is in a military journal. I will check it out further.

  41. George 2014.01.04

    Oh Bree has he done any other book reviews or just the one? Do you know?

    I have to run for a bit I'll be back later

  42. Lynn G. 2014.01.04

    Did Nelson actually say "Hell No!" to voting in the general election for the other candidates if they won the Republican nomination or were his comments taken out of context or fabricated?

  43. Bree S. 2014.01.04

    Anyone can claim to be a conservative Republican when they have no voting record - like Ravnsborg. (Heck, even the ones with a liberal voting record claim to be conservative). We'd have to vote for Ravnsborg to see what we'd get. His fascination with Truman suggests otherwise, so I won't be voting for him. Not that it matters, he's just a Nelson-copy recruited because he has similar attributes as Nelson (farming background and military) just like Bosworth is a Noem-copy.

    Ask Mike Rounds for the scorecard on Rhoden, George, since his campaign team put it out.

  44. Bree S. 2014.01.04

    Lynn, okay I found it here:

    Part 4 - (unnecessarily long) question from audience member on appropriateness of (Bosworth's) Cardboard Mike and whether Bosworth or Nelson would support the Republican Primary victor in the General if it wasn't them starts at 25:12. Bosworth speaks first. Nelson's response starts at 30:10 and specific "Hell No" comment starts at 33:52.

    I haven't listened to the whole interview myself as I can't hardly stand to watch Bosworth's twitching.

  45. Lynn G. 2014.01.04

    Thank you Bree! I viewed it and can now see exactly why he said that. Ethically He can't vote for them and it goes against his principles. I can see how it's risky making that stance within the party and establishment but it could work to his advantage showing he's standing up to what's been wrong in the party. Look at what these good ole boys have done to him and others. Mercer was trying to dig further into what the heck has been happening with Benda's death and EB-5 and look at the attacks he's faced.

  46. Bree S. 2014.01.04

    Okay George I found that article on the dispute between Sheriff Mark Kessler and Representative Stace Nelson in an article about Stace Nelson in the Sioux Falls Business Journal.

    The applicable section on the dispute begins on page two. Here are some pertinent quotes.

    "On Aug. 10, Nelson sent an email to county commissioners in which he accused Kessler of following him and his wife from their farm to a store in Mitchell. The two had a brief confrontation in which Nelson wrote that his wife was 'terrified.'

    Nelson accused Kessler of criminal misconduct and filed a complaint."


    "At the time Kessler filed for the protection order, he was working as a deputy in Sanborn County after losing the Republican primary for sheriff in Hanson County. Kessler filed for the order after Nelson sent an email to his boss, Sheriff Tom Friedley.

    In the email, Nelson wrote that Kessler had told a mutual acquaintance during a traffic accident in Sanborn County that Nelson would “get his.” “The witness,” Nelson wrote, “said that Kessler ‘flipped out’ and was shouting that ‘he’s going to get his’ and ‘went on and on’ about me to the point that the person was concerned for my safety and was convinced that Kessler was deranged.”

    After Nelson sent the email, Kessler filed for the protection order, which he withdrew six days later. Kessler did not return messages asking for comment for this story."

  47. Bree S. 2014.01.04

    So as you can see from the article George the bogus protection order that Kessler filed against Stace Nelson was withdrawn six days later, probably because Nelson was actually the one with the legal standing to file for a restraining order against Kessler considering that Kessler had followed Nelson and terrified Nelson's wife, and then later ranted in front of a witness about how Nelson would "get his." Interestingly you will notice that Kessler lost the Republican primary for Sheriff in Hanson County. No matter how many times their dirty tactics backfire it seems arrogant jerks never learn.

  48. Bree S. 2014.01.04

    No problem Lynn. I hope Mercer keeps up the fight. The ridiculous excuses Jackley comes up with to validate his refusal to release Benda's investigation file gives me hope that there's information in the file that would shed some light on the truth regarding his death - information that can't disappear so easily like other recent records... like ballistics results and who owned the shotgun.

  49. Bree S. 2014.01.04

    By the way George it's interesting that you claim to have read about the protection order in an online article and yet somehow failed to notice that it had been withdrawn six days later.

