A new report card from GovTrack.us tells us that Rep. Kristi Noem missed only 3% of 641 votes in the House in 2013. Never mind that she voted wrong more than 3% of the time; we should just be glad she's showing up. Still, 160 Reps have fewer missed votes.
But her showing up isn't doing much for South Dakota or the country. Rep. Noem introduced 14 bills (ranking her 92nd in the House) but got only one bill out of committee and none enacted into law. Getting a law enacted is tough: only 46 Reps got a law enacted.
She doesn't play all that well with others: she fixed her name to 110 other bills as a cosponsor, but that's actually remarkably low, ranking her 343rd.
Rep. Noem ranks 124th for conservatism in the House. She scores a 0.72 on a scale where Rep. Barbara Lee (D-CA) scores 0 and Rep. Lynn Westmoreland (R-GA) scores a 1.
Flying her South Dakota colors, Rep. Noem scores a zero on government transparency, supporting none of the 20 bills that GovTrack identifies as important government transparency legislation.
And whatever you think of scorecards, remember: we still have no farm bill....
Hey come on! Kristi looks good on Faux News though! Move over Gretchen! Kristi's coming!
But she looks good in tight jeans while sitting on a horse. That must be what SD voted for because, as a legislator, she ain't much!
Does she get credit for the 40 or 50 times rethugs voted to defund Obamacare? She best watch out,my congressweasel "cantaloupe calves" King is losing his nearest playmate to the North-Michele "one L" Bachmann and he and Louie Gohmert,a nutjob from Texas will be looking for a third amigo to fill out the Stooges again.
"Flying her South Dakota colors, Rep. Noem scores a zero on government transparency, supporting none of the 20 bills that GovTrack identifies as important government transparency legislation."
She was well schooled by her fellow State Legislators in South Dakota.
When you're a GOP Snow Queen you get on Fox News. When you get on Fox News you feel like a winner. When you feel like a winner you skip committee meetings and go to lobbyist parties. When you skip committee hearings and go to lobbyist parties you get nothing done. When you get nothing done you become the do-nothing congress member who issues empty press releases to cover your do-nothing rear. Don't be the do-nothing congress member who issues empty press releases to cover your rear.
LOL!!! Rors!
Good one Rorchach! That should be in a political ad! Oh that would be funny and right on target in describing our very own GOP Snow Queen do-nothing Kristi
You have out done yourself Rors!!
Rorschach, you win the award for funniest political commentary for 2014! Congratulations!
Bad Friday night joke-Steve"cantaloupe calves" King to Michele"one L" Bachmann,"Michele do you remember the minuet?""One L" to King,"I don't even Noem."
Hey Mike from Iowa...isn't 'Canteloupe Calves' Steve King one of Dan Lederman's man crushes?
Dan spends more time in Iowa than SD which his bought and paid for blogger PP never seems to mention.
Any chance Iowa can rid itself of that embarrassment?
Jana I'm afraid the world is stuck with King as the western half of iowa is as red as SD. OTH,King is a useful idiot. He occupies the farthest right side of the party's clown car and is pure late night comedy gold. And like Pavlov's dog,King wets his pants whenever Sarah Palin's trademarked name comes up.