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No Public Defender for Bosworth, Who Says She Can Pay Her Lawyer

Hey, everybody, guess what? Brandon Taliaferro and us bloggers are all lying about Annette Bosworth. So says the perjurious political poseur's paid press, which asserts that Bosworth brought a check to court Monday to pay attorney Taliaferro the $25,000 retainer he said he never received:

By the way, Bosworth is and was ready, willing and able to pay the retainer. She brought a check to the hearing yesterday [Annette Bosworth's paid spokesperson, "Lawyer Did NOT Drop Bosworth For Non-Payment: South Dakota Blogs Lie About It," that fake Bosworth-Haber blog, 2014.08.05].

So let's see: the retainer was supposed to be paid by July 25. Bosworth offered to pay it on August 4. O.K., fine.

The one thing we do learn from this claim is that now Judge John L. Brown can comfortably reject any attempt Bosworth may make to obtain a public defender, since her own press team says she can afford to pay for her own lawyer. Thank you, Annette, for letting us taxpayers off the hook.


  1. Roger Cornelius 2014.08.06

    As proof of Annette's attempt to pay the retainer, a copy of that check she brought to court should be a part of the evidence presented by her in the attempt to keep Brandon as her attorney.

  2. SDTeacher 2014.08.06

    Given that her attorney filed the motion quite some time ago, waiting until the hearing on his motion to show up with a check doesn't exactly show good faith. Assume for a moment that by simply showing the judge a check, she can force the attorney to continue representing her. So the court denies the motion to withdraw, lawyer walks down the street, deposits funds in trust account and immediately attempts to withdraw what she owes. Check bounces. What now? As much as people don't like it, attorneys need to be paid for their work just like anyone else. "I promise, I mean to pay" is simply insufficient, especially when the promise is from someone with a history of not paying others and of breaking her word to this attorney. Lee Stranahan saying "check's in the mail" is hilarious in a pathetic sort of way.

  3. caheidelberger Post author | 2014.08.06

    I take the statement entirely at face value. So should the judge when Bosworth comes begging for us to pay for her lawyer.

  4. Roger Cornelius 2014.08.06

    The doctor knew that the retainer was due Brandon the day she hired him and yet she waited until the day of the hearing
    to present payment, why did she wait for so long and put her representation by a credible attorney in jeopardy.

    The judge should have grabbed that check and deposited it in a trust account for payment to the next attorney she hires or the court has to appoint. Would she dare give the judge a bad check?

  5. lesliengland 2014.08.06


    can we please get back to winning weiland's, robinson's, wismer's ect. elections and ignore the six, I mean five idiots that are not running? the AG race can be used to expose dd/jackley/rounds

  6. Mark 2014.08.06

    I'd wait until the check clears.

  7. CJ 2014.08.06

    By the fake Bosworth-Haber blog's rationale, it's not acceptable for Taliaferro to file a motion for non-payment 9 days early, but it IS acceptable for Bosworth to pay 10 days late. Yes, that makes perfect sense. If she was serious about paying the retainer, she would have paid it on or before the deadline. This is just another attempt at grandstanding.

  8. Joe K 2014.08.06

    Perhaps this is all Stranahan's plan... He may be shooting to represent Annette in court! That would explain why he has been sabotaging her this entire time by posting that smarmy video, and posting on twitter that he would not help out his "friend" Annette by taking her attorney's advice.

  9. caheidelberger Post author | 2014.08.06

    If that's the plan, Lee, he'll need to whip out his law degree and pass the bar. As we know from the discussion of qualifications for attorney general, SDCL 16-16-1 says one must have a South Dakota law license to practice in a South Dakota court. SDCL 16-18-2 allows nonresident attorneys to practice in South Dakota courts if they can demonstrate, among other things, that they are members in good standing of their home-state bars.

    More likely, Joe, the claim is a combo of stupid and bait.

  10. mike from iowa 2014.08.06

    Does Bosworth appear to be serious about anything??? She has the attention span of a two year old.