    You also missed this:

    "Nelson said this month that he was unaware Kessler ever had filed the protection order. After reading it, he said in an email to the Argus Leader: 'Wow. You can understand now why the folks in Hanson County booted him out of office. The man stalks my wife and I then rants about me to a neighbor at a traffic accident and makes bizarre threatening comments and is a victim?'"

    And this:

    "Two weeks after Kessler filed for the order in 2010, Nelson won a seat to the state House."

  50. TG 2014.01.04

    George - the scorecards put out thus far are not official. The tax and fee record shows no taxes that Rhoden voted for that impact SD residents. Only fees. I personally appreciate fees for those that use those services as opposed to a blanket tax for all. Rhoden was also the sole legislative voice on the radio that helped defeat the penny tax a few years ago that proponents had put millions into getting it passed. But Nelson likes to say "he hasn't met a tax that he hasn't voted for" which is clearly inaccurate. He sponsored several bills that repeal taxes including the Trucker's Tax. I too wish he would get out there more with this information but I suspect he thinks it's a bit too early yet. I'm sure it will come as his accomplishment list is LONG. As for some other 'scorecards' again, not official. Presumably Nelson put one out called gopgpa or something like that that showed him (Nelson) with a high % and Rhoden with a low % but if you look more closely, you'll find that Rhoden still ranked in the top 3 most conservative Senators. There was obviously some selective measures going on when creating it and selecting the bills as the highest scoring Senator was only 64% or so but the goal is to just get people to compare %. We've got some bigger issues if all the better ANY SD Senator can do is 64% aligned with the platform.

    Ellis has a blog as well. He is a very strong Nelson supporter yet he is pretty ethical from what I can tell. His Freedom Index was honest and showed Rhoden's higher score very recently. I found it here:

    I don't know where to find the other ones but the "gpa" one is made to look like it's put out by the GOP but it is not.

    Just some more information to chew on as you seem to be genuinely interested in making an educated decision. And yes, I'm obviously a Rhoden supporter. :-)

  51. Bree S. 2014.01.04

    TG - still waiting on that message from you regarding Larry Rhoden's opposition to the following Reagenesque statement being added to the South Dakota Republican Platform:


    I also want to know why Larry Rhoden voted against making it illegal for businesses to knowingly hire unauthorized aliens.

    TG, did you catch the January 3rd column by Kristi Noem titled "When Modern Day Slavery Hits Home" ..? It's on the Dakota War College in case you missed it.

  52. Bree S. 2014.01.04

    "The scorecards put out are not official" - LOL what makes them official? A gold stamp from The Official ScoreCard Association of America. For Heaven's Sake Rhoden's votes for fee increases is a matter of public record on the South Dakota legislative website - I don't think it gets much more official than that.

    No fees that impact South Dakotans? Why would you even bother to type such a ridiculous statement?

  53. TG 2014.01.04

    Bree - I haven't forgotten you. Just been terribly busy. Just sent myself a reminder. When I say not official, I meant that I honestly believed the gop put out the one called gopgpa but later learned Nelson was involved in its creation. Others posted on DWC when someone put out the link and commented as if it was 'official'; I assume they too thought it was put out by the SD GOP based on the way it was titled but it was not.

    If you look at my statement again, I said this "no taxes that Rhoden voted for that impact SD residents" not "no fees...". In that whole long list of 50+, there were something like 5 taxes he voted for over many years and they impacted visitors and gaming joints. When you hear comments, they lead you to believe he's voted for ALL of these random taxes which clearly is not true after going through all of them looking myself one by one. Others did the same and came to the same conclusion. And then I found several tax repeals he sponsored not just voted for and I'm sure there are more. Ran out of time to continue as I found my answers.

    As for the comment in the article, I also think a good tax is on gaming joints as they're making money hand over fist so why not share that with SD? That's just my opinion.

  54. TG 2014.01.04

    And no, I hadn't seen that article but I'll check it out. I hope you're not insinuating he's for slavery! Now that would be a most ridiculous statement. But maybe you're coming from a different angle. I'll have to read it. Thanks!

  55. Bree S. 2014.01.05

    I believe the scorecard you refer to is put out by the SD GOP Platform Accountability or SDGPA at Please provide your evidence that Stace Nelson was "involved" in its creation because my understanding is that Stace knows who put out the scorecard and isn't revealing their identity but didn't make the actual scorecard.

