What's wrong with Governor Rounds's proposed budget for education? Aside from the usual GOP view of education as expense rather than investment and a determination to cheat our kids of educational opportunities, plenty: While kids get a 5% cut, administration…
Posts tagged as “budget”
The Madison Daily Leader gets three of our local superintendents on the record about Governor Rounds's proposed 5% cut to state aid for K-12 education. They don't sound happy, but they aren't jumping off any grain elevators yet. They list…
Senator Jason Frerichs (D-Wilmot) opens politely by thanking the governor for his service. But then he goes right to saying that we need to ask people to pay to keep these services alive. Frerichs expresses his hope that Daugaard will…
Governor M. Michael Rounds is in the State Capitol and on SDPB right now telling us how he'd screw education if he were around for another term. Here's my live-blog (hit Refresh/Ctrl+R/F5 for updates!): Actually, Dennis Daugaard gets to lead…
Yesterday the Associated School Boards of South Dakota called on the Legislature to follow the law and increase K-12 education funding by 1.3%. That's a pretty modest request, given that ASBSD's position for the past few years has been to…
Governor-Elect Dennis Daugaard is leading by example: he announced yesterday that he will cut his own pay ten percent when he takes office next month. He plans to impose the same cut on the top earners on his staff and…