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Posts tagged as “Dennis Daugaard”

Daugaard Trusted Non-State Employee to Carry Million-Dollar Check

Wait a minute. Let's read that again. How'd Governor Rounds's one-million-dollar lame-duck Future Fund grant get from Pierre to Aberdeen? [Northern Beef Packers CEO David] Palmer sent an email to [state economic development chief Richard] Benda on Jan. 5, 2011,…

Joe Lowe Wins Increase in K-12 Funding?

Is Democratic candidate Joe Lowe already effecting positive change for South Dakota? That's the thesis offered by my blogospheric colleague Michael Larson, who connects Lowe's announcement (published first here on the Madville Times) with Governor Dennis Daugaard's unexpected ante up…

Governor Slacking Off on District 8 Senate Replacement

District 8 was only at two-thirds strength at Tuesday's brief gathering of the Legislature for the Governor's budget address. Rep. Scott Parsley (D-8/Madison) and Rep. Leslie Heinemann (R-8/Flandreau) made it to Pierre, but District 8's Senate seat remains vacant. Former…

Fiscal Note: South Dakota Tops in Taking Federal Transfer Payments

As we prepare for Governor Dennis Daugaard's budget address (live on SDPB Statehouse this afternoon, 1 p.m. Central, noon Mountain!), it's good to remind ourselves of the federal largesse that makes South Dakota's budget possible. Well over 40% of South…