    2013's HB 1066 and 2011's HB 1248 extended the increase in the gross receipts tax on visitor related businesses, originally increased in 2009's HB 1072, all three of which Rhoden voted for. I guess the people who own those businesses don't count as South Dakotans.

    2013's SB 115; 2009's HB 1251, HB 1255, SB 21; 2007's HB 1077, HB 1131; 2003's HB 1104, HB 1147, HB 1189, HB 1235, SB 76, SB 150; 2002's HB 1002, SB 36 - all dealt with raising taxes and not fees.

    That's 17 votes for tax increases I count not five. Please explain how raising taxes on mobile telecommunications services, gross receipts taxes of visitor related businesses, property taxes, sales taxes, use taxes, taxes on cigarettes, excise taxes on telecommunications companies, revenue taxes on intermediate care facilities for the mentally retarded, fuel excise taxes, and additional taxes on Deadwood gambling.. are not taxes that "impact South Dakotan residents."

    Your statement that Rhoden didn't raise taxes that impacted South Dakotans is still completely ridiculous. I don't think Rhoden missed a category of possible taxation in his tax raising spree as a State Senator other than an income tax.. which I'm sure he would have been happy to raise if South Dakota had an income tax. Or maybe not. It's much more convenient to hide tax increases as fees and taxes on businesses who will charge South Dakotans more so that the taxpayers hopefully won't notice that they've got less money in their pockets thanks to greedy sneaky politicians.

  56. Bree S. 2014.01.05

    TG - by voting against a bill that would make it illegal for businesses to knowingly hire unauthorized aliens Larry Rhoden is in fact protecting slimy businesses that exploit trafficked human beings and force them into indentured servitude from facing legal consequences for their abhorrent activities, such as the couple from Oacoma who were prosecuted by the DOJ in 2008 for mistreatment and forced servitude of Filipino aliens at their hotel.

  57. Bree S. 2014.01.05

    "Just sent myself a reminder" - LOL TG. Keep reminding yourself to explain Rhoden's votes protecting businesses from facing legal consequences for knowingly hiring unauthorized aliens.

  58. George 2014.01.05

    Bree and others thank you for the links and information. I popped some popcorn and watched the debate last night. A lot of good information, some kind of off the wall questions at times, but generally interesting. It was long too, I thought debates were usually 60-90 minutes; this was like 3 hours.

    So I understand Nelson's "Hell No" was much along the ways I thought. He just can't support Rounds or Rhoden. I got that, but I have struggled withthis also. So say Rounds wins the primary then it is him, Pressler and Weiland presumably. That causes me to be a lot of pain. I want Republicans to control the Senate so people like Cruz and Lee have more influence, but gosh Rounds, urgh. What do you plan to do Bree? Is Pressler who supported Obama twice worthy of a vote over Rounds. I hate not voting as I feel like i lose my right to complain then in a sense.

  59. George 2014.01.05

    The scorecard I was referencing was at the debate in SF the news said between Rhoden, Nelson and Bosworth. I thought Nelson and Rhoden were arguing back and forth. I have not seen that debate either. If you have that one I'd love to watch it too. Thank you.

  60. George 2014.01.05

    Bree. Thank you yet again for the in depth online article, that one was more informative than the general one I read. I also as I said had people tell me about it. Again as I said earlier I think that is part of Nelson's struggle he has all this stuff swirling around him and people know the headline and it will be hard for him to explain everything in depth.

  61. jerry 2014.01.05

    Bree S., George, and all. Thank you very very much for pointing out why we here in South Dakota and America as a whole, cannot have any of these gentlemen represent us in the Senate. Your words have more than proven the real need for a real leader and one that will do the very most for state and country, Rick Weiland is that man.

    The list goes on and on about why his choice would not be a choice at all, but just common South Dakota sense.

  62. Bree S. 2014.01.05

    George - Please explain how you managed to read about that protection order in an article online yet somehow failed to notice that it had been withdrawn 6 days later, or that the man who filed it had stalked and terrified Nelson's wife, or that he had ranted in a deranged manner in front of a witness.

    This comment of yours is also interesting and of course I didn't miss it:

    "Bree--I'm sorry I know you support Stace."

    In juxtaposition with this:

    "[I] only recently found this and the War College site."

    You sure are observant in regards to whom I support, despite the fact that I haven't posted much in the last 2-3 weeks, and the fact that I haven't posted my support for Stace recently - but when you read news articles apparently all the pertinent information falls back out your ears like a leaky bucket.

