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Posts tagged as “Dennis Daugaard”

Daugaard Seeks Nominations for District 16 House: Pick Ann Tornberg!

Governor Dennis Daugaard is asking you to nominate qualified District 16 residents to replace Patty Miller, who resigned from her House seat this week for personal reasons. The obvious choice is long-time educator and dairy farm wife Ann Tornberg. She…

South Dakota Women, You Ignorant Sluts

...or so Governor Dennis Daugaard seems to be saying by signing HB 1237, the "Women can't think on weekends" law... today... on International Women's Day. Jennifer Aulwes of Planned Parenthood aptly captures the Governor's and South Dakota's moral failing: Today…

Daugaard Upset When Feds Adopt His Brand of Budget Cuts

Liberal body snatchers must have invaded Governor Dennis Daugaard's body during his recent trip to California. The slimy Communist pod creature inhabiting our Governor's lanky frame is wringing its newly acquired hands over the harm federal budget cuts will do…

Hickey Seeks Statewide Ban on Mixed Martial Arts

Rep. Rev. Steve Hickey (R-9/Sioux Falls) is picking a fight. Actually, he's picking some kinds of fighting over others and seeking a ban on cage fighting. Last month the Senate passed Senate Bill 84, a measure to create a commission…

Adelstein: Re-Fund Schools, Not Corporate Welfare

Senator Stan Adelstein (R-32/Rapid City) sits on the Senate Appropriations Committee. When he gets his hands on House Bill 1060, the bill adding millions of dollars to this year's state budget, expect a little ruckus. Senator Adelstein has noticed the…

Florida’s GOP Governor Expands Medicaid; How Long Can Daugaard Hold Out?

From domineering to dominos: In the last couple months, we've seen a number of Republican governors accede to the impervious logic and decency of the Affordable Care Act's Medicaid expansion. Arch-conservatives and Obama nemeses like Jan Brewer of Arizona and…