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Posts tagged as “Dennis Daugaard”

State Distributes Video of Daugaard Pitch at Mall of America

The state Department of Labor miked up Governor Dennis Daugaard and took some video of his South Dakota sales pitch at the Mall of America a couple weeks ago. That Sioux Falls paper privileges us with a look: I'm sure…

Daugaard Mall Trip Elicits Comment on What We’re Up Against

Governor Dennis Daugaard got at least one Minneapolis reporter to come watch him conduct his publicity stunt in the Mall of America Monday. "Daugaard was there to pitch and persuade, not talk to the media," notes reporter Lee Schafer, who…

South Dakota Prioritizes Corporate Handouts over Head Start

The sequester will deny some 200 South Dakota kids the benefits of Head Start. It didn't have to: Senator Stanford Adelstein (R-32/Rapid City) proposed an amendment to the general appropriations bill in March that would have filled the sequester Head…

Daugaard to Hunt for Minnesota Talent at Mall of America

Governor Dennis Daugaard's South Dakota WINS plan was to spend $5 million on an out-of-state headhunter to bring a thousand new people to South Dakota. It may have worked: a glance at our Department of Labor data shows that from…