    One thing about Stace Nelson that's different from some of the other "Senate candidates" is that he doesn't have to pay people to go on blogs and post in support of him and his candidacy - real people do it for free, under their own name. Also - we don't have to spread lies about the other candidates to make our point that Stace is the best Republican for the job... the truth about the records of these other candidates speaks for itself.

  63. Bree S. 2014.01.05

    George - if the Establishment doesn't want walking time bombs winning the Primary and losing the General they should stop supporting the Big Government crony-capitalist candidates they think they can shove down the throats of the voting public. We The People didn't ask Mike Rounds, Larry Rhoden, Annette Bosworth, or Jason Ravnsborg to run. The self-serving Establishment that bleeds the people dry through taxation and tramples our constitutional rights asked them to run. We The People didn't just ask Stace Nelson to run - we begged him. We inundated him with pleas and requests. And we don't expect him to cow tow to the corrupt Establishment and throw away his principles and support lying corrupt politicians.

    When Stace says "Hell No" We The People don't respond with "Oh dear. How impolite." We say - "That's right Stace - you tell 'em."

  64. TG 2014.01.05

    Bree - I can assure you Rhoden has paid no one to post on blogs. In fact, he prefers people stay off the blogs as far as commentary. I just can't help myself when I see garbage. That's quite an unfounded accusation though which only reinforces my thought that you just can't trust anyone's word, you need to do the research yourself.

    I wouldn't even know about these blogs except that I graduated from Pierre with Pat Powers and knew that's what he did. And then the hyperlinks lead you to the others.

    As far as the scorecard, I'm going to guess you don't think he's "involved" with setting up debates either. Which wouldn't explain how he knows and tweets about debates weeks before anyone else even has heard of them.

  65. TG 2014.01.05

    Bree - I can appreciate the fact that YOU and some others asked Nelson to run but you don't know how the others came about or how many people asked them to run because you weren't part of it. It appears that you suggest We The People is 'most' of SD and we all know that's not the type of support Nelson has and he'd be so far ahead that we wouldn't be even having this conversation if that were true...

  66. Les 2014.01.05

    This isn't a hit on Rhoden TG. Our party has chosen the Rooster spit way out, with the fees you crow about.
    Grandma gets hit with wheel fees and my four wheeler gets hit. So does my semi which burns up the road and thousands more miles than either. A real road use (fuel) tax would hit the users you claim are paying through fees and it would be shared by the tourists, truckers and transient traffic through our state, none of who pay a wheel tax.
    This fee biz you speak of is the greatest shell game ever handed to the folks of South Dakota. No one knows where it comes from and know one knows where it goes. And it sure as hell isn't the most equitable TG.

  67. Bree S. 2014.01.05

    TG - I have noticed your Singular commitment to the debonaire and trustworthy reliance on the painted facade.

    I recently read a comment from some Anonymous on the Dakota War College that Stace was "flying off the handle over and over ON Veteran's Day just because Rhoden was an Officer in the National Guard" which was right after the comment "there were no taxes Rhoden voted for that I found (and others on here looked too); they were all fees".. Clearly that Anonymous poster is a liar with no integrity.

    It seems the God of some Christians is Machiavelli. All lying and cheating is justified as long as it helps bring "traditional Christian family values" to the political sphere. The ends justify the means. I would ask these Christians what the value of imposed Christianity is - and why they don't respect the gift of Free Will from Our Father. Some people are so busy worrying about what grown consenting adults do with their private parts that they would let the world drown in the blood of murdered children.

  68. TG 2014.01.05

    Bree - you completely lost me on that comment but if I decipher one part correctly, yes, I believe you knew I was in Rhoden's corner. I've not waivered on that since I started posting.

    However, as I pointed out above, the use of the term Tax was originally all Nelson pointed out which of the 50+; that is misrepresentation. I get that some people don't like Fees but all I'm saying is call it what it is. I personally do like Fees over taxes because the people using the services are who pay those fees vs. a blanket tax for all but that's neither here nor there.

    Remind me - the blog I should get contact from is Republican Territory? Rough two weeks ahead but I will shoot for 7-10 days to contact you if not before.