  11. Roger Cornelius 2014.08.06

    Landslide is going ballistic on his blog and accuses Cory of doubling down on Annette's failure to pay the retainer due Brandon, claiming that he didn't immediately request the retainer. Naturally Landslide claims everybody is a liar, including me, and doesn't the know the truth.

    Have you ever hired an attorney? I have, and after you explain your case and whether or not the attorney will take your case the next step is discussing payment. Some cases are taken for a percentage of a cash settlement, other cases require a retainer and sometimes the attorney will work pro bono.
    I can't say it as a fact, but Taliaferro probably knew Bosworth and Haber's precarious financial situation and would want the retainer paid as soon as possible, the likelihood of Brandon not discussing fees at the time of the initial consultation doesn't seem realistic.

    If Taliaferro didn't request the retainer at the time of the consultation, when did he request it. Landslide leaves out this part of the story and provides no evidence of Brandon's retainer request. Surely that request was made in writing and should be a part of Bosworth's evidence.

    Most of Landslides thread don't provide for a comment, his most recent thread did have a comment to click on, but my comment wouldn't go through.

  12. Kristi 2014.08.06

    Maybe Chad had the checkbook and couldn't connect with her to give her a check because he was busy clearing the air about his scandals. Oh...wait...

  13. SDBlue 2014.08.06

    I am not the least bit surprised Bosworth drug her feet paying Taliaferro. Now, I wonder if Lee will also take some responsibility for his "good friend" losing her representation. One would think, if he really is such a good friend to Bosworth, he would have respected the advice of her attorney requesting him stay away and shut the hell up.

  14. mike from iowa 2014.08.06

    4) While I’m in favor of freedom of speech and I hate censorship, I’m also completely opposed to the idea of shoving things in the face of people who aren’t interested in them. This has been the tactic of the people harassing my associates by sending them some of my photos out of the blue

    Any guess as to who said this?

  15. caheidelberger Post author | 2014.08.06

    Roger, your point leads us to another way in which Bosworth is being completely unfair to Taliaferro. She lured him in, and now she can make all sorts of claims that he, bound by attorney-client privilege, cannot rebut. He basically becomes a punching bag, and because he respects his professional code of ethics, he will take it silently. Annette and Chad prey upon the goodness of others in every way possible.

  16. caheidelberger Post author | 2014.08.06

    Roger, I'm curious: how often do hear me going ballistic? And how often do I have to defend my blog stories by calling everyone else in the free world a liar?

  17. Roger Cornelius 2014.08.06

    Cory, the closest you ever come to going ballistic is on a "social issue" that is clearly offensive to everyone, even than you stay firm in your observations and don't blame everyone.

    You and Pat Powers are usually diametrically opposed in your opinions, Powers read the documents that you did and came to the same conclusion about Bosworth's failure to pay her attorney.
    Additionally, David Montgomery wrote a an actual news article on this recent Bosworth and quoted from an email sent to him by Taliaferro where he stated he had payment concerns.
    So, what it comes down to is a right wing blogger, a left wing blogger, and a news reporter are misrepresenting the facts. It is all simple enough, follow the time frame and follow the money, or lack thereof.
    And of course the question that remains is why didn't she just pay the retainer on a timely basis without having to be reminded, apparently more than once?

  18. mike from iowa 2014.08.06

    Still and all,the judge agreed with Taliaferro. Bosworth didn't fullfil her obligations and that is that.

  19. mike from iowa 2014.08.06

    You see what Lee the groundhog did there. He makes the case that yesterday,August 3 or 4 is actually July 25th which is why Bosworth was going to pay yesterday.

  20. Joan Brown 2014.08.06

    Back in 1983 when I got divorced I was told by the attorney that he would need at least a $50.00 retainer fee, in order to keep he law firm happy. So before our next meeting I got $50.00 from my folks to pay the retainer fee.

