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Posts tagged as “Dennis Daugaard”

Hire Master Teachers to Evaluate Teachers? There Goes the Budget…

The Displaced Plainsman notes a suggestion from Harrisburg principal Kevin Lein that Governor Daugaard direct a portion the funding for his proposed education reforms to hire and train retired teachers to conduct teacher evaluations. The idea of having master teachers…

Follow Finland: Equity More Important than Excellence in School Reform

My bedtime reading last night was Anu Partanen's article on "the stunning success of the West's reigning education superpower, Finland." Partanen's assessment, relying heavily on Finnish education official and author Pasi Sahlberg, points out that almost everything the Finns have…

Bonuses for Top 20% in School District? Watch Principals Wrestle

Governor Dennis Daugaard wants to hand out $5,000 merit bonuses to the top 20% of teachers in each public K-12 school district in South Dakota. The lucky winners will be determined by a 50&ndash50 combination of quantitative measures—i.e., a new…

Pink on Motivation: Bonuses Don’t Work for Knowledge Workers

The Yankton brain trust is all about Daniel Pink's well-researched argument that rewards don't motivate performance. LK refers to Pink in my comment section. Nathan Johnson links to this animation of Daniel Pink's lecture on the failure of merit bonuses…

Daugaard Rolls Dice on Abortion Laws, Not Health Insurance Exchanges

Consider this: Governor Dennis Daugaard is willing to sign into law abortion restrictions that face clear and predictable constitutional challenges. He will wager over a million tax dollars on litigation to see if maybe he can get the right lawyers…