  69. Les 2014.01.05

    You don't seem like a bad fella/gal TG, but you're short on something. What don't you understand about out of state folks transiting our roads and they don't pay a wheel tax? What don't you understand about granny's car making 500 miles every five years and she pays a wheel tax? What don't you understand about my semi using up the road beyond grannys use, and I pay a wheel tax? What about my 4 wheeler that runs on sod paying a wheel tax?
    Yes there are possibilities of a fee being entirely fair, but is it right that I can pay increased hunting and fishing charges while the poor cannot? You are massaging facts when you call misrepresentation on fees and taxes.` Fees will be collected at the end of a gun barrel just as taxes are.

  70. George 2014.01.05

    Bree. i did recently find these 2 sites, but then I read a lot on both of them and it didn't take long to tell you were for Stace (SN). I am conservative, i just don't think SN can win.
    So maybe that is why i was excited about the new guy, JR ,maybe he can help shake up the race. I am thinking Stace's help with organization and JR's clean imagine would make a good team.

    I do not know the motives of anyone in the race, but JR did directly deny he was associated with another campaign.

  71. George 2014.01.05

    the article you gave was way more detailed on the protection order than I saw. Thank you for sharing.

  72. George 2014.01.05

    Many scorecards--I will look at the ones from Rounds against Rhoden and the others also. I like it where i can then look up what the bill stood for vs. what an outside group says, as sometime a couple of principles are involved.

  73. George 2014.01.05

    Lastly, Bree I believe i have been nothing but kind to you. I have tried to thank you and anyone else who has provided info. I will go and look at it and digest it. However, you seem to say stuff about me that is simply not true. You can believe what you want, but I will continue my search and vote for the conservative that I feel is best. You seem as combative as Stace and while passion is good just throwing out allegations without proof will not win over hearts and minds and is more likely to turn people off.

  74. Bree S. 2014.01.05

    Keep deciphering TG maybe you'll figure it out. I look forward to your message in 7-10 business days. LOL

  75. Bree S. 2014.01.05

    George - post a link to the article you read that mentioned a protection order against Stace but didn't mention that it was withdrawn. Shouldn't take you too long. Must have been a 30 second task for me to find that article in the Sioux Falls Business Journal.

  76. caheidelberger Post author | 2014.01.06

    [George: please check your e-mail and reply. Thanks.]

  77. Disgusted Dakotan 2014.01.06

    TG, obviously you are a close member of the Rhoden campaign, if not Sen Rhoden himself, to know such details down to Rhoden supposedly not liking his people on the blogs.

    I challenge you to show when and where Rep Nelson misrepresented the clearly printed sheet that lists Rounds', Rhoden's, and Nelson's votes on tax & fee increases passed by these three. Furthermore, it was Rounds that first released his and Rhoden's records on tax & fee increases to David Montegomery at the Argus in response to Rhoden's comments that Rounds was no conservative. Rounds released the voting records to show that he and Rhoden had an almost identical record on increasing the monies taken away from the voters by taxes & fees!

    You complain about the debates and that Rep Nelson is apparently encouraging people to host them. If Rhoden had such a stellar conservative record, would he not be also doing the same thing so he could showcase that record to the conservative SD Republicans attending?

    This blog showed that Larry Rhoden was a registered Democrat for over 20 years. It is more than appropriate for Rep Nelson to report out Larry Rhoden's record of being a registered voting Democrat for that time period, his record of voting for tax & fee increases (repeatedly), his record of voting for measures (repeatedly) to repeal term limits all the while claiming he strongly supports them.

    There is a reason that Sen Rhoden has taken to hiding from the debates, just like his mentor Mike Rounds, it is because he cannot justify his not conservative record with his rhetoric.

    You have claimed on Rhoden's behalf, that he was a registered Democrat for 20 plus years, voted for Jimmy Carter only once as an 18 year old and then never voted for another Democrat as a 20 plus year registered voting Democrat are ludicrous and dishonest. Before this blog put out Rhoden's record, you claimed that Rhoden became a Republican "32 years ago when he married into a strong Republican family." that has been shown to be a lie. After he was found out, the lies evolved into the whopper above, that he was a Democrat but only voted for one Democrat (because Larry got caught relating that he voted for Carter). Rhoden has claimed to be a life-long, Conservative Reagan Republican. Patently dishonest. His claims about strongly supporting term limits, patently dishonest. We can all understand why he now hides from the debates after we saw Doc Thompson embarrass him on the video about his position on raising fees, and with so many conflicting records to challenge his rhetoric.

