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House Education Kills Anti-Common Core Bill 8–7

I am now batting .000 as a bill proponent. I came to Pierre this morning to testify in favor House Bill 1223, which would have ended South Dakota's involvement with the Common Core standards and with any "multistate educational standards…

Leola Superintendent: Teacher Pay Depends on State Funding

Rebuttal of the week to gubernatorial malarkey on K-12 education funding comes from Leola superintendent Brian Heupel, who offers this observation on Governor Dennis Daugaard's persistent shirking of responsibility for South Dakota's perennial barrel-bottom teacher pay: "The governor always says…

Crago Counters Newquist Pessimism: We Can Make South Dakota Better

David Newquist is provoking all sorts of good discussion with his diagnosis of South Dakota as hopeless for young progressives. Heidi Marttila-Losure of Dakota Fire has weighed in with her optimism. Now Zach Crago, deputy exec of the South Dakota…

Sec. Schopp Names Members of Three HB 1234 Committees

The Displaced Plainsman catches Education Secretary Melody Schopp's announcement of the educators and other citizens picked to do the dirty work of HB 1234, Governor Daugaard's ugly education reform bill. The teacher evaluation group faces the difficult task of resolving…