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Posts tagged as “Democrats”

Five Republicans Respect My Wife; Five Democrats Do Not

Five Republicans in the South Dakota House recognize my wife and daughter aren't chattel: Rep. Jamie Boomgarden (R-17/Chancellor) Rep. Bob Deelstra (R-9/Hartford) Rep. Dan Dryden (R-34/Rapid City) Rep. Tad Perry (R-24/Fort Pierre) Rep. Fred Romkema (R-31/Spearfish) Thank you, gentlemen. Five…

SD Dems Propose Three-Year Plan to End Structural Deficit

The Democrats in the South Dakota Legislature today are proposing a plan to achieve the common goal of eliminating the state's structural deficit. However, they counter Governor Daugaard's Tea-Party-style all-at-once 10% cut and propose a three-year plan to get us…

Democrat’s New Year’s Resolution: Be Good Pepperoni

My Madison blog neighbor Dakota Diner usually keeps her blogging close the kitchen. But a bad bowl game and bad pepperoni rolls occasioned this seasoned political observation: Alas here on the eastern prairie of South Dakota, authentic pepperoni is harder…

Herseth Sandlin Defends Blue Dog Record; Whither the Base?

Doug Wiken was right: in her "exit interview" with Judy Woodruff on PBS NewsHour last night, Congresswoman Stephanie Herseth Sandlin did not mention losing her Democrat base with her Blue Dog politics as a factor in her defeat in November.…

Keep Fighting, Dems: Obama-GOP Tax Deal Entrenches Plutocracy

Dennis Kucinich is not planning to challenge President Barack Obama in 2012. Maybe we can draft Robert Reich, who justifies efforts Kucinich and other rowdy Dems may make to beat the Obama-GOP tax-rate deal into better shape: If the Democratic…