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Youtube Scraps: Lederman Vacuous on Teleprompter; Pressler Better on Notes

Senator Dan Lederman needs a teleprompter to recite this vacuity?!

"By the end of the session, there will be many issues debated and hundreds of bills introduced, some of which will pass, but most of which will not." Lincoln! Cicero! Demosthenes!

Elsewhere on the Interwebs, Larry Pressler is using the technology that he, not Al Gore, brought to America by posting his formal candidacy announcement from December, in two parts:

Pressler is twice Lederman's age and works better away from notes for 30 minutes than Lederman does for two.


  1. Bill Fleming 2014.01.17

    Frankenfeld is helping Pressler, I think.

  2. Lanny V Stricherz 2014.01.17

    I would have to ask Senator Lederman, the same question that has bothered me for a long time. How is having billions in the bank, a balanced budget? To me balanced means that you spend what you take in but also that you take in what you spend. South Dakota has to constitutionally balance the budget, but that does not mean that they can be sitting on funds that they collected and not spend them. That is ridiculous, especially when we don't pay our teachers, don't fix our infrastructure, especially in the less populated areas of the State, and refuse to remove the tax from food and refuse to fund the Medicaid option being offered by the Federal Government.

  3. Jana 2014.01.17

    Uh oh. We know how much the Republicans like to make fun of people who use teleprompters...right DD...MMR...DL.

  4. Deb Geelsdottir/ 2014.01.17

    There is a lot to like about what Pressler said. He's an example of how people age. Many folks mellow, being open and learning from their experiences. They gain in wisdom. A minority increase in harshness, clinging to past beliefs and refusing to learn and grow.

    Pressler is a prime example of the former, someone to emulate. Good for you, Larry!

  5. caheidelberger Post author | 2014.01.18

    Deb, can Pressler get that reasonability to resonate with folks who would vote for Rounds? Will that mellow openness grab Dems away from Weiland?

  6. Joel R 2014.01.18

    It would also behoove the Republicans to learn how to frame a shot. Rule of thirds!

  7. caheidelberger Post author | 2014.01.18

    Joel, don't Republicans have money to pay people to advise them on these things?

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