  21. JeniW 2014.08.06

    Pretty clever scheme...

    Come up with $25,000.00 to pay the retainer. That uses up her money supply to pay bills and daily living expenses so she might be able to claim bankruptcy. That disposes much of her assets, thus she cannot afford to pay her lawyer any more money... so that means being assigned a public defender. Could that happen?

  22. Jim 2014.08.06

    I don't think annette wants to monkey with the public defender application because I believe one fills it out under penalty of perjury. I'm not suggesting she would intentionally lie, but that she wouldn't have accurate information because she doesn't know her income info. So she would just write down some figures and end up swearing to them. I have no idea if with accurate info she would be eligible or not. She declared very little annual income in a campaign disclosure. But seeking a public defender would fit with her narrative of having everything taken from her. She does have the problem of this claim this phantom 25k retainer. I suppose if pressed she could claim her husband spent it. I doubt her husband likes the thought of a public defender though because "he was rich, and supposed to be untouchable."

  23. Rocky Racoon 2014.08.06

    A rubber check. A rubber room.

  24. caheidelberger Post author | 2014.08.06

    Jim, would that public defender application be a public document? Would it contain more detailed information than the Senate finance disclosure form?

  25. Dave Baumeister 2014.08.06

    Does it seem ironic that she has to pay anything? All the woman has to do is say "I was a novice at this, and I messed up my petitions. All of the signatures do belong to real people. It was never my intention to deceive anyone." But she won't do that, even though her breaking the law is literally black and white (ink on paper).

  26. Dave Baumeister 2014.08.06

    What could possibly be going through her brain?

  27. grudznick 2014.08.06

    Mr. Baumeister, she is a very pretty young lady who is insaner than most and has a husband who is deviouser and slimier than most. And a lot of people are attracted to that sort of perniciousness.

  28. Roger Cornelius 2014.08.07

    Holy Wow!!! I just listened to the four segments of audio of Stranahan interviewing Haber about his scandals. The interview proved one thing to me, Chad Haber is running for attorney general against Cory and not Marty Jackley or Kurt Evans. If that was intended to be a campaign piece, it was poorly done and resolved nothing and raised more questions.
    By Chad's account of the charitable work he and Annette have done, they are closing in on the Saintly Mother Theresa. Selling two homes valued at 1.2 million dollars to buy medicine for Haitian children is just for starters.
    Cory, listen carefully to the last segment of the interview if you haven't already.

  29. Craig 2014.08.07

    So by showing up to the courthouse with a check in hand, Bosworth has proven that she hadn't paid for Taliaferro for his services to date. So remind me again how anyone can claim it wasn't true? If Taliaferro didn't think being paid was important, I'm pretty sure it wouldn't have been included in his submission to the court, and since even Bosworth herself clearly admits she hadn't paid him even though he had been publicly representing her and working on her case, it seems his concerns about non-payment were valid.

    Also, if Bosworth or Haber owed me money the last thing I would do is trust that the check wouldn't bounce. I can write a check for $25,000, $250,000 or even $25,000,000, but it doesn't mean I have the funds in the account to back it up.

  30. Nate 2014.08.07

    Listened to the last interview - sounds like Lee is chewing gum or something, All I can hear is lip smacking over the talk... #nailsonchalkboard

  31. daleb 2014.08.07

    craig, your comment is extremely shrewd, i enjoyed it.

  32. WestRiver 2014.08.07

    I haven't listened to Pornohan's audio in which Haber "explains his scandals." I will have to do so because if Haber states that he sold his homes to pay for medication to go to Haiti, that's a bald-faced lie and more than I can prove that.
    The medication received for the Haitian and Philippines trips is 100% free except for the cost of shipping it to the country you're using it for and even that sometimes is free. I can't wait to listen to the audio.

  33. Roger Cornelius 2014.08.07

    West River,

    I can't wait for your response to those "interviews". It felt like Chad was raising more questions on his scandals than clarifying them.

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