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Posts tagged as “Hillary Clinton”

Lowe Campaigns in Sioux Falls, Shows Obama and Clinton in Photo Album

Democratic gubernatorial candidate Joe Lowe reports an enjoyable Saturday evening with a few dozen enthusiastic Democrats in Sioux Falls. Speeches were made, huzzahs were huzzahed, and checks were written. Yum! Pictures like these may inspire even more Democrats to write…

Kristi Noem Stamping Her Style on Washington… style, that is: I leave any and all speculation on political signals to my commenters. Not receiving Noem cuts: expense accounts for Kristi's leaders. Meanwhile, Rep. Noem brings Watertown its first Congressional office!

Clinton Talks Freedom as Thugs Manhandle Peaceful 71-Year-Old Protester

Outside it's America.... Doug Wiken brought this story to my attention. Doug Wiken: old-guard McGovernite, liberal Democrat, local lefty-blog godfather. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton spoke Tuesday at George Washington University about the need to protect basic freedoms. She declared,…

State Dept. Rejects FOIA Request on TransCanada Lobbyist

Hey, Republican friends, help me out here. Friends of the Earth (I know, I know; tree-huggin', Birk-wearin' hippies, but hang with me) filed a Freedom of Information Act request last month seeking information about communications between the State Department and…

Former Clinton Honcho Now Key TransCanada Lobbyist

Speaking of lobbyists, Hillary Clinton isn't to be trusted, either.Via Great Plains Tar Sands Pipelines, I learn that Friends of the Earth is alarmed that Secretary of State Hillary Clinton isn't one of them. Apparently, one Paul Elliott was national…