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Posts tagged as “Dennis Daugaard”

South Dakota Giving Up Advantages of State-Run Health Insurance Exchange

South Dakota conservatives were pleased when Governor Dennis Daugaard decided he would keep his hands clean of one element of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act and let the federal government run the health insurance exchange requires every state…

Bank Franchise Tax Won’t Bring in More Revenue… Yet!

Dang! I was hoping that House Bill 1045, the Governor's proposed repeal of the regressive bank franchise tax rates, would provide a big windfall for the South Dakota budget. Alas, my hope was predicated on the assumption that some of…

Brewer Accepts Medicaid Expansion in Arizona: Daugaard Next?

Governor Dennis Daugaard's position on the Affordable Care Act's Medicaid expansion may be shifting a bit. In the pretty clear you-lazy-bums language of his budget address in December, he said expanding Medicaid is bad, bad, bad. But now he's saying…

Republicans Admit Free Market Doesn’t Work for South Dakota

Pat Powers admits he's more of a big-government liberal than I am. In fronting for the crony capitalism South Dakota practices in the name of "economic development," Powers declares the following: Our legislature needs to form a replacement plan for…

Governor Brown Fixes California Budget, Erases Daugaard Talking Point

Governor Dennis Daugaard has made regular political hay of saying South Dakota's fiscal management is much better than California's. Hmm... after increasing debt under four years of Democratic Governor Gray Davis and eight years of Republican Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, California…