  78. TG 2014.01.06

    Wow DD - same ol', same ol'. I'm a volunteer of the campaign, yes. Cory can confirm that I am not Rhoden himself for sure.

    Well aware that Rounds put that out but he called it what it was. Tax and Fees. Any non-reference to it by opposition has been Tax only up until a month or two ago after a few of us kept pointint out the difference.

    No, too early for debates. People aren't even paying attention. I ask SD'ans on planes, in the mall, parents, etc. and I would say 95% of them are completely clueless it's upcoming and who anyone is but Rounds.

    Fine by me to point out he was a D, I don't care and most people don't. The problem is an opponent (clearly you know who) states over and over on tweets and posts that he voted for Daschle and other pro-life D's which he did not. That is slander among other things.

    Term limits - SD vs. National?? Apples and oranges.

    Bosworth went to two debates and Rhoden went to two debates. How is that hiding when he had previous engagements? This is childish to think that everyone should drop everything because someone?? set up a debate.

    And really? Doc Thompson embarrassed him? You must've seen a different debate than I did.

    And again really? I said he married into a strong R family 32 years ago - I did NOT say he changed his registration then.

    And last really? He was not found out. Rhoden himself told someone at a Lincoln Day dinner who then told Nelson. He didn't tell the guy to keep it a secret because it was the truth. He also told that man he voted for only Carter once. So no lies 'evolved' as you claim. He said that right along with telling a stranger he was a D and voted for Carter. Only when it gets in the hands of certain people do things evolve into whoppers and lies start flurrying. I'm sure you're well aware that many of us have noticed that.

    This is now on page 2 or 3 of the blog so don't post anymore questions for me here as I typically don't go past the first page. If I miss something, oh well but came back only to see if Bree answered my question about the blogsite I should use... Which she didn't so I'll just try the one I think she said.

    As always, thanks for your misinformation!! :-)

  79. Bree S. 2014.01.06

    Volunteer, my round belly. Yes you have the correct blog.

  80. Leon 2014.01.06

    So Rhoden went around telling people he was a lifelong conservative Reagan Republican, got caught in that lie and it is Nelson that is misrepresenting him?

    I have seen the sheets put out by Nelson, heard them referenced by him, and read The article here that showed Nelson didn't misrepresent anything.

    I have also seen the report card on how Rhoden, Rounds, and Nelson voted on term limit bills that came up before them. It is not a big issue for me, but Rhoden lying and claiming he supports term limits, after he constantly voted to repeal them, just proves again that he is dishonest.

    Rhoden is another double talking politician that will say anything to fool the voters.

  81. caheidelberger Post author | 2014.01.07

    ["George" declines to respond to e-mails; "Leon" uses a bogus e-mail. I suspect some campaign sockpuppetry.]

  82. Lynn G. 2014.01.07

    Fake e-mail accounts and sockpuppetry. I wonder if these people realize that their conduct indirectly represents the candidate they supposedly support. It amazes me the lengths they go in trying to discredit another candidate who evidently feel is a threat rather than just go by their platform, real voting record and conduct rather than misquoting, fabrication or whatever. Everyone has different ideas what direction government should go. Is it too much to ask to just let people vote on the real facts?

    The more I read about the conduct here in the SD GOP the more determined I am to register as a Republican, vote Nelson and then vote Weiland in the general election. I'll gladly accept the term Rhino to at least try and help get rid of this corruption and secrecy here in the state. Too many good ole boys have had free reign here.

  83. Les 2014.01.07

    Your party is in the shape it is Lynn because the Dems don't have the ambitions or initiative to join up. That would mean a trip to city hall or the court house, God forbid. When is the last time you've seen a primary? When is the last time you've voted for a winner in state politics if you voted D?

  84. Lynn G. 2014.01.07

    Les I was a delegate for Al Franken when I lived in Minnesota. It was the first time I became more active other than just being a voter. Previously I was consumed with everyday life. "Dems don't have initiative to join up" here in South Dakota? Sorry you lost me on that. What do you mean?

    Just to clarify there are elected Republicans I know here in the state that are good people. I highly respect them. We may not always agree but it gives me a new perspective on things and one can learn. I can totally relate to where they are coming from on some issues. Hey! Some are my neighbors, customers and I've purchased from their businesses or my relatives know them. I'd love to have a conversation with someone from various parties to try to understand and learn.

