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Posts tagged as “free market”

Minimum Wage Increase Will Help Workers Feed Families

That Sioux Falls paper gets on the stick and discusses the AFL-CIO, Teamsters, and Democrats' plan to place on the 2014 ballot an initiative to raise South Dakota's minimum wage. Reporter Kelly Thurman presents some useful numbers for framing the…

Republicans Admit Free Market Doesn’t Work for South Dakota

Pat Powers admits he's more of a big-government liberal than I am. In fronting for the crony capitalism South Dakota practices in the name of "economic development," Powers declares the following: Our legislature needs to form a replacement plan for…

Biden on Ryan VoucherCare: We Can Do Better for Mom

Republican vice-presidential nominee Paul Ryan wants to turn Medicare into a private voucher program. Kristi Noem has supported Ryan's Medicare privatization since 2010, even though she'll deny the facts of the plan to your face. Vice President Joe Biden says…

GOP Preaches Flimsy Free-Market Fundamentalism

The Republican Party is increasingly dominated by extremist voices who claim government is always bad and that every problem is better solved by God and the free market (two invisible hands often comingled, contra Scripture and Adam Smith). In my…

Daugaard, Governors: Free Market Bad, Pink Slime Good!

Update 15:48 MST: I stand corrected by my attentive commenters. Governor Daugaard is still away in China, likely assuring our Eastern overlords that he will continue to advocate for the Keystone XL pipeline, which will help China get more North…