    South Dakota is a very small state politically. That can be a blessing and a curse.

  85. Lynn G. 2014.01.07

    I'll happily be a grunt back here in my home state and do what I can to help. Who knows? My beloved state of South Dakota might be the "Ultimate Challenge". lol When McGovern first started getting active politically how many Democrats were there in South Dakota? 3? lol

  86. Bree S. 2014.01.07

    Not a bad play, Lynn - switching parties temporarily. A better play for the long term would be to support more Blue Dog "New" Democrats in SD. Your party's going broke here.

  87. Lynn G. 2014.01.07

    Bree I may not agree with everything Stace Nelson politically but at least I feel he's honest and I'd rather see him get the Republican nomination than Rounds. Rounds given that he was ultimately responsible for EB-5 and everything else that happened under his watch is exactly what we don't need in Washington. When I watch the videos of Nelson I think he's a great guy and genuine but politically I have concerns about those in our society that are vulnerable and there needs to be some degree of regulation to protect the environment and taxpayers. I've seen Government waste in the military and that was during the Reagan years. It was just how the system was set up. I was trained to always go over budget in my ordering even if not needed for fear our budget would get cut and affect our unit readiness. Rather than providing other incentives.

    The fact is the Democratic Party is obviously weak in SD. The short term is that I can register as a Republican be a true Rhino (lol) to help at least bring some positive change while helping the Democratic party in the longterm. My immediate concern is helping those who I can actually trust with the responsibility of governing without cronyism, scandals, adding to the cover up and bringing about opening up government.

  88. interested party 2014.01.07

    Stace should have forced Kristi into a primary or run against DD if he was truly serious about winning a statewide seat and making a statement. His bid for DC is an embarrassment to himself and his party.

  89. Les 2014.01.07

    So are you saying you'd rather have a dishonest democrat you can agree with Lynn?

  90. Lynn G. 2014.01.07

    Les who is the dishonest Democrat? What do you mean? I was raised where my father was a lifelong Republican voting for Nixon and Reagan and my mother was a Democrat basically cancelling each other's vote. My parents did emphasize while raising me that I vote the candidate and not the party since there are both good and bad candidates regardless of party and both parties are definitely guilty of contributing to the issues we have today.

    Les can you please explain your question?

  91. Bree S. 2014.01.07

    Uh, huh Larry.

  92. Les 2014.01.07

    Lynn, you stated,"I may not agree with everything Stace Nelson politically but at least I feel he's honest and I'd rather se".
    Does this mean, if there was a dishonest Dem you agreed with, you'd vote him over an honest candidate such as you say Stace is, who you don't agree with on everything? Appears so to me.

  93. Lynn G. 2014.01.07

    Les if there was a Democratic candidate I agreed with but was I felt was corrupt I would not vote for him. I vote the candidate and am not chained to a party.

  94. Lynn G. 2014.01.07

    Him or her whomever that candidate is.

  95. Lynn G. 2014.01.07

    Where are you on this Les? How would you vote in these scenarios you mentioned?

  96. Disgusted Dakotan 2014.01.07

    "TG" Rhoden claimed to "strongly support term limits." Show me in his press release where he has fine print where he only meant federal. But even then, if he "strongly supports (only federal) term limits" then please explain why he voted in 2006 for a ballot measure to REPEAL our SD Constitutional FEDERAL term limits

    You and Rhoden have intentionally tried to deceive (lie) to people that Sen Rhoden was a "lifelong conservative Reagan Republican" You admit that you inferred that he changed parties 32 years ago when he married into a strong Republican family. The fact is, he voted AGAINST Ronald Reagan, and voted for liberal pro-choice Democrats for over 20 years before he changed parties to get elected in super Republican registered district. Now, you and he lie about it hoping people will buy that whopper of a story that he voted for Republicans all those years.

    Every poll that has came out has had Rhoden at about 2-4%. If his job is to be a decoy for Rounds, then it makes sense why he dodged the debate in RC and now runs from any others. Rhoden now adopts his moderate mentor Mike Rounds' claims that 4+ months to the election is too soon to answer questions about his poor record.

    "TG" obviously you are a paid political spin machine for Rhoden (or is it the Rounds decoy team?).

  97. Les 2014.01.07

    Good for you Lynn. Many years ago while speaking with a Rep, I had uncomfortable feelings about his statements and worked against him,(my party) to unelect. He is now in prison for the very thing that worried me. How many must have allowed those same feelings to be overridden by politics will not be known, but it is no small number, of that I'm sure.

  98. Les 2014.01.07

    So where has Wieland proven his integrity over any of these candidates?

  99. interested party 2014.01.07

    The question, Les, is: why should we believe anything coming from a Democrat, a crook, a liar, an idiot or a grifter?

  100. interested party 2014.01.07

    Income inequality will be focus of the President's 2014 State of the Union address: Imagine all the people sharing all the world....

  101. Lynn G. 2014.01.07

    Les I voted for Nader a few years back. He just seemed to make too much sense at least for me but like I've mentioned above both of the two major political parties are guilty for the issues we face today. I would like to see more viable political parties to offer competition to bring a much better product but for the present time we are stuck and I'll do my best to work within they system. Weiland looks very good so far from what I've seen.

  102. Disgusted Dakotan 2014.01.07

    I have met Mr Weiland. He is very personal, very well spoken, and very well handled by political staff. His politics are what are going to end his political aspirations for the US Senate. His answer to the problems voters have is more government programs, Obamacare, etc. While his campaign is attempting to cultivate the mirage that he is some how an outsider to the DC Obama Democrats, the reality that he is a Daschle Democrat with extensive DC Democratic connections looms over him even as he claims Harry Reid doesn't like him.

    But, with Pressler in as a spoiler. If Rounds wins the primary, it could split the vote enough that he has a chance as Pressler will draw some of the moderate Republicans that make up a big portion of Rounds' base and conservative protest votes against Rounds.

  103. caheidelberger Post author | 2014.01.07

    Proof of integrity, Les? Let's see: None of the entities Rick Weiland has run are under federal investigation. Two of the entities for which Mike Rounds bears responsibility (Governor's Office of Economic Development, EB-5 program) are under federal investigation. Innocent until proven guilty... but that's the first place I'll look for the comparison you request.

  104. Les 2014.01.08

    The other candidates lives prove nothing on Wylans integ. He speaks nothing new into anything I've heard. Same song, different verse. Doesn't he have a brother in the family who helped knock out our family favorite "Blue Dog"? Shame shame. Who Put The Dogs Out?
    Your loss of Herseth was not near the party failure to the Dems that Dykstra to Johnson and Lien to Herseth was for the GOP. And some call me a traitor to my party.

  105. Lynn G. 2014.01.08

    Les or DD is there a candidate that your leaning towards?

  106. Les 2014.01.08

    My first choice is a friend with deep SD roots who will not say and do what it takes to get elected. He is a Repub who understands the illness a one party system creates. There is no more brilliant mind in the state and his purpose in running would be to float questions and answers few if any of the current bunch could ask or answer.
    He would have to come as an Indy but thinks Pressler, if he runs would cloud that arena for this election cycle.
    It appears the Repubs have the perfect crop on board to display all sides of the arena. None are the best for the job, but tough questions will be asked of all and the cream could rise to the top.
    Presssler will run his due diligence with questions some will not like and many can't answer. He has been there and understands the issues our government faces. Regardless of the attacks, he has won, many times and not accidentally.
    I would like a congress person who would stand and ask, why are we taking insider trading information? Why are we allowing members of congress to come in with little and leave loaded to the gills with outsider moneys. Why can these outside corporations vote in SD with their Millions, some of which can be found in SOS Gants office? Why are we pandering to the Corporate World before the best interests of our country? What would a few trillion spent on wars have done for the country spent at home?
    Those are not questions being asked by our current crop in DC. Tell me who you think will raise those questions in DC and why Wyland would do so as a freshman who's copied his solutions out of the standard DC playbook.
    Remember, as bad as you might think SD politics is, DC is where our very real problems lie and rubber stamps are a dime a dozen.

  107. Disgusted Dakotan 2014.01.08

    Lynn & Les, there is one candidate that has proven he will take on the corrupt political machine in SD and fits what Les is looking for. If you wonder who that is, its the candidate that incites non-stop attacks by the establishment DWC blog. That is who I am supporting.

  108. Lynn G. 2014.01.09

    Les very very good points. The system is such a mess.

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